@Ballroompirate:srsly :| , hope you didn't mean skyrim cuz it was the worst of series
I'd play Skyrim over Fallout any day. I'd be hyped for Skyrim 2.
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@Ballroompirate:srsly :| , hope you didn't mean skyrim cuz it was the worst of series
I'd play Skyrim over Fallout any day. I'd be hyped for Skyrim 2.
Expect a 9 second teaser with only two seconds of "gameplay" and then a hype invitation to watch more on E3.
Fine by me
Over 5 fucking years I've waited for this game.
@Ballroompirate:srsly :| , hope you didn't mean skyrim cuz it was the worst of series
I'd play Skyrim over Fallout any day. I'd be hyped for Skyrim 2.
Skyrim 2? That would literally be a rehash.
I'd hope its Elsweyr or Black Marsh.
Expect a 9 second teaser with only two seconds of "gameplay" and then a hype invitation to watch more on E3.
Fine by me
Over 5 fucking years I've waited for this game.
Actually don't expect any gameplay. It'll probably be a CGI or LOGO type teaser that Skyrim originally had, before the big E3 Game trailer.
I suppose it's too much to ask for a brand new engine, and more than the same 3 voice actors used over and over again, or decent combat.
I suppose it's too much to ask for a brand new engine, and more than the same 3 voice actors used over and over again, or decent combat.
It's sad that the first person melee combat in Dishonored (a game where you mostly SHOOT stuff) was better than anything Bethesda(BGS) has come up with yet.
And they've had three decades, lol.
I suppose it's too much to ask for a brand new engine, and more than the same 3 voice actors used over and over again, or decent combat.
It's sad that the first person melee combat in Dishonored (a game where you mostly SHOOT stuff) was better than anything Bethsoft has come up with yet.
And they've had three decades, lol.
Ever since Oblivion they've been a shell of their former selves. Just complete garbage, the only redeeming quality of bethesda is that they provide a wonderful platform for talented modders to fix their broken games and create horse cocks.
Since nobody in the industry like prominent gaming critics ever gave Bethesda shit for jamming Skyrim full of auto-generated quests and other shallow quests, I'm worried we could see it in the next Fallout game.
Ever since Morrowind they've been a shell of their former selves
Morrowind was the greatest thing they've ever made.
Pure greed. Pure unadulterated greed.
Now I hope it is some sort of remastered collection or that FNV mod "Lone Star" I think it was called that's supposed to be bigger than FNV and takes place in El Paso.
If FO4 is cross gen I'll be speechless with utter disgust.
Fallout 3 & NV remasters inbound. :P
Anyway, hoping it's FO4.
that would be like kissing your sister.
Pure greed. Pure unadulterated greed.
Now I hope it is some sort of remastered collection or that FNV mod "Lone Star" I think it was called that's supposed to be bigger than FNV and takes place in El Paso.
If FO4 is cross gen I'll be speechless with utter disgust.
ehhh, I would too, but what would you do? Ignore 160+ million PS3/360 owners?
Crossgen? Why does this keep happening? At this point in previous generations, cross platform games were really not a thing anymore. I hope this is a mistake and it's current gen only with PC being built to truly harness the power, but that hasn't really been the Bethesda motto for quite some time now.
lets hope its not a Fallout collection
And to TC - DIO!!!!!!!!!!!
Like Ronny James DIO?!!!! The last in line!!!!! I say its Fallout remasters.
ehhh, I would too, but what would you do? Ignore 160+ million PS3/360 owners?
This would be the logical solution, considering Bethesda aren't technical wizards like Kojima Productions and could barely manage to port Skyrim to PS3.
But I sort of hope Fallout 4 ends up being crossgen. Then I have another very good reason to ignore it completely.
And I now have an awesome gaming laptop to rock this game to.... oh yes!
Nice. Was thinking of getting one.
Lets see how much corporate greed inflicts this title.
You can always keep playing Planescape: Torment.
And I now have an awesome gaming laptop to rock this game to.... oh yes!
Nice. Was thinking of getting one.
It was a little pricey for me, but no regrets after I revisited games on Ultra settings. We were discussing this on the Windows 10 thread, but MSI has some good ones for decent prices. Check them out on the net.
ehhh, I would too, but what would you do? Ignore 160+ million PS3/360 owners?
