A lot of people have been claiming Half-Life 2 as the one of the greatest FPS of all time if not the best FPS of all time and many people claim it asa groundbreaking/revolutionary game, while the idea of it beingone of the best ortheFPS of all time is subjective {I consider ONE of the best} but the game wasn't very revolutionary in the slightest especially compared to it's predessccor.
Half-Life was revolutionary for it's scripted first-person view storytelling, impeccable A.I., seamlessly implemented puzzles, and realistic immersion. Half-Life 2 was an excellent game for having a more in depth story with interesting characters told in a first-person perspective, cinematic set pieces, seamlessly implemented puzzles, realistic immersion, and added an amazing physics engime seamlessly implemented into it's puzzles and gameplay. The gravity was especially awesome where you can use your surrounding objects as projectile weapons to kill enemies.
However, Half-Life 2 wasn't revolutionary as physics based gameplay was already been before in Trespasser which practicly inspired Half-Life 2. Half-Life 2 did it well where Trespasser did it poorly. Not to mention the A.I. in Half-Life 2 is severly dissapointing as enemies are stupid where you can carry a barrel and they will not fire at you, your squad are worse as they're are ineffective in combat and always get in your way in the most annoying fashion. The gunplay wasn't particurly special either as the most of the weapons are standard, the ant-lion pheromone pod was one of the only few unique weapons.
Half-Life 2 is undoubtly an excellent game but don't you guys think it's a bit overpraised compared to the original Half-Life?
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