Digital Foundry vs. TLOU

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#401 PAL360
Member since 2007 • 30574 Posts

This thread is hilarious! It definately rustled some jimmies, that means it's a truth thread. The threads that make people the most upset are the most true.

It's funny to see people flip flop. Hermits and Lems before "DF is the word of god", Hermits and Lems in this thread "DF is wrong and stupid, this is a mistake our games are better" lol.

You don't need a fanboy website, you just need to remove the fanboy goggles and look at the truth. TLOU is the best looking console game ever made, nothing on 360 can or ever will match it (this is the truth lems, this is why your so upset) and it rivals many high end PC games out there like PC Witcer 2 (this is the truth hermits, this is why your so upset).

If you guys want to see REAL screen shots and videos, not this stupid fanboy doctored crap. Then you should head here:

www.Naughty Dog/The Last Of

For God of War Acension (another game that blows 360 graphics out the water and rivals PC games) go here:

ww.Sony Santa Monica/God of War:

These are from the devs, they make games, they know games. Butt hurt fanboys on here know nothing. Who do you listen to? The experts? Or dumb fanboy posters? The experts.

IGN also has some great information on these games too, so you should also check them out. IGN graphic comparisons are superior to DF anyway, IGN knows there stuff, DF is just made for fanboys.


You really hate the fact 360 and PS3 graphics ended up being the same, dont you? :P

Blame Sony for overhyping PS3 capabilities, not ppl for not seeing that supposed difference.

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#402 ActicEdge
Member since 2008 • 24492 Posts


[QUOTE="Bazooka_4ME"] The guy's a lemming. Want one too Stevo?Gue1

Having harsh opinions does not make me a lemming, try again. Looks like someone can't handle criticism for the PS3 like the other PS3 fans. I give credit when it's due and calling me a fanboy of one system is hilarious when I don't even show fanboyism, just harsh and fairness across all the systems I own.

come on man, there hasn't been a thread where I don't see you bashing the PS3. I have strong opinion about stuff too but you don't see me trolling so often on Xbox and Wii threads but its seems that's all you do on this forum. Bash the PS3 and troll the cows. Any person would think that you're a fanbooy based on the way you act.

The fuucck are you saying, you are a lot worse than Mitu could ever be when it comes to trolling a console. Mitu is probably one of the only actual manticores areound here.

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#403 Tessellation
Member since 2009 • 9297 Posts


This thread is hilarious! It definately rustled some jimmies, that means it's a truth thread. The threads that make people the most upset are the most true.

It's funny to see people flip flop. Hermits and Lems before "DF is the word of god", Hermits and Lems in this thread "DF is wrong and stupid, this is a mistake our games are better" lol.


It's funny because you did the same thing.

DF when The Last of Us is concerned = Unreliable, lying, should be laughed at.

DF when they said The Witcher 2 is better on the 360 than PC (even though that's not what they said) = Truth, Honest, Reliable.

Gotta love that hypocrisy! :D

what can u expect from a guy that thinks ps3 games rival PC graphics :lol:
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#404 mitu123
Member since 2006 • 155290 Posts


[QUOTE="mitu123"] Having harsh opinions does not make me a lemming, try again. Looks like someone can't handle criticism for the PS3 like the other PS3 fans. I give credit when it's due and calling me a fanboy of one system is hilarious when I don't even show fanboyism, just harsh and fairness across all the systems I own.


come on man, there hasn't been a thread where I don't see you bashing the PS3. I have strong opinion about stuff too but you don't see me trolling so often on Xbox and Wii threads but its seems that's all you do on this forum. Bash the PS3 and troll the cows. Any person would think that you're a fanbooy based on the way you act.

Apparently for him, if you own all systems you're a manticore and unbiased. :lol: :cry: :lol: who does he think he's bull****ng? I don't even own a PS3 and people still label me a cow. Now that's hypocritical. Like I said, I've been here long enough to observe people's behavior and that "unbiased" mantra they claim needs to GTFO.

