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[QUOTE="gpuking"][QUOTE="Riadon2"] Tessellation is a Hermit (hence the name and posts), why do you Cows insist on calling everyone who bashes a PS3 game a Lemming?Riadon2Look junior, I don't care about the whole hermit, lem and cow crap but I do question about people making stupid comments without even looking at the footage first. And he thinks everyone who bashes his beloved 360 lives in a basement, when in fact he's the one who lives down there the whole time shedding bitter tears because he doesn't have a job to move out and mummy wont buy him a new TV. That's how sad some of the individuals are here. He already stated that he does not own a 360, though I am sure that story applies to you. On my 2nd xbox360 now, how about you, 3rd, 5th lol? I own all systems except wii, and yes I do have a reasonably good PC. He also agrees with me about how good that shot looked so much that he confused it for an offline shot. Well, guess you're the one who's lost here. Anyway I had enough with you juniors, now disappear for a while.
Oh just realized you're probably the newly adopted child who shares the same bed with him down there, that would explain your fresh account and overly fondness of your buddy tessellation lol. Happy basement living.
[QUOTE="Riadon2"][QUOTE="gpuking"] LOL you're one dumb mofo son, this scene actually transits straight into gameplay seamlessly, no offline rendering here at all. Watch the E3 demo again! I guess the Kratos model, the lighting and AA are just TOO GOOD for your 360 games to put you in such a disbelief LMAO. gpukingTessellation is a Hermit (hence the name and posts), why do you Cows insist on calling everyone who bashes a PS3 game a Lemming? Look junior, I don't care about the whole hermit, lem and cow crap but I do question about people making stupid comments without even looking at the footage first. And he thinks everyone who bashes his beloved 360 lives in a basement, when in fact he's the one who lives down there the whole time shedding bitter tears because he doesn't have a job to move out and mummy wont buy him a new TV. That's how sad some of the individuals are here. and this is the prime example of a butthurt person :lol: write another long paragraph of rage bro
Look junior, I don't care about the whole hermit, lem and cow crap but I do question about people making stupid comments without even looking at the footage first. And he thinks everyone who bashes his beloved 360 lives in a basement, when in fact he's the one who lives down there the whole time shedding bitter tears because he doesn't have a job to move out and mummy wont buy him a new TV. That's how sad some of the individuals are here. and this is the prime example of a butthurt person :lol: write another long paragraph of rage bro I haven't understood a single thing he has said.[QUOTE="gpuking"][QUOTE="Riadon2"] Tessellation is a Hermit (hence the name and posts), why do you Cows insist on calling everyone who bashes a PS3 game a Lemming?Tessellation
[QUOTE="Tessellation"][QUOTE="gpuking"] Look junior, I don't care about the whole hermit, lem and cow crap but I do question about people making stupid comments without even looking at the footage first. And he thinks everyone who bashes his beloved 360 lives in a basement, when in fact he's the one who lives down there the whole time shedding bitter tears because he doesn't have a job to move out and mummy wont buy him a new TV. That's how sad some of the individuals are here. gpukingand this is the prime example of a butthurt person would say :lol: write another long paragraph of rage bro Who's the butthurt here :)? First I proved you wrong about the offline render and then you resorted to the 720p excuse, oh the hilarity of your delusional life. keep it butthurt brah,proved wrong :lol: i still waiting! i played the game and it doesn't look as good as it does during cut scenes :lol: specially knowing that camera during gameplay doesn't zoom in.
[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"][QUOTE="Bazooka_4ME"]What is mitu a fanboy of? :? The guy's a lemming. Want one too Stevo? Having harsh opinions does not make me a lemming, try again. Looks like someone can't handle criticism for the PS3 like the other PS3 fans. I give credit when it's due and calling me a fanboy of one system is hilarious when I don't even show fanboyism, just harsh and fairness across all the systems I own.:lol:
I think you forgot to put this...
Years of observation reading posts. Care to share your self-proclamation of not being a lemming as well?[QUOTE="Bazooka_4ME"][QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]How is he a lemming?
Translation: He posts negatively regarding the PS3 and its games, therefore he is automatically a lemming.
It's hilarious how people think that, it's like he doesn't think a PS3 fan like me isn't allowed to bash my own system and to only think it's perfect when it's not. Also I guess he missed all the posts of me praising the PS3, he should had known that I enjoy it's exclusives after looks like the statement I made in the OP has been vindicated, Naughty God really do have a knack for bringing out the jelly in non PS3 users, I almost feel sorry for them.
Best graphics on PC no doubt.Console peasents still argueing over graphics? :D
/endofdiscussion. Now lets get back to discussing how mediocre Last Of Us looks :lol:
look at all the jelly :lol:
TLOU is gonna get GOTY 2013.
That belongs to Bioshock Infinite!
Looks better than every console game this gen.[QUOTE="Peredith"]
Console peasents still argueing over graphics? :D
/endofdiscussion. Now lets get back to discussing how mediocre Last Of Us looks :lol:
High time that you quit trolling this thread.
look at all the jelly :lol:
TLOU is gonna get GOTY 2013.
That belongs to Bioshock Infinite!
