Original thread on BioWare forums
I honestly don't know if it's good or bad, looks more fast paced that DA:O, and I'm sure I will love the story, but I'm kinda undecided...
The video is apparently the console version. (Judging from the video, not sure if Mike's last comment is sarcasm)
This is Marian Hawke, the female version of Hawke.
Some DEV comments (Mike Laidlaw is the lead designer)
Mike Laidlaw wrote...
For those curious, that video was not released by us. Obviously not. Our opening gameplay trailer would not be steadycam.
We will have some more detailed stuff coming up in the next little bit, including some details. (And no, the next little bit does not mean tomorrow. Soon is the best I can do.)
Mike Laidlaw wrote...Dhiro wrote...nefem wrote...
This looks like Devil May Cry -_- -_- -_- I seriously hope that was the console version(looked like that) and that PC version is nothing like that.
One of the devs said, lots and lots and lots and (...) lots of times that the gamplay of the console version and the PC version would be different. In the PC version we can still do everything we did in Origins, it's just that this doesn't work really well in the console version, I guess.
No, the PC version looks pretty much exactly like that, and controls exactly like Origins. And it's awesome.
What did you think it was going to look like? Half the speed and with extra
shuffle? Have we been unclear on our very strict non-shuffle policy? Sheesh!
Oh... some new info just came in, those who followed the game already knew that the narrative is framed and narrated by Varric who is being questioned by Cassandra, it seems that this footage is the "exaggerated version", as David Gaider ( the lead writer) said that Varric might sometimes lie and make up stuff, so the huge sword and the ridicolous blood might be false, and as you will see below "when the normal gameplay kicks in"
David Gaider wrote...
JoePinasi1989 wrote...
Is someone actually judging the WHOLE game because of this clip?
That's pretty much SOP around these parts.
Not to dismiss the comments, of course-- which are a nice mix of noth negative and positive, even if the negative people are much louder (and occasionally insistent that only their opinion matters)-- but the leaked video is a short part of the demo's opening. You don't get to see Cassandra's reaction, and the transition to the "normal" gameplay... which is part of the point, really.
But until we put that out there, expect people to dissect what they see ad nauseum, overreact, accuse each other of overreacting, etc. That's kind of what the internet is for, no?
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