Also DF said that PC Witcher 2 is inferior to the 360 version.
For the second time,no they didn´t,so stop lying.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
Yep show the proof in their face and they still deny it. Oh well. You know I'm right you just can't admit it.
And I can live with that.
Still waiting on that PS3 game that runs at 60 fps and at 1080p with 8x MSAA and looks as good as Crysis 1!
Come on, man, show me some proof that makes me admit I'm wrong! :o
Your not the developer, they are better than you. I even posted a direct feed video which proves you wrong. Your just mad because PS3 can do great graphics right up there with many PC games, and you can't handle it. It rustles your jimmies, so your comencing to do Damage Control.
Your just as bad as every other fanboy on here who is looking to justify his purchase. But hey this is SW, everyone is biased and I get that. But this is just so bad, this is the same thing fanboy trolls like LoosingENDS does, he makes PS3 game sreenshots look terrible to justify his purchase, just like you are doing.
Doesn't matter, your going to be raging when the game comes out and it wins best graphics of the year looks just as good as it does on ND's website and direct gameplay feed, which I posted the accurate version of.
These DF screens are actually accurate depictions of the game rather than the bullshots ND uses to advertise all of their games. The game does look like this and will look like this when you're actually playing it.
I'm going to compare TLOU to the PC's best-looking DX9 game--The Witcher 2.
Not even close.
I already proved those pictures of TLOU to be wrong. The real ones are HERE
Also DF said that PC Witcher 2 is inferior to the 360 version. So if they are the word of god as some people say, then shouldn't you be comparing 360 screenshots of the game then instead of the PC ones?
You are easily one of the most guilible persons I ever saw,failing to understand one of the easiest rules in bussiness:
"Always present your product in the best light possible"
That's why bullshots exist...
If you're trolling,then well done,you trolled this thread well.But if not,I honestly feel sorry for you :(
Well Hermits, show me a PC game with better graphics than Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls
Here you go for the 3rd time:
Those are not bullshots i assure you, I played Heavy Rain so many times, i have all the trophies to prove it. Heavy Rain actually looks even better on my HD TV. The animations are real life like, the story is great (with some plotholes though unfortunately) with multiple endings, great soundtracks, and unique gameplay
Your not the developer, they are better than you. I even posted a direct feed video which proves you wrong. Your just mad because PS3 can do great graphics right up there with many PC games, and you can't handle it. It rustles your jimmies, so your comencing to do Damage Control.
Your just as bad as every other fanboy on here who is looking to justify his purchase. But hey this is SW, everyone is biased and I get that. But this is just so bad, this is the same thing fanboy trolls like LoosingENDS does, he makes PS3 game sreenshots look terrible to justify his purchase, just like you are doing.
Doesn't matter, your going to be raging when the game comes out and it wins best graphics of the year looks just as good as it does on ND's website and direct gameplay feed, which I posted the accurate version of.
These DF screens are actually accurate depictions of the game rather than the bullshots ND uses to advertise all of their games. The game does look like this and will look like this when you're actually playing it.
I'm going to compare TLOU to the PC's best-looking DX9 game--The Witcher 2.
The Witcher 2
Not even close.
The problem with screen shots that get posted is people can easily doctor them and make them look better or worse than they actually are. Fanboys do it all the time to try and downplay games, which is what the hermits and lems are doing in this thread.
Only go to the offical sources like this one here:
www.Naughty Dog/The Last Of
These are the only legitment ones. Everyone else's is wrong and should be laughed at or ignored.
Your not the developer, they are better than you. I even posted a direct feed video which proves you wrong. Your just mad because PS3 can do great graphics right up there with many PC games, and you can't handle it. It rustles your jimmies, so your comencing to do Damage Control.
Your just as bad as every other fanboy on here who is looking to justify his purchase. But hey this is SW, everyone is biased and I get that. But this is just so bad, this is the same thing fanboy trolls like LoosingENDS does, he makes PS3 game sreenshots look terrible to justify his purchase, just like you are doing.
Doesn't matter, your going to be raging when the game comes out and it wins best graphics of the year looks just as good as it does on ND's website and direct gameplay feed, which I posted the accurate version of.
These DF screens are actually accurate depictions of the game rather than the bullshots ND uses to advertise all of their games. The game does look like this and will look like this when you're actually playing it.
I'm going to compare TLOU to the PC's best-looking DX9 game--The Witcher 2.
Not even close.