I dunno man. As good as Bioshock Infinite is, TLOU will be probably genre defining.
[QUOTE="clone01"][QUOTE="Bazooka_4ME"] Years of observation reading posts. Care to share your self-proclamation of not being a lemming as well?Bazooka_4MEHe's not. Neither is Stevo. Yet your a complete Sony fanboy. Disprove, please. Save yourself the muscles butthurtboy, you're not getting a cut out of this one. Oh, "butthurt." so clever. Didn't answer me though. Disprove that you're a Sony drone. I know you won't, but the deflection and childish insults that will follow amuse me, idiot fanboy.
Who's the butthurt here :)? First I proved you wrong about the offline render and then you resorted to the 720p excuse, oh the hilarity of your delusional life. keep it butthurt brah,proved wrong :lol: i still waiting! i played the game and it doesn't look as good as it does during cut scenes :lol: specially knowing that camera during gameplay, doesn't zoom in. Oh, fanboy b*tch slapfight! *Grabs popcorn*[QUOTE="gpuking"][QUOTE="Tessellation"] and this is the prime example of a butthurt person would say :lol: write another long paragraph of rage broTessellation
[QUOTE="Bazooka_4ME"][QUOTE="clone01"] He's not. Neither is Stevo. Yet your a complete Sony fanboy. Disprove, please.clone01Save yourself the muscles butthurtboy, you're not getting a cut out of this one. Oh, "butthurt." so clever. Didn't answer me though. Disprove that your an Sony drone. I know you won't, but the deflection and childish insults that will follow amuse me, idiot fanboy.
so clever! lol
Oh, "butthurt." so clever. Didn't answer me though. Disprove that your an Sony drone. I know you won't, but the deflection and childish insults that will follow amuse me, idiot fanboy.[QUOTE="clone01"][QUOTE="Bazooka_4ME"] Save yourself the muscles butthurtboy, you're not getting a cut out of this one.themajormayor
so clever! lol
Not meant to be. The label of idiot is a statement of fact that I give to sorry human beings like you. Keep trying on that trolling front, though. You're slowly getting there, pathetic fanboy.[QUOTE="themajormayor"][QUOTE="clone01"] Oh, "butthurt." so clever. Didn't answer me though. Disprove that your an Sony drone. I know you won't, but the deflection and childish insults that will follow amuse me, idiot fanboy.clone01
so clever! lol
Not meant to be. The label of idiot is a statement of fact that I give to sorry human beings like you. Keep trying on that trolling front, though. You're slowly getting there, pathetic fanboy. Aww poor butthurtboy :( how does it feel being butthurt all the time?[QUOTE="clone01"][QUOTE="themajormayor"] Aww poor butthurtboy :( how does it feel being butthurt all the time?themajormayorWhy would I be butthurt? Haven't ridden my bike in a week. And I thought you were working on your trolling? Taking the idiot route I see. Do I look like a doctor to you? It's an established fact that close to 97% of your posts are saturated with butthurt. Everyone here knows it.
Proof to back up your claims?
Do I look like a doctor to you? It's an established fact that close to 97% of your posts are saturated with butthurt. Everyone here knows it.[QUOTE="themajormayor"][QUOTE="clone01"] Why would I be butthurt? Haven't ridden my bike in a week. And I thought you were working on your trolling? Taking the idiot route I see.The_Game21x
Proof to back up your claims?
The guy's a lemming. Want one too Stevo? Having harsh opinions does not make me a lemming, try again. Looks like someone can't handle criticism for the PS3 like the other PS3 fans. I give credit when it's due and calling me a fanboy of one system is hilarious when I don't even show fanboyism, just harsh and fairness across all the systems I own.[QUOTE="Bazooka_4ME"][QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"] What is mitu a fanboy of? :?mitu123
come on man, there hasn't been a thread where I don't see you bashing the PS3. I have strong opinion about stuff too but you don't see me trolling so often on Xbox and Wii threads but its seems that's all you do on this forum. Bash the PS3 and troll the cows. Any person would think that you're a fanbooy based on the way you act.
[QUOTE="themajormayor"] Do I look like a doctor to you? It's an established fact that close to 97% of your posts are saturated with butthurt. Everyone here knows it.themajormayor
Proof to back up your claims?
That's enough proof we need.
[QUOTE="gpuking"]Even in this compressed youtube capture, GOWA is gonna rape every console games in iq and graphics except maybe Beyond.that looks really blurry, hope the final game doesn't look that blurry,loldelta3074
The game doesen't even look that blury now!
lol, that "pic" is blury as any ripped cam and then compressed screenshot would, seriously delta?
You could try to criticize GOWA for alot of things...but being blury isn't one of them. Were you seriously trying to say that the actual game looked like that above shot, or did you forget that the actual game was shown and played at E3?
