This thread is hilarious! It definately rustled some jimmies, that means it's a truth thread. The threads that make people the most upset are the most true.
It's funny to see people flip flop. Hermits and Lems before "DF is the word of god", Hermits and Lems in this thread "DF is wrong and stupid, this is a mistake our games are better" lol.
You don't need a fanboy website, you just need to remove the fanboy goggles and look at the truth. TLOU is the best looking console game ever made, nothing on 360 can or ever will match it (this is the truth lems, this is why your so upset) and it rivals many high end PC games out there like PC Witcer 2 (this is the truth hermits, this is why your so upset).
If you guys want to see REAL screen shots and videos, not this stupid fanboy doctored crap. Then you should head here:
www.Naughty Dog/The Last Of
For God of War Acension (another game that blows 360 graphics out the water and rivals PC games) go here:
ww.Sony Santa Monica/God of War:
These are from the devs, they make games, they know games. Butt hurt fanboys on here know nothing. Who do you listen to? The experts? Or dumb fanboy posters? The experts.IGN also has some great information on these games too, so you should also check them out. IGN graphic comparisons are superior to DF anyway, IGN knows there stuff, DF is just made for fanboys.
You really hate the fact 360 and PS3 graphics ended up being the same, dont you? :P
Blame Sony for overhyping PS3 capabilities, not ppl for not seeing that supposed difference.
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