I already proved those pictures of TLOU to be wrong. The real ones are HERE
It's hilarious how that onebullshot doesn't have a HUD and yet the gameplay video did, what does that tell you? Why do you rely on bullshots, to have buyer's remorse for owning a system that can't have super sampled AA like that but you believe it can?
PS3 can't play bullshots, it'll be a slideshow like the bullshots in that link.:lol:
Well Hermits, show me a PC game with better graphics than Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls
Here you go for the 3rd time:
Those are not bullshots i assure you, I played Heavy Rain so many times, i have all the trophies to prove it. Heavy Rain actually looks even better on my HD TV. The animations are real life like, the story is great (with some plotholes though unfortunately) with multiple endings, great soundtracks, and unique gameplayDavekeeh
I'll gladly agree that the game is awesome and has a great storyline.I'll also admit I'm sad for not having many experiences like that on the PC(Besides old Indigo Prophecy)...
But I'll never agree that it looks better than PC games.That'd be defying logic.You already saw Witcher 2 pics above,they're the proof you need.And keep in mind,there are better games than Witcher 2 visually,especially when you bring out mods...
EDIT:See the post bellow.If you have at least a little common sense in that fanboyish head of yours,you'll admit Heavy Rain has nothing on more technically advanced PC games...
Sorry Hermits let me post this again:
Heavy Rain a game that came out in 2009 looks better than any PC game. And Beyond: Two Souls will look even better than Heavy Rain, sorry Hermits PS3 has the graphics king gamesShadowMoses900
They will never accept this. They can't, it would make them have buyers remorse if they did. But you are right, PS3 has some games that rival PC ones. Anyone who isn't a fanboy will admit it.
Vs. Max Payne 3
vs. Alan Wake
vs. Arkham City
And these aren't even the best-looking PC games.
These DF screens are actually accurate depictions of the game rather than the bullshots ND uses to advertise all of their games. The game does look like this and will look like this when you're actually playing it.
I'm going to compare TLOU to the PC's best-looking DX9 game--The Witcher 2.
The Witcher 2
Not even close.
The problem with screen shots that get posted is people can easily doctor them and make them look better or worse than they actually are. Fanboys do it all the time to try and downplay games, which is what the hermits and lems are doing in this thread.
Only go to the offical sources like this one here:
www.Naughty Dog/The Last Of
These are the only legitment ones. Everyone else's is wrong and should be laughed at or ignored.
Yeah,you only got to official sources,so let me remind you of the 2005 E3 Killzone 2 videos..remember those?
Now look at how Killzone 2 actually looks when it was released,that´s how much the "official" sources are reliable,they´re only there to fool suckers like you :lol:
Also DF said that PC Witcher 2 is inferior to the 360 version.
For the second time,no they didn´t,so stop lying.
First off DF is not a "they", it's a "he", it's just one guy.
And secondly yes they did. LoosENDS had a field day with it.
Tech Analysis: The Witcher 2 Articles
"The firm has done in taking an already great game and making it even better."
You can see there comparison here:
The Witcher 2: Enhanced 360 vs. Non-Enhanced PC Video ...
They state the 360 version is better in the articles.
Pictures don't resemble the final result of The Last of Us. If you saw the gameplay video at whatever quality you wouldn't notice such a grainy sky there as on those pics you posted. If you think those are accurate pictures of the game you are fooling yourself LOL even Uncharted 2 looks better than those pics and i'm pretty sure Naughty Dog won't release a game inferior to Uncharted 2's graphics.Nanomage
The problem with screen shots that get posted is people can easily doctor them and make them look better or worse than they actually are. Fanboys do it all the time to try and downplay games, which is what the hermits and lems are doing in this thread.
Only go to the offical sources like this one here:
www.Naughty Dog/The Last Of
These are the only legitment ones. Everyone else's is wrong and should be laughed at or ignored.
Yeah,you only got to official sources,so let me remind you of the 2005 E3 Killzone 2 videos..remember those?
Now look at how Killzone 2 actually looks when it was released,that´s how much the "official" sources are reliable,they´re only there to fool suckers like you :lol:
Basic rule of all bussinesses is to display your products in the best light possible...
That's why you have bullshots and huge ad campaings in the gaming industry...
Show me a shot with gameplay like this one, this shot was taken from a console site too:Well Hermits, show me a PC game with better graphics than Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls
Here you go for the 3rd time:
Those are not bullshots i assure you, I played Heavy Rain so many times, i have all the trophies to prove it. Heavy Rain actually looks even better on my HD TV. The animations are real life like, the story is great (with some plotholes though unfortunately) with multiple endings, great soundtracks, and unique gameplayDavekeeh
Because I played Heavy Rain and it doesn't have perfect AA either, God of War 3 has better AA than it.