Save yourself the muscles butthurtboy, you're not getting a cut out of this one. Oh, "butthurt." so clever. Didn't answer me though. Disprove that you're a Sony drone. I know you won't, but the deflection and childish insults that will follow amuse me, idiot fanboy. butthurt! butthurt! butthurt! I don't need to disprove anything to a mere foul air getting into someone else's business like the type of butthurt you're doing. Mating season's over lad and dogs like you should go barking somewhere else.[QUOTE="Bazooka_4ME"][QUOTE="clone01"] He's not. Neither is Stevo. Yet your a complete Sony fanboy. Disprove, please.clone01
[QUOTE="clone01"][QUOTE="themajormayor"]Not meant to be. The label of idiot is a statement of fact that I give to sorry human beings like you. Keep trying on that trolling front, though. You're slowly getting there, pathetic fanboy. Aww poor butthurtboy :( how does it feel being butthurt all the time? Seriesly, I've never seen so much butthurt from this fella. Guy would just get into people's business without clever! lol
Having harsh opinions does not make me a lemming, try again. Looks like someone can't handle criticism for the PS3 like the other PS3 fans. I give credit when it's due and calling me a fanboy of one system is hilarious when I don't even show fanboyism, just harsh and fairness across all the systems I own.[QUOTE="mitu123"]
[QUOTE="Bazooka_4ME"] The guy's a lemming. Want one too Stevo?Gue1
come on man, there hasn't been a thread where I don't see you bashing the PS3. I have strong opinion about stuff too but you don't see me trolling so often on Xbox and Wii threads but its seems that's all you do on this forum. Bash the PS3 and troll the cows. Any person would think that you're a fanbooy based on the way you act.
Apparently for him, if you own all systems you're a manticore and unbiased. :lol: :cry: :lol: who does he think he's bull****ng? I don't even own a PS3 and people still label me a cow. Now that's hypocritical. Like I said, I've been here long enough to observe people's behavior and that "unbiased" mantra they claim needs to GTFO.This thread is hilarious! It definately rustled some jimmies, that means it's a truth thread. The threads that make people the most upset are the most true.
It's funny to see people flip flop. Hermits and Lems before "DF is the word of god", Hermits and Lems in this thread "DF is wrong and stupid, this is a mistake our games are better" lol.
You don't need a fanboy website, you just need to remove the fanboy goggles and look at the truth. TLOU is the best looking console game ever made, nothing on 360 can or ever will match it (this is the truth lems, this is why your so upset) and it rivals many high end PC games out there like PC Witcer 2 (this is the truth hermits, this is why your so upset).
If you guys want to see REAL screen shots and videos, not this stupid fanboy doctored crap. Then you should head here:
www.Naughty Dog/The Last Of
For God of War Acension (another game that blows 360 graphics out the water and rivals PC games) go here:
ww.Sony Santa Monica/God of War:
These are from the devs, they make games, they know games. Butt hurt fanboys on here know nothing. Who do you listen to? The experts? Or dumb fanboy posters? The experts.
IGN also has some great information on these games too, so you should also check them out. IGN graphic comparisons are superior to DF anyway, IGN knows there stuff, DF is just made for fanboys.
[QUOTE="Bazooka_4ME"] So, still waiting on that answer to my question.
I Don't neEd to disProve aNything to a meRe foul air getting intO soMeone elze's busnEsS like the tYpe of buThurt You're dOing. MatinG seAson's oVer Lad and doGs likE yOu shouLd gO barkiNg soMewhEre elsE. __________ There I had to change it up a bit so the mods wont' see it as disruptive. :) Just pointing out the obvious. You can't prove your not an idiot fanboy because its true. BUTThurt! buttHURT! bUtthurT! __________ My bad, forgot this.This thread is hilarious! It definately rustled some jimmies, that means it's a truth thread. The threads that make people the most upset are the most true.
It's funny to see people flip flop. Hermits and Lems before "DF is the word of god", Hermits and Lems in this thread "DF is wrong and stupid, this is a mistake our games are better" lol.
It's funny because you did the same thing.
DF when The Last of Us is concerned = Unreliable, lying, should be laughed at.
DF when they said The Witcher 2 is better on the 360 than PC (even though that's not what they said) = Truth, Honest, Reliable.
Gotta love that hypocrisy! :D
[QUOTE="themajormayor"] Do I look like a doctor to you? It's an established fact that close to 97% of your posts are saturated with butthurt. Everyone here knows it.themajormayor
Proof to back up your claims?
Having harsh opinions does not make me a lemming, try again. Looks like someone can't handle criticism for the PS3 like the other PS3 fans. I give credit when it's due and calling me a fanboy of one system is hilarious when I don't even show fanboyism, just harsh and fairness across all the systems I own.[QUOTE="mitu123"]
[QUOTE="Bazooka_4ME"] The guy's a lemming. Want one too Stevo?Gue1
come on man, there hasn't been a thread where I don't see you bashing the PS3. I have strong opinion about stuff too but you don't see me trolling so often on Xbox and Wii threads but its seems that's all you do on this forum. Bash the PS3 and troll the cows. Any person would think that you're a fanbooy based on the way you act.
You must be new here if you think I only bash the PS3 which isn't even true to begin with seeing how I bash them all. And I don't troll either, I just say harsh things that fanboys can't take, that's a huge difference, learn it. I get bashed for speaking the truth about the systems I own because fanboys don't like opinions that differ from their own.Please Log In to post.
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