The fact that you still accuse me of being a lem makes me feel sorry for you. Someone doesn't like it when a system gets bashed it seems even though it's my 2nd fav system this gen.

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#405 mitu123
Member since 2006 • 155290 Posts


[QUOTE="mitu123"] Having harsh opinions does not make me a lemming, try again. Looks like someone can't handle criticism for the PS3 like the other PS3 fans. I give credit when it's due and calling me a fanboy of one system is hilarious when I don't even show fanboyism, just harsh and fairness across all the systems I own.


come on man, there hasn't been a thread where I don't see you bashing the PS3. I have strong opinion about stuff too but you don't see me trolling so often on Xbox and Wii threads but its seems that's all you do on this forum. Bash the PS3 and troll the cows. Any person would think that you're a fanbooy based on the way you act.

The f*** are you saying, you are a lot worse than Mitu could ever be when it comes to trolling a console. Mitu is probably one of the only actual manticores areound here.

Ha, yeah, that's true, it seems fanboys can't take harsh opinions when I bash their systems, you know, the ones I own and love, I wouldn't had kept a PS3 if I hated it, but it's one of my fav consoles for exclusives this gen, and watch as they ignore what I said due to their ignorance.

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#406 themajormayor
Member since 2011 • 25729 Posts


This thread is hilarious! It definately rustled some jimmies, that means it's a truth thread. The threads that make people the most upset are the most true.

It's funny to see people flip flop. Hermits and Lems before "DF is the word of god", Hermits and Lems in this thread "DF is wrong and stupid, this is a mistake our games are better" lol.

You don't need a fanboy website, you just need to remove the fanboy goggles and look at the truth. TLOU is the best looking console game ever made, nothing on 360 can or ever will match it (this is the truth lems, this is why your so upset) and it rivals many high end PC games out there like PC Witcer 2 (this is the truth hermits, this is why your so upset).

If you guys want to see REAL screen shots and videos, not this stupid fanboy doctored crap. Then you should head here:

www.Naughty Dog/The Last Of

For God of War Acension (another game that blows 360 graphics out the water and rivals PC games) go here:

ww.Sony Santa Monica/God of War:

These are from the devs, they make games, they know games. Butt hurt fanboys on here know nothing. Who do you listen to? The experts? Or dumb fanboy posters? The experts.

IGN also has some great information on these games too, so you should also check them out. IGN graphic comparisons are superior to DF anyway, IGN knows there stuff, DF is just made for fanboys.


You really hate the fact 360 and PS3 graphics ended up being the same, dont you? :P

Blame Sony for overhyping PS3 capabilities, not ppl for not seeing that supposed difference.

Blame your optician, not Sony.
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#407 mitu123
Member since 2006 • 155290 Posts



Console peasents still argueing over graphics? :D

/endofdiscussion. Now lets get back to discussing how mediocre Last Of Us looks :lol:


Looks better than every console game this gen.

High time that you quit trolling this thread.

Huh? I'm not even trolling, I find The Last of Us to be an amazing looking game on consoles but I know that it can compete with many PC games but not all of them and Metro Last Light is looking better than every console game so far, what console game looks much better than the PC version of that game?

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#408 Sun_Universe
Member since 2012 • 312 Posts


[QUOTE="mitu123"] Looks better than every console game this gen.


High time that you quit trolling this thread.

Huh? I'm not even trolling, I find The Last of Us to be an amazing looking game on consoles but I know that it can compete with many PC games but not all of them and Metro Last Light is looking better than every console game so far, what console game looks much better than the PC version of that game?

Halo Reach.

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#409 clone01
Member since 2003 • 29845 Posts
[QUOTE="Bazooka_4ME"][QUOTE="Bazooka_4ME"][QUOTE="clone01"] I Don't neEd to disProve aNything to a meRe foul air getting intO soMeone elze's busnEsS like the tYpe of buThurt You're dOing. MatinG seAson's oVer Lad and doGs likE yOu shouLd gO barkiNg soMewhEre elsE. __________ There I had to change it up a bit so the mods wont' see it as disruptive. :)

Just pointing out the obvious. You can't prove your not an idiot fanboy because its true.