Also DF said that PC Witcher 2 is inferior to the 360 version.
For the second time,no they didn´t,so stop lying.
First off DF is not a "they", it's a "he", it's just one guy.
And secondly yes they did. LoosENDS had a field day with it.
Tech Analysis: The Witcher 2 Articles
"The firm has done in taking an already great game and making it even better."
You can see there comparison here:
The Witcher 2: Enhanced 360 vs. Non-Enhanced PC Video ...
They state the 360 version is better in the articles.
Well you better post some best looking games for the PC because I think Heavy Rain looks better than those pictures and Heavy Rain is from 2009
Beyond: Two Souls looks even better than Heavy Rain, poor HermitsDavekeeh
Well, it's clear you're mentally deficient
a troll.
So I won't bother.
Show me a shot with gameplay like this one, this shot was taken from a console site too:[QUOTE="Davekeeh"]
Well Hermits, show me a PC game with better graphics than Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls
Here you go for the 3rd time:
Those are not bullshots i assure you, I played Heavy Rain so many times, i have all the trophies to prove it. Heavy Rain actually looks even better on my HD TV. The animations are real life like, the story is great (with some plotholes though unfortunately) with multiple endings, great soundtracks, and unique gameplaymitu123
Because I played Heavy Rain and it doesn't have perfect AA either, God of War 3 has better AA than it.
Show me a shot with gameplay like this one, this shot was taken from a console site too:[QUOTE="mitu123"]
Well Hermits, show me a PC game with better graphics than Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls
Here you go for the 3rd time:
Those are not bullshots i assure you, I played Heavy Rain so many times, i have all the trophies to prove it. Heavy Rain actually looks even better on my HD TV. The animations are real life like, the story is great (with some plotholes though unfortunately) with multiple endings, great soundtracks, and unique gameplayDavekeeh
Because I played Heavy Rain and it doesn't have perfect AA either, God of War 3 has better AA than it.
Since I played and enjoyed the game,I can confirm this is indeed how the game looks like...
It's not a low quality shot,it looks decent,but nowhere near PC standards.End of story...
Well you better post some best looking games for the PC because I think Heavy Rain looks better than those pictures and Heavy Rain is from 2009
Beyond: Two Souls looks even better than Heavy Rain, poor Hermitsprinceofshapeir
Well, it's clear you're mentally deficient
a troll.
So I won't bother.
Well you better post some best looking games for the PC because I think Heavy Rain looks better than those pictures and Heavy Rain is from 2009
Beyond: Two Souls looks even better than Heavy Rain, poor HermitsDavekeeh
Your opinion is irrelevant,we're arguing technical facts here...
Maybe I think that System Shock 1 looks better than modded Crysis 2,but I'll keep it to myself...
Well you better post some best looking games for the PC because I think Heavy Rain looks better than those pictures and Heavy Rain is from 2009
Beyond: Two Souls looks even better than Heavy Rain, poor HermitsDavekeeh
Well, it's clear you're mentally deficient
a troll.
So I won't bother.
Sorry Hermits let me post this again:
Heavy Rain a game that came out in 2009 looks better than any PC game. And Beyond: Two Souls will look even better than Heavy Rain, sorry Hermits PS3 has the graphics king gamesprinceofshapeir
They will never accept this. They can't, it would make them have buyers remorse if they did. But you are right, PS3 has some games that rival PC ones. Anyone who isn't a fanboy will admit it.
Vs. Max Payne 3
vs. Alan Wake
vs. Arkham City
And these aren't even the best-looking PC games.
Uncharted, Killzone, Heavy Rain, and God of War all look better than those games. Maybe you should use a mod or something for those, because they don't stand a chance in vanilla settings.
Uncharted 3 Desert Village Gameplay (HD)
Killzone 3 Walkthrough Part 11 in HD [Killzone PS3 Gameplay]
Now let's see upcoming PS3 games:
God of War: Ascension Video Kill Spree HD - IGN
Paint it Black- The Last of Us Gameplay - Naughty Dog
Beyond: Two Souls - PlayStation 3 - IGN
You are in denile if you can't see that they are right up there with many PC games. It's right there in your face. I'm the only one who has real proof because I'm posting actual game play, you guys are all just posting screens that you doctored or were captured in a low resolution.
Also DF said that PC Witcher 2 is inferior to the 360 version.
For the second time,no they didn´t,so stop lying.