This would be the logical solution, considering Bethesda aren't technical wizards like Kojima Productions and could barely manage to port Skyrim to PS3.
But I sort of hope Fallout 4 ends up being crossgen. Then I have another very good reason to ignore it completely.
You're right there, at least current gen consoles, at least PS4 should be easier to make game for.
It easily can be a Fallout 3 Remaster announcement. I found Fallout 3 reference in their CSS file. No other fallout are mentioned.
.fallout-3-special-module .special-video-wrapper{
.fallout-3-special-module .special-video-wrapper-top{
It easily can Fallout 3 Remaster announcement. I found Fallout 3 reference in their CSS file. No other fallout are mentioned.
.fallout-3-special-module .special-video-wrapper{
.fallout-3-special-module .special-video-wrapper-top{
If this is true tomorrow morning will be quite the shitstorm since the rest of the internet is utterly convinced this is related to Fallout 4
It easily can be a Fallout 3 Remaster announcement. I found Fallout 3 reference in their CSS file. No other fallout are mentioned.
.fallout-3-special-module .special-video-wrapper{
.fallout-3-special-module .special-video-wrapper-top{
I guess we play the waiting game until tomorow
It easily can be a Fallout 3 Remaster announcement. I found Fallout 3 reference in their CSS file. No other fallout are mentioned.
If that really happens, I can already see the flood of screenshots and videos from modded PC version. Because, well, the remastered version is already here...
@Heil68: yes, ignore them all... In fact, eff them. Make a next gen game or gtfo. These devs and publishers are solely responsible for the malaise over this slow ass, weaksauce generation.... I'm done with tolerating cross gen on the retail landscape. Fallout 4 has the potential to be special because of the obvious uptick to the hardware being able to deliver a truly next generation scope... Instead, it'll be "C'mon guys, cut us a break, huge install base means we had to develop for the lowest common denominator"... Bullocks I say, effin Bullocks.
If it's a fallout 3 HD package, cool... I'll just simply pass. One of my favorite games ever,but no thanks. New games please.
You can always keep playing Planescape: Torment.
Or he could play the new Torment.
He can't because it ain't out yet
You can always keep playing Planescape: Torment.
Or he could play the new Torment.
He can't because it ain't out yet
It should be out before Fallout 4, no ?
You can always keep playing Planescape: Torment.
Or he could play the new Torment.
How much you want to bet he hates on that game also. I loved Torment and used that because when he was all complaints and wah wah about the Witcher 3 score he listed of some cool things in regards to Torment. I said I agreed that's a great game but quite a few of us don't want to just keep playing it. We are happy to see new great games. Bottom line all he does is hate or complain. Why even bother playing? Or just keep playing his precious Torment, over and over.
Cross gen MMO confirmed.
Hype is down to 0/10. Oh well. Maybe we will get a real fallout game in 2020.
Anyone who honestly believes that is a fucking goof.
If Bethesda announces a Fallout MMO tomorrow, then no one is going to give the slightest **** about what they have to say at E3.
Fallout 4 or bust
Doom, ESO, that lame ass hack-n-slash that they're publishing...who gives a shit?
It all pales in comparison to Fallout 4. Arguably the most anticipated game of the last half decade.
I seriously doubt that Bethesda is stupid enough to think that an MMO or Fallout 3 remaster is enough to appease the masses after YEARS of Fallout 4 hype. Let's not be stupid here. It's been nearly 4 years since Skyrim dropped. You think the guys over at Bethesda have just been jerking each other off during that entire time?
I enjoy the Fallout games as much as the next guy, but i'd hardly say it's close to be the most anticipated game of the last 5 years. It's not like it's Half-Life 3.
The Witcher and Metal Gear have it beat for sure. The hype for Mass Effect 3 was insane too. And Skyrim isn't even 5 years old and TES series is more popular than the Fallout series.
Aside from that i agree with your sentiments lol.
@frank_castle: To be fair, Bethesda DID win a legal battle with Interplay to secure their rights to a Fallout MMO.
I'm sure Bethesda have made some plans to release one. But i definitely think we'll see Fallout 4 first.
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