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4 Uncharted games in 6 years is not going overboard and 4 Gears games in 7 years is? Seriously? 4 games in 6 years is WAY overboard. And it doesn't matter that one of those games was on a handheld, the franchise still had 4 instalments in just 6 years. Face it, Sony is milking all its franchises. See thats not what bothers me. Instead of possibly coercing epic into make a new better IP. They announce gears almost a year after the third one released. I just think it's better to wait it out and see where it goes. I mean do these big devs like cliffy? Or Ken levine ever get tired of working on the same property? I nejoy media black outs for a year or so. Not knowing what the dev may come up next. Microsoft can't just tell Epic what to do, Epic is an independent developer. They develop the games they want to, not what MS wants. As far as the new IPs thingie is concerned, Microsoft has got Rare working on new one shooter IP and one action adventure IP, Lionhead on an MMO-like IP and three new IPs at three other studios, all for the Xbox 720.[QUOTE="khoofia_pika"][QUOTE="-Patrick_92-"]There has been 3 Uncharted games for PS3, and 1 for Vita...that's not going overboard. ND is even making another new IP instead of cashing in on Uncharted 4.Animal-Mother
[QUOTE="-Patrick_92-"][QUOTE="khoofia_pika"] 4 Uncharted games in 6 years is not going overboard and 4 Gears games in 7 years is? Seriously? 4 games in 6 years is WAY overboard. And it doesn't matter that one of those games was on a handheld, the franchise still had 4 instalments in just 6 years. Face it, Sony is milking all its franchises. khoofia_pikaGlad you can enjoy another Gears game buddy :) but MS is milking their only 4 big titles, and that's all you'll get unless you like Kinect. I can actually enjoy all games, I have all three consoles :P My point is, while I agree Microsoft is milking their franchises, and I often bash on them for doing so, they're handling Gears pretty well. Also, Sony is milking its franchises WAY more than is advisable. Sony is no saint, but they do spread out there games, I think only Rachet and Clank may be their only game this gen to have reached over 4 games...maybe they're are others I can't think right now :P
And Sony is letting ND do a new IP towards the end of the PS3's life cycle. Sony does milk there franchises, but no where near the level that MS has been doing.
[QUOTE="RulerofGondor"][QUOTE="parkurtommo"][QUOTE="RulerofGondor"]Let's look at the hypocrisy, though. Sony announces a new Killzone, a new God of War, a new Resistance, a new Uncharted. Cows everywhere: Yay Sony, we love you! Microsoft announces a new Halo, a new Forza, a new Fable, a new Gears. Cows everywhere: lol rehash. Hypocrites.mems_1224Well I'd say a trilogy is acceptable (without counting portable games), once there is a fourth that's when the real milking starts. Why would you not count the portable games? They count every bit as much. So far, there have been four Killzone games, and a fith one is incoming, five God of War games with a sixth one incoming, four Resistance games, and a fifth one incoming, and four Uncharted games. There have only been three Gears of War games, on the other hand, with a fourth one announced. How is this any worse milked than any Sony franchise? Or is milking permissible when you do it to eight franchises and not four?
end ofdiscussion
[QUOTE="casharmy"][QUOTE="charizard1605"]Xbox 360 isn't maxed out, says Epic
Bioware: PS3 is Maxed Out
So you want to believe developers, hm?
not taking sides here but:lol: @ using Bioware as a refrence for saying what the maximum capabilities of PS3 are. haha is that seriously your source of choice of backup in this argument?
Excuse me but what game did Bioware produce that has ever been praised people in the videogame as the best technical graphics on consoles? Which would have you believe they are a valid source to make such an evaluation?
The fact that they work on both consoles plus PC should be enough credentials. BUT I also have a quote from Naughty Dog, if you want ;)Honestly, any development group and only speak from their own talent and experience. Nothing they say is a unquestionable fact in refrence to what someone else could do.
The only thing we can do is look at what they actually produce and look at comparsons of what's alredy on the market to make that determnation.
The fact that they work on both consoles plus PC should be enough credentials. BUT I also have a quote from Naughty Dog, if you want ;)[QUOTE="charizard1605"][QUOTE="casharmy"]
not taking sides here but:lol: @ using Bioware as a refrence for saying what the maximum capabilities of PS3 are. haha is that seriously your source of choice of backup in this argument?
Excuse me but what game did Bioware produce that has ever been praised people in the videogame as the best technical graphics on consoles? Which would have you believe they are a valid source to make such an evaluation?
Honestly, any development group and only speak from their own talent and experience. Nothing they say is a unquestionable fact in refrence to what someone else could do.
The only thing we can do is look at what they actually produce and look at comparsons of what's alredy on the market to make that determnation.