First off DF is not a "they", it's a "he", it's just one guy.
And secondly yes they did. LoosENDS had a field day with it.
Tech Analysis: The Witcher 2 Articles
"The firm has done in taking an already great game and making it even better."
You can see there comparison here:
The Witcher 2: Enhanced 360 vs. Non-Enhanced PC Video ...
They state the 360 version is better in the articles.
Since you seem to be a bit slow,let´s lok at the article again and take some quotes out of it:
As you might expect, from a nuts-and-bolts technical perspective, there are some easy wins for the PC: for a start, texture quality and filtering is generally in another league altogether compared to the Xbox 360 game. This is not exactly unexpected. Special cases aside, the standard for multi-platform development these days tends to be a case of targeting artwork for console 720p and then simply offering the option of higher resolution rendering on PC. Not so with The Witcher 2, where the developers are clearly providing superior assets aimed at looking great at 1680x1050 and beyond.
PC also scores easy wins in terms of shadow quality and the number of them being rendered dynamically. Effects work doesn't just benefit from higher-precision buffers, but also from physically higher resolution: performance-sapping alpha effects such as smoke, fog and particles are clearly running at a lower res on the Xbox 360, with intersecting geometry often showing some noticeable jaggies.
n other areas we also see a generally higher quality of presentation on the PC game: both versions employ post-process anti-aliasing, and the effect is patently cleaner on the original release - the Xbox 360 game looks to be utilising console-quality FXAA or something very similar. Texture and geometry pop-in and draw distance also show clear advantages on PC, as you would expect.
Of course, this isn't the first time that we've seen cutting-edge PC technology successfully re-factored onto console. Crytek got there first withCrysis 2and while most of the visual impact made its way across to the Xbox 360 and PS3, frame-rates were variable to say the least - a situation we saw repeated when theoriginal Crysiswas ported over months later. Lavish effects work in combination with a tough workout for physics and AI code could see performance drop significantly, and while the games are undeniably great, there's still the sense that they don't feel quite "at home" running on older, console hardware. Could we see a similar problem with The Witcher 2?
Now how is the 360 the best veriion of the game when the PC version is stated to be superior in so many things?
Man,you´re dumb as an ox.
Show me a shot with gameplay like this one, this shot was taken from a console site too:[QUOTE="mitu123"]
Well Hermits, show me a PC game with better graphics than Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls
Here you go for the 3rd time:
Those are not bullshots i assure you, I played Heavy Rain so many times, i have all the trophies to prove it. Heavy Rain actually looks even better on my HD TV. The animations are real life like, the story is great (with some plotholes though unfortunately) with multiple endings, great soundtracks, and unique gameplayDavekeeh
Because I played Heavy Rain and it doesn't have perfect AA either, God of War 3 has better AA than it.
[QUOTE="mitu123"] Show me a shot with gameplay like this one, this shot was taken from a console site too:
Because I played Heavy Rain and it doesn't have perfect AA either, God of War 3 has better AA than it.
Since I played and enjoyed the game,I can confirm this is indeed how the game looks like...
It's not a low quality shot,it looks decent,but nowhere near PC standards.End of story...
[QUOTE="mitu123"] Show me a shot with gameplay like this one, this shot was taken from a console site too:
Because I played Heavy Rain and it doesn't have perfect AA either, God of War 3 has better AA than it.
That's because they have some common sense and they know they would lose that argument. Look I'm sorry it rusltes your jimmies to hear it, but it is the truth. The PS3 can do better graphics than 360 does, while Gears and Halo 4 look good, passing them off as graphics kings is just silly.
Uncharted, Killzone, God of War, TLOU ect...all look better than anything on 360. It's just how it is. If it makes you butt hurt too bad, maybe it's time to go buy a PS3 then so you won't be jealous anymore.
If the 360 is capable of doing it just like PS3 then why haven't we seen it? Why haven't we seen any games to match it? Why do PS3 games keep winning best grapics year after year? While the only one 360 get's is Gears 1 which got suprassed when UC and KZ came out?
But you have seen, just cant accept it ;)
Even DF claimed Gears 3 was upthere. The only PS3 exclusive that came before it was Uncharted 3.
Yes because DF (lol one guy) says so it must be true. The same guy who said Witcher 2 is superior on 360 to the PC Witcher 2. You believe what makes you happy, which is why you listen to them. Too bad DF doesn't account for real life in your face proof.
