"storyline tweaks to make the game feel fresh for people who already played it"
Doesn't sound like they're overhauling the whole story.
As for the graphics, they're taking advantage of newer techniques, what exactly is surprising in that? It also doesn't imply a whole new game, more just limitations with the original engine.
You have yet to explain to me how they're saying the original game is bad. So, take your time and give me a decent argument.
Wrong again.
They are REWRITING the storyline because it sucked in the original game. And by this link, they are heavily reworking the story.
Many things sucked in Divinity, as a cRPG, its systems were downright bad. Combat was the calling card for this game.
Finally, you've made a single point. So they're reworking the story for it. However, you still haven't proven that it's all because they consider the original to be bad. So please, get on with proving your main point.
Also, please leave out your own opinion as we're discussing the dev's opinion, not yours.
Go through Larian's blogs, the devs talk about it.
I took a skim, mainly looking at key words. The general idea that I got was that he believes the base game can be improved upon and there were some bad aspects. This is literally the case with any game or any other medium. The creators aren't going to be happy with everything in their creation. I know I've written many papers which I can look back on and state where I went wrong, but at the time I had already committed to a certain line of thought, so couldn't back track. However, they weren't viewed as bad papers.
So now I get to my point, how does what he say in anyway relate to this comment?:
"This huge Enhanced Edition is an admission of something....that Divinity Original Sin was really not that great. It wasn't a classic. It was a badly flawed game that was overrated by gamers and critics but not the creators"
Like I originally said, you're performing mental gymnastics to fit your own agenda.
No, I am just right.
Pretty good =/= classic. The developers take on the game was that its "pretty good". Words do matter. The only mental gymnastics being performed is from you.
The game (as directly said by the developer head himself) is primarily inspired and aspiring to be like Ultima, not Baldurs Gate. In that regard, it succeeds and in many regards exceeds.
Then why all the crappy speech checks and other things? Why is the leveling system similar to Fallout?
This game is no where near close to Ultima.
Combat was the calling card for this game.
Hate to break it to you, but you engage in a lot of combat in RPGs. They're not adventure games.
Wow, you missed the entire point. The point is that Divinity EXCELS in its combat system, unlike most WRPGs.
Go through Larian's blogs, the devs talk about it.
I took a skim, mainly looking at key words. The general idea that I got was that he believes the base game can be improved upon and there were some bad aspects. This is literally the case with any game or any other medium. The creators aren't going to be happy with everything in their creation. I know I've written many papers which I can look back on and state where I went wrong, but at the time I had already committed to a certain line of thought, so couldn't back track. However, they weren't viewed as bad papers.
So now I get to my point, how does what he say in anyway relate to this comment?:
"This huge Enhanced Edition is an admission of something....that Divinity Original Sin was really not that great. It wasn't a classic. It was a badly flawed game that was overrated by gamers and critics but not the creators"
Like I originally said, you're performing mental gymnastics to fit your own agenda.
No, I am just right.
Pretty good =/= classic. The developers take on the game was that its "pretty good". Words do matter. The only mental gymnastics being performed is from you.
It's amusing because you think you've actually proven something. I'm still waiting for you to prove your original statement. For one, I wasn't aware the dev team behind the game gets to declare what is and isn't a classic, that's up to the players. As for the rest of the comment, you haven't even begun to prove that.
Also, the most critical people of any project such as this, are the people who made it. I remember seeing a dev interview about Halo 3 and a level designer or whatever it's called screwed up 3 bits of grass. No one notices those pieces of grass, but he sees them every time he plays the game and it annoys him. That example was simply 3 blades of grass, which is incredibly trivial. I'm curious if you think that the devs who released "classic" games thought their games were perfect upon release? Game developers will always see what could be better and if they don't, they're shoddy developers. You're using this person's words as law, to fit your agenda, when in reality his word has absolutely nothing to do with whether the game is good or bad. The players define that, and in terms of the people who played Divinity, you seem to be in the minority.
And what have you proven? Nothing.
The problem is that many players can overrate games and ignore their flaws because it fits their type of game. Even then there were complaints from gamers that the developer was addressing and that the developer agreed with. Yes, game developers will always see what they can do better, but most don't re-do their game.
And its not that I am just using the developers words alone....I am using the fact that its getting completely reworked. But yeah, the developers words should carry far more weight than a gamers.
Answer me this, if its such as classic, why is it getting a major redo?
Combat was the calling card for this game.
Hate to break it to you, but you engage in a lot of combat in RPGs. They're not adventure games.
Depends on the game. Planscape Torement is almost entirely text. Pillars Of Eternity is also heavily text based.
Having said that, Icewind Dale has almost no text, is is pure dungeon crawler.
No law exists that says it should be one way or the other, if they opt to focus on combat and people enjoy it, that doesn't make it a bad RPG.
This young man appears to be grasping straws, attempting any justification to impress upon the idea that Bioware are the best, a repetitive pattern.
And you don't grasp at straws?
Never said Bioware was the best as well. Hell I ranked them 4th in my topic of best RPG studios ever way back....behind Origin, Squaresoft, and Black Isle.
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