More excuses. The 680 is about twice as fast as the 7850. You do know what the word "about' means right?[QUOTE="Cranler"]
AMD has issues with Crysis 3's AA..
7 months before the 360 launch the best Nvidia card was the 6800 ultra and besides Doom 3 engine games was weaker than the 360 gpu. 6800 ultra cant even run the original Bioshock at medium settings. This is why I laugh at everyone making a big deal about PS 4 because its so much weaker for today than the 360 was for 2005. All this "thank you Sony" sillyness makes me laugh everytime.
You stated "exactly twice" and consoles would not have PC's driver issues.If PS4's "7860" is between 7850 and 7870 then it's about 66 precent of GTX 680 or 680 is 1.5 times faster than "7860".
I stated "about" originally and then you brought up the whole 59% thing as if thats so far off from being half the power. I used "exactly" only in reference to that specific bench. Wouldnt the 7860 need to be 75% to hit that 1.5 times mark?
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