Gears of War 3 Gridlock Gameplay (HD 720p)
Now let's look at UC3
Uncharted 3 Walkthrough Chapter 1 (HD)
Even UC 2 looks better than Gears 3
Uncharted 2 - Village Gameplay HD
It's all right there, the proof is in the pudding. It doesn't matter what a website says, we are looking at real life now. And it's obvious to anyone what the far better looking games are, it's UC and there is nothing on 360 that can touch them.
Why is this so hard for you to accept? It doesn't mean your 360 is bad, it just can't do jaw dropping graphics like PS3 can. If you want jaw dropping graphics just buy a PS3 and or a PC and get over it.
The funny thing is that gridlock, a Gears 3 multiplayer map, doesnt look any worse than those campaign U2 and 3 vids :P
Anyway.....if it was true (or obvious), it wouldnt be hard to accept, but honestly cant see that difference fanboys keep pointing! 360 and PS3 games look at the same level to me, and apparently to DF guys, LoT guys, critics in general.
I wouldnt be surprised if the next 'console graphics king' was a multiplat (again). Especially if this vid ends up being actual console version:
They will never accept this. They can't, it would make them have buyers remorse if they did. But you are right, PS3 has some games that rival PC ones. Anyone who isn't a fanboy will admit it.
Vs. Max Payne 3
vs. Alan Wake
vs. Arkham City
And these aren't even the best-looking PC games.
Uncharted, Killzone, Heavy Rain, and God of War all look better than those games. Maybe you should use a mod or something for those, because they don't stand a chance in vanilla settings.
Uncharted 3 Desert Village Gameplay (HD)
Killzone 3 Walkthrough Part 11 in HD [Killzone PS3 Gameplay]
Now let's see upcoming PS3 games:
God of War: Ascension Video Kill Spree HD - IGN
Paint it Black- The Last of Us Gameplay - Naughty Dog
Beyond: Two Souls - PlayStation 3 - IGN
You are in denile if you can't see that they are right up there with many PC games. It's right there in your face. I'm the only one who has real proof because I'm posting actual game play, you guys are all just posting screens that you doctored or were captured in a low resolution.
Since I played and enjoyed the game,I can confirm this is indeed how the game looks like...
It's not a low quality shot,it looks decent,but nowhere near PC standards.End of story...
Indeed,that´s pretty much how HR looked to me when I played it,not anywhere close to what the PC can do,but that´s really no surprise.
HR screens straight from GameSpot, just to prove how crappy it looks:
Cows are the worst idiots on these forums.
Hermits are going to have nightmares when Beyond: Two Souls comes out, if Heavy Rain still looks this amazing in 2012 imagine how great Beyond: Two Souls will be.
Jaggie wise it does, but here's a better gameplay pic.[QUOTE="mitu123"]
Why post a low quality image of the game? You really thinks it looks like that seriously? LOLDavekeeh
And Heavy Rain does not have perfect AA either like those screens suggest, like I said God of War 3 is the closest console game to have perfect AA, Heavy Rain only has 2xAA so it can't get rid of all the jaggies either, you need more than 8xAA to do that.
I don't disagree that TLOU will look amazing graphically, and concur that Hermits have a tendency to devalue what is done on consoles. But having played The Witcher 2 on PC, I can honestly say that nothing I've played on consoles comes remotely close to it. It's engine is just on another level. I mean, I'm playing it at 720p and medium settings and it still feels like I'm ripping a thousand layers of dust off my eyes every time I switch from playing console Skyrim to The Witcher 2.[QUOTE="Magescrew"][QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"]
That's cool, everyone has different opinions. But TLOU is goig to be in a league of it's own, either TLOU or GTA5 will be GOTY, TLOU will win best graphics (which btw look just as good as many high end PC games like PC Witcher 2, but the Hermits will never admit it).
It's a testament to how powerful the PS3 is, it's got a few good years left in it.
Well it's ironic you mention that beause Digital Foundry (which is just one dude) said that the PC Witcher 2 is inferior to the 360 Witcher 2. And around here some factions take DF as the word of god, but only when it suits them. But I think your right and DF is wrong (again it's just one guy).
I'm currently in the process of upgrading my PC for Witcher 2, I've done some stuff with it and can run some games on it well, but honestly Hermits overrexagerate things on here.
The graphics are usually better, but not always and they arn't THAT much better really. There are some PS3 games that look just as good as many of my PC games out there.
One thing that is certain is my PC versions always have better frame rates, and console versions do feel a little sluggish by comparison. But they are still enjoyable and I think consoles do have some advanatages.
