[QUOTE="iron_zealot7531"][QUOTE="ArisShadows"][QUOTE="iron_zealot7531"][QUOTE="Espada12"][QUOTE="iron_zealot7531"] [QUOTE="ArisShadows"]QUOTE]
lol, possibly
either way
I don't pirate, so please don't blantly yell out that term on me, its insulting. And I am allowed an opinion on the matter, either way, I have yet to see any good come from this game as a Fallout titlte. It lacking the very core why I played the series in the begin with. I don't need to do the Elder Scroll Fiasco a second time.
can you please explain this position to me, because I've never understood it.
I'm a huge fan of the original fallout games, and from what ive seen this seems to have most of what made the old games great(except crotch shots)
First of, the canon is all off. Either things don't make sense or are wrong. The Brotherhood of Steel is a good example. Consequences are no more, a major thing within the first two titles, its not there A good deal of the previous abilities are either gone or nothing like their former selves. IMO, its simply grabbing Oblivion, tweaking it a bit, adding some guns, putting it in post apolyctic theme, and slapping the name Fallout 3 for easy attention.
yeah, i agree with most of what you say
but as long as they capture the fallout feel, ill consider it a victory
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