It is indeed like some of the other posters have mentioned, the 360 does indeed deserve its sucess, it is a console that was: fairly priced at launch, have a good catalogue of games, so very near the PS3 in terms of performance, Have better online then the PS3 (Worse then the PC, but it is none the less a good alternative).
The way I see it MS did a whole lot of rights with the 360, and a single wrong. The rights were that when you look at the 360 and the PS3, the price difference between to two, was not justified in any way whatsoever, the 360 had nearly everything the PS3 had, apart from the extra none gaming things the PS3 had (Blu ray player were a big plus for the PS3, The rest were a detractor in my opinion, making it more like a gimped PC, with a high Pricetag).
The 360 Had a good set of exclusives and timed exclusives, which ultimately mattered very little, consideringjust how many devs went multiplat this gen.
The wrong was the shotty build, the failurerate of the old models was simply unacceptable, an error I doubt they would make again.
So yeah, from my standpoint(not enthusiast console gamer), the 360 and PS3 were and are so very similar, but the launch prices had so rediculousof a price difference that it was laughable. MS started out with a good buisness mind, Sony did NOT, in too many ways.
If you ask now? They are basicly priced the same now where I live, at that pricepoint, the PS3 would win out, but when we are 3-4 years into a console generation it is both too little and too late.
Personally I would like the next gen of consoles to take a good look in the mirror and repeat after me "We will not make a cross between a gimped PC and a console next gen, OR we should make a true entertainment centre and support it better" For the obvious reasons, you cant sell a 699$ Console, which Devs complain about coding for (for a 2 year stretch) for gamers it would be cheaper if they got rid of some of the things only the most hardcore fans use, for a lower entry price, OR pretty much make something that can replace every single piece of electronics near your TV (in the average home) Such as a really good sound system (which none of them are), optical media player (which they both in theory are, and PS3 still is) online rental service (both are) And built halfway like a tank, With a remote (which you could argue Kinect is). That way I would consider buying a 600$ console next cycle :P
I got WAY off track, diddnt I?
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