But I also play older games on my PC a lot, like Morrowind wth mods. It's amazing, I think it has the best atmosphere and world in the Elder Scrolls, even better than Skyrim, especially the dungeons. Some of them are creepy.
This is the mod I use:
Morrowind Overhaul - Sounds & Graphics
Strangely my PC can handle this, which has graphics about as good as Skyrim. But my PC cannot run Skyrim currently. PC gaming is still confusing to me because I just started lol. But it's a great compliment to my PS3. I think PC and PS3 are the best combo this gen.
Sorry Hermits let me post this again:
Heavy Rain a game that came out in 2009 looks better than any PC game. And Beyond: Two Souls will look even better than Heavy Rain, sorry Hermits PS3 has the graphics king gamesDavekeeh
The closest similar game I have would be Alan Wake:
Otherwise, most of my other games are much more open:
HR screens straight from GameSpot, just to prove how crappy it looks:
Cows are the worst idiots on these forums.
Those pics are amazing thanks, looks even better in motion on a HD TV
For the second time,no they didn´t,so stop lying.
First off DF is not a "they", it's a "he", it's just one guy.
And secondly yes they did. LoosENDS had a field day with it.
Tech Analysis: The Witcher 2 Articles
"The firm has done in taking an already great game and making it even better."
You can see there comparison here:
The Witcher 2: Enhanced 360 vs. Non-Enhanced PC Video ...
They state the 360 version is better in the articles.
You didn't read full article.
"The Witcher 2 on Xbox 360 does a magnificent job of getting to the same visual quality of the PC version and even in situations which should stress the engine, overall performance is excellent."
"Perhaps the most dramatic difference between the older Witcher 2 on PC and the Enhanced Edition on 360 is that lighting has been radically overhauled, looking much more natural on the console than the PC."
"The Witcher 2 on Xbox 360 possesses a combination of artistic and technological accomplishment we're accustomed to seeing in AAA games from the best developers in the business, backed by mammoth budgets. The reality is that CD Projekt RED hasn't converted the game to run smooth on 360 - it has actually managed to improve it."
Tech Analysis: The Witcher 2 Articles
They also state the 360 version has better grass and foilage than the PC. DF is funny, people praise them when they say something they agree with, but when they say something different they dismiss them and right them off completely. Funny how that works.
[QUOTE="Davekeeh"]Cows are the worst idiots on these forums.princeofshapeir
Those pics are amazing thanks, looks even better in motion on a HD TV
If you think they look at all as good as the screens I posted you admit to being a moron.[QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"]
But you have seen, just cant accept it ;)
Even DF claimed Gears 3 was upthere. The only PS3 exclusive that came before it was Uncharted 3.
Yes because DF (lol one guy) says so it must be true. The same guy who said Witcher 2 is superior on 360 to the PC Witcher 2. You believe what makes you happy, which is why you listen to them. Too bad DF doesn't account for real life in your face proof.
Gears of War 3 Gridlock Gameplay (HD 720p)
Now let's look at UC3
Uncharted 3 Walkthrough Chapter 1 (HD)
Even UC 2 looks better than Gears 3
Uncharted 2 - Village Gameplay HD
It's all right there, the proof is in the pudding. It doesn't matter what a website says, we are looking at real life now. And it's obvious to anyone what the far better looking games are, it's UC and there is nothing on 360 that can touch them.
Why is this so hard for you to accept? It doesn't mean your 360 is bad, it just can't do jaw dropping graphics like PS3 can. If you want jaw dropping graphics just buy a PS3 and or a PC and get over it.
The funny thing is that gridlock, a Gears 3 multiplayer map, doesnt look any worse than those campaign U2 and 3 vids :P
Anyway.....if it was true (or obvious), it wouldnt be hard to accept, but honestly cant see that difference fanboys keep pointing! 360 and PS3 games look at the same level to me, and apparently to DF guys, LoT guys, critics in general.
I wouldnt be surprised if the next 'console graphics king' was a multiplat (again). Especially if this vid ends up being actual console version:
No you can see the difference, you just can't admit it.
And lol at calling me a fanboy when you use Lens of Truth and Digital Foundry as resources, which are sites MADE for fanboys.
Full quote in context: "In putting together this article, we were chasing CD Projekt RED for a PC version of the Enhanced Edition (Namco having already provided the Xbox 360 version) to produce a closer, more exact like-for-like comparison. We're actually rather happy the developer couldn't get the revised version to us to meet the deadline for this article - it's given us a greater appreciation of the work the firm has done in taking an already great game and making it even better. " They weren't talking about graphics--they were talking about the additional content the Enhanced Edition included, content that all prior owners of the PC version got for free.[QUOTE="princeofshapeir"][QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"]
First off DF is not a "they", it's a "he", it's just one guy.
