Gamer A enjoys Too Human, since "satisfaction is subjective utility", and they were satisfied 100%, the utility of Too Human is 1 (100%).
Gamer B hates Too Human, since "satisfaction is subjective utility", and they were satisfied 0%, the utility of Too Human is 0 (0%).
1 = 0 :o
Wait, wait, next he's going to suggest a "meta reality" - where we use the "popular sentiment" as a measure of success - y'know, popularity is truth. Obviously this is the best way to do things, because if enough people believe the sun revolves around the earth, it makes it true :P Obviously anyone who disagrees with the popular sentiment is WRONG and should be punished for being a socially destablizing viewpoint.
Really, I applaud anyone advocating a return to inquistion-era thought processes. Someone enjoys a Sonic the Hedgehog game? That monster! We should put them on the rack (well... for Sonic I might agree with him... but wait that's not the point).
People shouldn't think for themselves. I think that was the point. Free thought is dangerous Cake! My god, imagine it, if people played games simply because they enjoyed them, and had fun doing so. If people picked their games based on their own wants, instead of "it's going to be cool because Peter Molyneux said it's the best game ever and he's Peter Molyneux!", society itself might crumble.
For the easily confused, this is sarcasm. Please think for yourselves. Like something because you like it, not because I told you to, or you saw a cool commercial for it.
This whole piece is pure irony.:lol:
The fact that you won't give Fallout 3 a chance and state that it will be a 'bad' game or at best an 'OK' game, because that's what you think it will be like and state that as objective to others, regardless of the score, which you've discounted and the opinions of other commentators which you've discounted. But at the same time advocate that everyone should be open to whatever they like.Yeah no **** everyone should be open to what they like and being told constantly by people like you that Fallout 3 will only be an OK game regardless of what everyone says it pure elitism and irony of all ironies considering what you've just wrote above.
Question: So what should it be.
1) People should be open to all games, and think for themselves, and thus discount the opinion pieces of people like you, which makes all your posts irrelevant in this topic?
2) Accept opion pieces as partial fac? Like yourself.
You've just contradicted your own previous arguments and stances on Fallout 3. No doubt you'll come up with some BS that Fallout 3 doesn't adhere to past Fallout games and thus is automatically a 'bad' game.
You should step out of your inquisition thought processes ;)
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