BUTThurt! buttHURT! bUtthurT![\QUOTE] Again, makes very little sense. How am I butthurt? Because you can't disprove your fanboyism?
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#410 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator  Online
Member since 2004 • 50232 Posts

come on man, there hasn't been a thread where I don't see you bashing the PS3. I have strong opinion about stuff too but you don't see me trolling so often on Xbox and Wii threads but its seems that's all you do on this forum. Bash the PS3 and troll the cows. Any person would think that you're a fanbooy based on the way you act.

Ah, another cow enters the fray. Upset that someone doesn't lavishly praise the PS3 at every turn--and because of that, he must be a fanboy and out against your favorite piece of plastic. Sad.
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#411 locopatho
Member since 2003 • 24300 Posts
Last Of Us looks like every other Naughty Dog game: incredible!
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#412 tormentos
Member since 2003 • 33798 Posts
You really hate the fact 360 and PS3 graphics ended up being the same, dont you? :PBlame Sony for overhyping PS3 capabilities, not ppl for not seeing that supposed difference.PAL360
While i admit that the whole 1080p was a load of crap out of sony,MS could not even achieve minimum 720p resolution,4XAA that they claimed would be the minimum for 360 games,so both over hyped.
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#413 PAL360
Member since 2007 • 30574 Posts

[QUOTE="PAL360"]You really hate the fact 360 and PS3 graphics ended up being the same, dont you? :PBlame Sony for overhyping PS3 capabilities, not ppl for not seeing that supposed difference.tormentos
While i admit that the whole 1080p was a load of crap out of sony,MS could not even achieve minimum 720p resolution,4XAA that they claimed would be the minimum for 360 games,so both over hyped.

Both can achieve more or less the same results, its all about dev talent. Anyway, i didnt expect much from the 360 when i got it in 05, so i would say i underhyped it.

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#414 themajormayor
Member since 2011 • 25729 Posts

[QUOTE="tormentos"][QUOTE="PAL360"]You really hate the fact 360 and PS3 graphics ended up being the same, dont you? :PBlame Sony for overhyping PS3 capabilities, not ppl for not seeing that supposed difference.PAL360

While i admit that the whole 1080p was a load of crap out of sony,MS could not even achieve minimum 720p resolution,4XAA that they claimed would be the minimum for 360 games,so both over hyped.

Both can achieve more or less the same results. The variables are the game genre, dev talent and dedication, etc...

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#415 PAL360
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[QUOTE="tormentos"] While i admit that the whole 1080p was a load of crap out of sony,MS could not even achieve minimum 720p resolution,4XAA that they claimed would be the minimum for 360 games,so both over hyped.themajormayor

Both can achieve more or less the same results. The variables are the game genre, dev talent and dedication, etc...


games released do far + eyes + no brand love = unbiased point of view

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#416 themajormayor
Member since 2011 • 25729 Posts


Both can achieve more or less the same results. The variables are the game genre, dev talent and dedication, etc...



games + eyes

So your own "proof" debunks your argument.
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#417 ChubbyGuy40
Member since 2007 • 26442 Posts



look at all the jelly :lol:

TLOU is gonna get GOTY 2013.


That belongs to Bioshock Infinite!

I dunno man. As good as Bioshock Infinite is, TLOU will be probably genre defining.

I'm not doubting that, but I'm betting the brilliance behind Infinite will top TLOU. Damn shame TLOU can't come to PC. My PS3 is broken :cry:

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#418 mitu123
Member since 2006 • 155290 Posts

come on man, there hasn't been a thread where I don't see you bashing the PS3. I have strong opinion about stuff too but you don't see me trolling so often on Xbox and Wii threads but its seems that's all you do on this forum. Bash the PS3 and troll the cows. Any person would think that you're a fanbooy based on the way you act.

Ah, another cow enters the fray. Upset that someone doesn't lavishly praise the PS3 at every turn--and because of that, he must be a fanboy and out against your favorite piece of plastic. Sad.

