Oh that code name, I thought there was more.
Look I wasn't here last gen so I don't know what Polyphony did with their games before release.
but allIm watching now is Turn 10overhypingtheir game, while there are great changes they are making that Im really excited about to see in the next Forza, these changes were already in GT ( like the unlocked cars from the beginning ).
"we are the first to bring the tracking line to the market and now games like NFS and others copy us" was a blatant lie, GT4 brought it first.
Cmonthey areoverhypingtheir game like crazy.
First, the dynamic racing line was not in GT4. :| Its first appearance in a GT game was in Prologue.
Second, I wasn't even referring to the game's tagline when I made my comment. I was referring to the following comments...
Eurogamer: One of the things that stood out in Microsoft's press conference was the Forza team saying it was the definitive simulation racer. How do you feel about that?
Kazunori Yamauchi: I don't exactly know what their announcement was about, but we've evolved over 10 years through our history, towards GT5, and I don't know if it's something that can be compared.
"Actually, I have difficulty playing other games for over five minutes. A lot of the low-level quality just stands out so much in other games that I can't stand them!"
"I try them out a little bit. The only impression I get from those games is that the only benchmark for Gran Turismo is Gran Turismo and we have to base ourselves on that."
Turn 10 is proud of their project. What you see as overhyping, I see as them sharing info about Forza 3. Hell, Turn 10 didn't even write this article. IGN did so I can't see how you can blame Turn 10 for "overhyping their game".
It was there, you press the right or left stick, I don't remember which one and the assist line pops out, I was searching for a video in youtube for that but I didn't find it yet.
Well you know the first comment is kinda right, it's like the comparison between Kobe and Lebron, the guy had three rings with established statitics and reputation over the years so how the hell people comparing Lebron with Kobe?
Same couldn't be said for GT vs Forza but you know what im pointing at, the fact that GT is an established franchise over the years so calling Forza 3 the definitive simulation racer is quite jumping to conclusion without even recognizing the history of the competition.
The rest of comments is major bull as much as Forza's turn 10 guys.
They are taking major jabs at GT, saying they were taking notes, while there is nothing wrong about it but at the same time there is no proof to their story.
I believe it when a Polyphony official say they did take notes from Forza 3.
To re-educate myself on GT4, I popped it into my PS3 a few minutes ago before you posted and pressed in both sticks and no assist line popped out. Considering the dozens of hours I've invested into the game, I think I would've noticed the feature if it was in there. I went looking for it in the menus and couldn't find it so either you're mistaken about GT having it or your copy of the game is different from mine.
Turn 10 calling their game the "definitive racing simulator" is no more arrogant than PD calling GT "The Real Driving Simulator".
As far as the "taking notes" comment, here's what Turn 10 actually said...
"Perhaps the most surprising to me was when a couple developers from Gran Turismo makers Polyphony Digital came by to personally get hands-on with Forza 3, all the while taking careful notes, examining our UI system, shooting photos, and directly asking us some pretty interesting questions. The reason I say I was personally surprised was because PD aren't generally known as a studio to acknowledge that there are racing games that exist beyond their own."
Now, where did they take a cheap shot at PD? The last sentence? No, that's not a cheap shot, that's the truth. The quotes I posted are proof enough of that.
And don't hold your breath for a comment from PD saying that they took notes. They'd never be humble enough to actually admit that.
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