And secondly yes they did. LoosENDS had a field day with it.
Tech Analysis: The Witcher 2 Articles
"The firm has done in taking an already great game and making it even better."
You can see there comparison here:
The Witcher 2: Enhanced 360 vs. Non-Enhanced PC Video ...
They state the 360 version is better in the articles.
You didn't read full article.
"The Witcher 2 on Xbox 360 does a magnificent job of getting to the same visual quality of the PC version and even in situations which should stress the engine, overall performance is excellent."
"Perhaps the most dramatic difference between the older Witcher 2 on PC and the Enhanced Edition on 360 is that lighting has been radically overhauled, looking much more natural on the console than the PC."
"The Witcher 2 on Xbox 360 possesses a combination of artistic and technological accomplishment we're accustomed to seeing in AAA games from the best developers in the business, backed by mammoth budgets. The reality is that CD Projekt RED hasn't converted the game to run smooth on 360 - it has actually managed to improve it."
Tech Analysis: The Witcher 2 Articles
They also state the 360 version has better grass and foilage than the PC. DF is funny, people praise them when they say something they agree with, but when they say something different they dismiss them and right them off completely. Funny how that works.
Those pics are amazing thanks, looks even better in motion on a HD TV
Those do look good but obviously not anywhere near a Battlefield 3,The Witcher 2,Crysis and Crysis 2,Metro 2033,Arma 3 and obviously Watch Dogs and Star wars 1313(among many others) running on a PC,it´s quite a big difference,not to mention that all those games have much bigger environments being rendered than HR,with a lot more going on on screen that HR ever has while doing so at much higher resolutions,framerate and AA samples.
Full quote in context: "In putting together this article, we were chasing CD Projekt RED for a PC version of the Enhanced Edition (Namco having already provided the Xbox 360 version) to produce a closer, more exact like-for-like comparison. We're actually rather happy the developer couldn't get the revised version to us to meet the deadline for this article - it's given us a greater appreciation of the work the firm has done in taking an already great game and making it even better. " They weren't talking about graphics--they were talking about the additional content the Enhanced Edition included, content that all prior owners of the PC version got for free.[QUOTE="princeofshapeir"][QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"]
First off DF is not a "they", it's a "he", it's just one guy.
And secondly yes they did. LoosENDS had a field day with it.
Tech Analysis: The Witcher 2 Articles
"The firm has done in taking an already great game and making it even better."
You can see there comparison here:
The Witcher 2: Enhanced 360 vs. Non-Enhanced PC Video ...
They state the 360 version is better in the articles.
You didn't read full article.
"The Witcher 2 on Xbox 360 does a magnificent job of getting to the same visual quality of the PC version and even in situations which should stress the engine, overall performance is excellent."
"Perhaps the most dramatic difference between the older Witcher 2 on PC and the Enhanced Edition on 360 is that lighting has been radically overhauled, looking much more natural on the console than the PC."
"The Witcher 2 on Xbox 360 possesses a combination of artistic and technological accomplishment we're accustomed to seeing in AAA games from the best developers in the business, backed by mammoth budgets. The reality is that CD Projekt RED hasn't converted the game to run smooth on 360 - it has actually managed to improve it."
Tech Analysis: The Witcher 2 Articles
They also state the 360 version has better grass and foilage than the PC. DF is funny, people praise them when they say something they agree with, but when they say something different they dismiss them and right them off completely. Funny how that works.
Its fairly obvious they know the PC version is the superior one. Reading the article I can say that the 360 version had some imporvements made to the graphics absent in the PC version but could not take advantage of things such as super hi quality textures, resolution (obviously) and processing effect because it lacked the power to employ all these things that a PC could. They certainly did not say the game looked better on consoles but rahter they did improve on some aspects of it.
[QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"][QUOTE="princeofshapeir"] Full quote in context: "In putting together this article, we were chasing CD Projekt RED for a PC version of the Enhanced Edition (Namco having already provided the Xbox 360 version) to produce a closer, more exact like-for-like comparison. We're actually rather happy the developer couldn't get the revised version to us to meet the deadline for this article - it's given us a greater appreciation of the work the firm has done in taking an already great game and making it even better. " They weren't talking about graphics--they were talking about the additional content the Enhanced Edition included, content that all prior owners of the PC version got for free.princeofshapeir
You didn't read full article.