That's how a fanboy thinks.D=
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#419 tormentos
Member since 2003 • 33798 Posts
[QUOTE="clone01"] Again, makes very little sense. How am I butthurt? Because you can't disprove your fanboyism?

You can't disprove that you are a buthurt lemming,you call people names tag them as idiot,in what is basically a personal attack because you don't agree with them,you did it already with me several times,out of no were jump on me calling me idiot.. You can't disprove been a buthurt lemming as simple as that,glad to see others have see you for what you are.
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#420 tormentos
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Also it is a joke that Hermits even bring the PC into this.. This game made to the spec of the top of the line PC with a top of the line GPU,would chew and spit all games posted here on this thread,the PS3 doesn't have 6GB of system ram,with a top of the line CPU and a $600 GPU. Hell some even named GPU like the 670 GTX which was in May $399 for a GPU alone,and you need a PC to put it in,PC will always look better and it will always cost a ton more,and since the whole argument is looking best and performing best no a sub par $199 GPU will not do. Fact is no PC developer on PS3 or 360 has top Uncharted 3 period,imaging if ND was doing this game on PC using nothing but the very best.
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#421 Gue1
Member since 2004 • 12171 Posts


[QUOTE="mitu123"] Having harsh opinions does not make me a lemming, try again. Looks like someone can't handle criticism for the PS3 like the other PS3 fans. I give credit when it's due and calling me a fanboy of one system is hilarious when I don't even show fanboyism, just harsh and fairness across all the systems I own.


come on man, there hasn't been a thread where I don't see you bashing the PS3. I have strong opinion about stuff too but you don't see me trolling so often on Xbox and Wii threads but its seems that's all you do on this forum. Bash the PS3 and troll the cows. Any person would think that you're a fanbooy based on the way you act.

The fuucck are you saying, you are a lot worse than Mitu could ever be when it comes to trolling a console. Mitu is probably one of the only actual manticores areound here.

I see you're still butthurt from that thread you made like 2 months ago where I trolled you really hard. Just let it go man, let it go. =/

When I'm serious I use links when I'm trolling I just post.

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#422 mitu123
Member since 2006 • 155290 Posts

[QUOTE="PAL360"]You really hate the fact 360 and PS3 graphics ended up being the same, dont you? :PBlame Sony for overhyping PS3 capabilities, not ppl for not seeing that supposed difference.tormentos
While i admit that the whole 1080p was a load of crap out of sony,MS could not even achieve minimum 720p resolution,4XAA that they claimed would be the minimum for 360 games,so both over hyped.

This is why I don't listen to either one, they don't know what could happen in the future, and I'm hoping every game is 720p at the minimum next gen, would be embarrassing for lower than 720p res games to be made.

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#423 ActicEdge
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come on man, there hasn't been a thread where I don't see you bashing the PS3. I have strong opinion about stuff too but you don't see me trolling so often on Xbox and Wii threads but its seems that's all you do on this forum. Bash the PS3 and troll the cows. Any person would think that you're a fanbooy based on the way you act.


The fuucck are you saying, you are a lot worse than Mitu could ever be when it comes to trolling a console. Mitu is probably one of the only actual manticores areound here.

I see you're still butthurt from that thread you made like 2 months ago where I trolled you really hard. Just let it go man, let it go. =/

When I'm serious I use links when I'm trolling I just post.

I have no clue what thread you are talking about :?

That said, if you are just trolling mitu cool, if your serious . . .naw man, you have no hope of ever being a balanced poster compared to him.

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#424 Tessellation
Member since 2009 • 9297 Posts
LOL i love cows accusing others of being trolls and fanboys,yet they defend SolidTY :lol: wiuahahahahaha
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#425 jackfruitchips
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High time that you quit trolling this thread.


Huh? I'm not even trolling, I find The Last of Us to be an amazing looking game on consoles but I know that it can compete with many PC games but not all of them and Metro Last Light is looking better than every console game so far, what console game looks much better than the PC version of that game?

Halo Reach.

