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@Desmonic: no no! I mean whichever the best collector edition is, haha... I missed the fallout 3 pip boy clock and getting up for work everyday sucks even more because of it...
@LegatoSkyheart: I really want to say I enjoyed new Vegas more than fallout 3... But i cant. :/ too buggy, not as compelling, didn't like the side quests nearly as much as f3.
What the hell is everyone's problem with Fallout 3?
Short answer: Everything.
Long answer: Universe inconsistant with not only with the rest of the franchise but also itself, uninpsired open world, level scaling, little balance, you could max every attribute and every skill, disrespect for lore, poor quest design, lack of variety in enemies, childish writing, HP bloat, forced auto aim. Need I go on?
@freedomfreak: It seems they found out what colour was :P Though I'll say that despite the dull colours of Fallout 3 (and New Vegas too btw) Bethesda did nail the atmosphere quite a bit better than Obsidian. However the better overall game was New Vegas and by some miles too.
@LegatoSkyheart: yeah, I mean I suppose I should be thankful that both locale were diverse and filled with contrasting approaches to an extent, given the changes new Vegas has next to f3, but I just bought Into that fallout 3 opening, and desolate DC. The main story hunt for dad wasn't overly compelling, but God I loved a ton of side characters and stories....
Looks alright. Atleast no more piss filters.
Hyped, but i'll need more details on the mechanics of the game
While I can nit pick that trailer I wont since I am more than certain that I will end up putting a 100 hours into the game when its out.
@Ant_17: I hope it's both a collection and a proper next gen game. As I quit playing both halfway through, and want to go back to them... but too many other games released.
@PonchoTaco: if it's mmo consider me not interested.
Tired of single player rpgs turning mmo to satiate the teens with too much time on their hands and daddy's credit card. You know the type, they beg on forums for multiplayer on every single player game... "oh this would be great if my BRO could play with me..." Little do these people realize all story and world changing events plus meaningful random loot gets scrapped for crap quests and small decimal Stat gain loot that everybody has... it would make fallout boring!
I don't think they will go that route, for one from what I heard, elder scrolls online basically bombed, hence the move to free2play. And if this is mainline Bethesda and not zenimax then it won't be mmo as they don't make them.
I am willing to bet that both single player elder scrolls and fallout made 2-3x more profit than eso.
@jg4xchamp: Gameplay will clearly be in 13 days. No point in showing everything before their own conference at E3. Though a 3+ minute video was not expected! I was expecting some heavy CGI stuff nearing the 1 minute mark at best.
It's not as lame as some of the shit their peers put out, but it be cool if video games did this whole reveal thing with like actual gameplay. On the plus side if that is how the game will actually look (it probably won't), Bethesda at least has a pretty game on their hands.
It seems they found out what colour was :P Though I'll say that despite the dull colours of Fallout 3 (and New Vegas too btw) Bethesda did nail the atmosphere quite a bit better than Obsidian. However the better overall game was New Vegas and by some miles too.
Can't say I disagree :p
I still find STALKER to be the leading one when it comes to this setting. I think..
Awesome trailer, but running and walking animations still suck. Sigh. Well, we can't have everything.
I'm still somewhat skeptical because last i checked, they only trademarked the Void Engine two years ago.
If FO4 is using Creation Engine, i think i'll pass because I think the godawful combat in FO3 can be attributed to the limitations of Gamebryo.
@jg4xchamp: Yeah, the colours give the game a whole new vibe. Also the environment seem far more detailed (not so much in texture quality, but just the sheer quantity of objects present), and in this game that means a lot. Very few things in the previous 2 games were not interactable. On the other hand, a voiced protagonist...eh.... we'll see how that works out :P
Looks like the same old engine with higher resolution assets and a brighter color palette. That's extremely disappointing. I'm sure the game will be fun, but it kind of looks like somebody just modded the heck out of Fallout 3.
I'm not going get on the hype train. After New Vegas, Bethesda has a pretty monumental task ahead of them of trying to match Obsidian's quality writing, characters, and general gameplay. It's already starting out pretty weak with them clearly using their ancient engine.
Looks like the same old engine with higher resolution assets and a brighter color palette. That's extremely disappointing. I'm sure the game will be fun, but it kind of looks like somebody just modded the heck out of Fallout 3.
I'm not going get on the hype train. After New Vegas, Bethesda has a pretty monumental task ahead of them of trying to match Obsidian's quality writing, characters, and general gameplay. It's already starting out pretty weak with them clearly using their ancient engine.
@Zen_Light: I highly doubt it's on the PS3 and 360. This is just Bethesda not wanting to spend the money to build a new engine.
The end of the trailer shows the platforms: PS4/Xbox One/ PC
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