"The Witcher 2 on Xbox 360 does a magnificent job of getting to the same visual quality of the PC version and even in situations which should stress the engine, overall performance is excellent."
"Perhaps the most dramatic difference between the older Witcher 2 on PC and the Enhanced Edition on 360 is that lighting has been radically overhauled, looking much more natural on the console than the PC."
"The Witcher 2 on Xbox 360 possesses a combination of artistic and technological accomplishment we're accustomed to seeing in AAA games from the best developers in the business, backed by mammoth budgets. The reality is that CD Projekt RED hasn't converted the game to run smooth on 360 - it has actually managed to improve it."
Tech Analysis: The Witcher 2 Articles
They also state the 360 version has better grass and foilage than the PC. DF is funny, people praise them when they say something they agree with, but when they say something different they dismiss them and right them off completely. Funny how that works.
They declared Witcher 2 on 360 to be better than the PC version. It was the Enhanced Edition vs the Vanilla edition, but they still said it. That's why LoosENDS made that super thread about it.
Of course I'm sure the PC enhanced edition will be better, but it still goes to show that DF isn't the word of god like fanboys think.
They also say at the end of the article that the PC version will get all of the Enhanced Edition features. They compared the vanilla PC version to the Enhanced Edition version in the article. Therefore if you play TW2 on PC now, it will unquestionably look better than the 360 version. This article has been misquoted so many times to say things it doesn't say, and you're one of the people that does it.[QUOTE="princeofshapeir"][QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"]
You didn't read full article.
"The Witcher 2 on Xbox 360 does a magnificent job of getting to the same visual quality of the PC version and even in situations which should stress the engine, overall performance is excellent."
"Perhaps the most dramatic difference between the older Witcher 2 on PC and the Enhanced Edition on 360 is that lighting has been radically overhauled, looking much more natural on the console than the PC."
"The Witcher 2 on Xbox 360 possesses a combination of artistic and technological accomplishment we're accustomed to seeing in AAA games from the best developers in the business, backed by mammoth budgets. The reality is that CD Projekt RED hasn't converted the game to run smooth on 360 - it has actually managed to improve it."
Tech Analysis: The Witcher 2 Articles
They also state the 360 version has better grass and foilage than the PC. DF is funny, people praise them when they say something they agree with, but when they say something different they dismiss them and right them off completely. Funny how that works.
They declared Witcher 2 on 360 to be better than the PC version. It was the Enhanced Edition vs the Vanilla edition, but they still said it. That's why LoosENDS made that super thread about it.
Of course I'm sure the PC enhanced edition will be better, but it still goes to show that DF isn't the word of god like fanboys think.
DF also said Uncharted 3 is the best looking game on consoles, do you believe that?They also say at the end of the article that the PC version will get all of the Enhanced Edition features. They compared the vanilla PC version to the Enhanced Edition version in the article. Therefore if you play TW2 on PC now, it will unquestionably look better than the 360 version. This article has been misquoted so many times to say things it doesn't say, and you're one of the people that does it.[QUOTE="princeofshapeir"][QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"]
You didn't read full article.
"The Witcher 2 on Xbox 360 does a magnificent job of getting to the same visual quality of the PC version and even in situations which should stress the engine, overall performance is excellent."
"Perhaps the most dramatic difference between the older Witcher 2 on PC and the Enhanced Edition on 360 is that lighting has been radically overhauled, looking much more natural on the console than the PC."
"The Witcher 2 on Xbox 360 possesses a combination of artistic and technological accomplishment we're accustomed to seeing in AAA games from the best developers in the business, backed by mammoth budgets. The reality is that CD Projekt RED hasn't converted the game to run smooth on 360 - it has actually managed to improve it."
Tech Analysis: The Witcher 2 Articles
They also state the 360 version has better grass and foilage than the PC. DF is funny, people praise them when they say something they agree with, but when they say something different they dismiss them and right them off completely. Funny how that works.
They declared Witcher 2 on 360 to be better than the PC version. It was the Enhanced Edition vs the Vanilla edition, but they still said it. That's why LoosENDS made that super thread about it.
Of course I'm sure the PC enhanced edition will be better, but it still goes to show that DF isn't the word of god like fanboys think.
The Enhanced Edition is for PC and 360. They said the Enhanced Edition was better than the Vanilla PC version, which is what they were comparing it to. Since PC owners of TW2 got all the content included in the EE for free, there's no reason to claim the 360 version at all looks better, and that isn't what DF said.Please Log In to post.
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