:lol: :lol: :lol: @mitu, I like your new avatar and sig. Dont change them, OK
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#426 mitu123
Member since 2006 • 155290 Posts


[QUOTE="mitu123"] Huh? I'm not even trolling, I find The Last of Us to be an amazing looking game on consoles but I know that it can compete with many PC games but not all of them and Metro Last Light is looking better than every console game so far, what console game looks much better than the PC version of that game?


Halo Reach.

:lol: :lol: :lol: @mitu, I like your new avatar and sig. Dont change them, OK

I wish, I do monthly babe now.:(

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#427 princeofshapeir
Member since 2006 • 16652 Posts
[QUOTE="tormentos"] Fact is no PC developer on PS3 or 360 has top Uncharted 3 period,imaging if ND was doing this game on PC using nothing but the very best.

Crysis still looks better than Uncharted 3.
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#429 clone01
Member since 2003 • 29845 Posts

[QUOTE="clone01"] Again, makes very little sense. How am I butthurt? Because you can't disprove your fanboyism?tormentos
You can't disprove that you are a buthurt lemming,you call people names tag them as idiot,in what is basically a personal attack because you don't agree with them,you did it already with me several times,out of no were jump on me calling me idiot. You can't disprove been a buthurt lemming as simple as that,glad to see others have see you for what you are.

I call you an idiot because you are one. And my posting history is fairly non-biased. But nice try at horrid trolling.

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#430 jackfruitchips
Member since 2012 • 1065 Posts


Halo Reach.


:lol: :lol: :lol: @mitu, I like your new avatar and sig. Dont change them, OK

I wish, I do monthly babe now.:(

If you change avatar, I want to get this one.
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#431 deactivated-5d78760d7d740
Member since 2009 • 16386 Posts

Glad to see TLOU hype is still going strong! :D

The Naughty Gods are really going all out on this one, 3 years is a long time. The game looks this good and it's still a long time away from being complete. I have a bet riding on this game, so it better get a high score here.

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#432 mitu123
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[QUOTE="jackfruitchips"] :lol: :lol: :lol: @mitu, I like your new avatar and sig. Dont change them, OK jackfruitchips

I wish, I do monthly babe now.:(

If you change avatar, I want to get this one.

Ok then, lol.

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#433 jackfruitchips
Member since 2012 • 1065 Posts

[QUOTE="jackfruitchips"][QUOTE="mitu123"] I wish, I do monthly babe now.:(


If you change avatar, I want to get this one.

Ok then, lol.

Thanks a lot man. :)
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#434 tormentos
Member since 2003 • 33798 Posts
[QUOTE="princeofshapeir"][QUOTE="tormentos"] Fact is no PC developer on PS3 or 360 has top Uncharted 3 period,imaging if ND was doing this game on PC using nothing but the very best.

Crysis still looks better than Uncharted 3.

Crysis is a PC games that not even 2007 GPU could run at decent frames back them on maximum. If you read well i say no PC developer on ps3 or 360 top uncharted,on PC allot of games look better. Like i say if Uncharted 3 was done using nothing but the best out there,it would chew and spit all PC games.
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#435 tormentos
Member since 2003 • 33798 Posts
I call you an idiot because you are one. And my posting history is fairly non-biased. But nice try at horrid trolling.clone01
You posting history show that go into a terrible denial,once some one show you that they have a 360.. And you call people idiots because basically you are a childish lemming who can't win an argument and like a little boy start kicking and screaming. When people attack you personally is because they can beat your argument.
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#436 Obviously_Right
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[QUOTE="tormentos"] Fact is no PC developer on PS3 or 360 has top Uncharted 3 period,imaging if ND was doing this game on PC using nothing but the very best.princeofshapeir
Crysis still looks better than Uncharted 3.

^ Comprehension practice needed urgently.

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#437 Chris_Williams
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22 pages about a game graphics that hasn't even came out yet and won't be out for another year. sad

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#438 ReadingRainbow4
Member since 2012 • 18733 Posts

I believe those pics were from a development build.

I'd calm down guys, I'm sure the finished game will look stellar, especially in motion.

arguing over tree's vines and blades of grass, this place is hilarious.