[QUOTE="SkyWard20"] I'm sorry, but the 'best RPG of this gen' award goes to Dragon Age or Mass Effect 2. The Witcher is below Obsidian, which will releass New Vegas soon; the Witcher is below Fable 2, which may lack complex moral choices, but is probably a lot more fun than the Witcher, if the first Fable is anything to go by. And the Witcher is *definitely* below games like Dragon Age or Mass Effect. If the hallmarks of 'the best RPG this gen' would be dull, uninspired dialogue, embarrassingly silly, profanity-filled dialogue ( so much that it *actually* needed to get patched ), combat that is little above average plus 5 spells to boot and a lifeless 'neutral' protagonist, then yes, the Witcher is the best RPG this gen.SkyWard20
Is that why people all over the place say that The Witcher is better than Dragon Age? Hell, even on Bioware's own forums they had a discussion on The Witcher and it soon turned into a bashing fest... bashing Bioware. I am sorry but The Witcher is better than anything Bioware has made this gen.
I've yet to see that thread. Most threads I saw about the Witcher on the BioWare forums say that they couldn't get into the Witcher at all. :lol:
Is that why Dragon Age has a higher metacritic score than the Witcher? Is that why The Witcher has a *lower* user score than Dragon Age (PC) even *here* on Gamespot? Is that why Dragon Age sold better?
You stop assuming that a few discussions equal the majority and I will too. ;)
Hype is a good reason they scored higher, and polish, EVE Online scored in the 6's, but yet people consider it a top tier MMO, along with WoW. Oblivion scored better than Morrowind, yet Morrowind has a lot more depth whereas Morrowind got a better score than Daggerfall and yet, compared to daggerfall, it is really shallow.
I cant find all the links, but I remember on one poll it was slightly over 70% in favor of The Witcher. And here is the link which kind of turned into a Bioware bashing thread on their own forums. I can't find the thread for the other Witcher vs Dragon age, but in every single one I have seen I have seen the witcher win by around 50-70%.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with liking the DAO, but personally I thought it was Biowares worst game.
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