[QUOTE="charizard1605"]Short answer, yes, yes it does. It's an excellent console, and it deserves all the success that it's getting.Phazevariance
It is a good console no doubt, but what makes it deserve to top PS3 in U.S.? It has less exclusive franchiss, a last gen disc player, and its AAA games has much less variety than PS3s does.
It has less exclusives but most multiplatform games run better on it than the PS3, and there are WAY more multiplatform games than exclusives, and i mean WAY more! Also, you say it lacks features from the PS3... XBL and cross game chat do exist. Then theres Kinect, which although doesn't have any 'hardcore games' yet, is still selling amazing. It deserves it all.My question to you is, what makes you think Sony should be on top, and what would MS have to do to beat PS3 in Asia?
Casual gamers do not know or care which platform runs multiplatforms better. If they did they'd buy a suped up PC. Kinect is a gimmicky product that is selling based on a successful and massive ad campaign, casual gamers saw these ads and wanted to buy it just because of what they thought it could do. There will never be a Half-Life 2 or a GTA 4 on that thing...its not selling because of its games but on hype.
And the PS2 was the less powerful machine and yet some multiplats sold better (and ran worse) on the PS2 than on the Xbox, care to explain why?...
Sony should be on top because they were forced by Microsoft and Nintendo into lowering the price of the PS3, they did that and now the system is $299 the same price as a 250 GB model of an Xbox 360. I'd be hopeful in thinking consumers would be able to see there is more value in buying a PS3 than a 360 and he games also seem to have a much more broad appeal
-LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
-Uncharted 1 & 2
-God of War 1, 2 and 3
-Metal Gear Solid 4
-Multiplatform games
Whereas Microsoft seems to rely on pumping out Halo's, attaching their brand logo to 3rd party games passing them off as exclusive, and now with Kinect they're doing the same thing only relying on word of mouth and commercials to sell the device rather than a great library of launch titles
If this is not apparent to you yet, look at the last few press conferences from Microsoft concerning the Xbox 360, all they've done is hype up their sales numbers...and only till GDC did we at least get some Microsoft published XBLA games...
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