I agree with you, but tell that to ShadowMoses, who pulls out those exact two links every time to prove that the Xbox is maxed out, but the PS3 isn't.good news for gears fans. Unfortunately for the dev unless this is for 360 i woun't be getting it. This was my first ad last gen for M$ consoles, and don't feel like getting a nextbox for 3 games series next gen next gen, especailly not when I dislike halo and forza.
[QUOTE="khoofia_pika"][QUOTE="-Patrick_92-"]Glad you can enjoy another Gears game buddy :) but MS is milking their only 4 big titles, and that's all you'll get unless you like Kinect.-Patrick_92-I can actually enjoy all games, I have all three consoles :P My point is, while I agree Microsoft is milking their franchises, and I often bash on them for doing so, they're handling Gears pretty well. Also, Sony is milking its franchises WAY more than is advisable. Sony is no saint, but they do spread out there games, I think only Rachet and Clank may be their only game this gen to have reached over 4 games...maybe their are others I can't think right now :P And Sony is letting ND do a new IP towards the end of the PS3's life cycle. Sony does milk there franchises, but no where near the level that MS has been doing. - 7 Ratchet and Clank Games (ToD, Q4B, ACiT, A4O, Secret Agent Clank, SIze Matters and another PSN one coming up) - 4 God of War Games (God of War 3, GoS, COO and Ascension) - 4 Uncharted Games (1, 2, 3, Golden Abyss) - 3 Killzone games (2, 3, Liberation) - 4 Resistance Games (1, 2, 3, Retribution) - 3 LittleBigPlanet Games (1, 2, PSP) That's a LOT of milkage, When you consider the fact that Sony has WAY more franchises than MS, that's even more pathetic.
Microsoft has to be the most boring publisher ever when it comes to retail, all they do is churn out the same 3 or 4 titles.FIipModeSomeones jelly.
[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"]See thats not what bothers me. Instead of possibly coercing epic into make a new better IP. They announce gears almost a year after the third one released. I just think it's better to wait it out and see where it goes. I mean do these big devs like cliffy? Or Ken levine ever get tired of working on the same property? I nejoy media black outs for a year or so. Not knowing what the dev may come up next. Microsoft can't just tell Epic what to do, Epic is an independent developer. They develop the games they want to, not what MS wants. As far as the new IPs thingie is concerned, Microsoft has got Rare working on new one shooter IP and one action adventure IP, Lionhead on an MMO-like IP and three new IPs at three other studios, all for the Xbox 720. But doesn't MS have a contract on the gears games?[QUOTE="khoofia_pika"] 4 Uncharted games in 6 years is not going overboard and 4 Gears games in 7 years is? Seriously? 4 games in 6 years is WAY overboard. And it doesn't matter that one of those games was on a handheld, the franchise still had 4 instalments in just 6 years. Face it, Sony is milking all its franchises. khoofia_pika
[QUOTE="khoofia_pika"][QUOTE="Animal-Mother"] See thats not what bothers me. Instead of possibly coercing epic into make a new better IP. They announce gears almost a year after the third one released. I just think it's better to wait it out and see where it goes. I mean do these big devs like cliffy? Or Ken levine ever get tired of working on the same property? I nejoy media black outs for a year or so. Not knowing what the dev may come up next.Animal-MotherMicrosoft can't just tell Epic what to do, Epic is an independent developer. They develop the games they want to, not what MS wants. As far as the new IPs thingie is concerned, Microsoft has got Rare working on new one shooter IP and one action adventure IP, Lionhead on an MMO-like IP and three new IPs at three other studios, all for the Xbox 720. But doesn't MS have a contract on the gears games? Only for publishing and distributing, Epic still owns the franchise. In fact, they can release all Gears games on the PS3 whenever they want.
Why would you not count the portable games? They count every bit as much. So far, there have been four Killzone games, and a fith one is incoming, five God of War games with a sixth one incoming, four Resistance games, and a fifth one incoming, and four Uncharted games. There have only been three Gears of War games, on the other hand, with a fourth one announced. How is this any worse milked than any Sony franchise? Or is milking permissible when you do it to eight franchises and not four?[QUOTE="mems_1224"][QUOTE="RulerofGondor"]Well I'd say a trilogy is acceptable (without counting portable games), once there is a fourth that's when the real milking starts.olart4618
end ofdiscussion
You named FOUR Sony IP's with many sequels. lol The problem is that Gears and Halo are all they got. THAT'S the problem.[QUOTE="olart4618"][QUOTE="mems_1224"] Why would you not count the portable games? They count every bit as much. So far, there have been four Killzone games, and a fith one is incoming, five God of War games with a sixth one incoming, four Resistance games, and a fifth one incoming, and four Uncharted games. There have only been three Gears of War games, on the other hand, with a fourth one announced. How is this any worse milked than any Sony franchise? Or is milking permissible when you do it to eight franchises and not four?Bread_or_Decide
end ofdiscussion
You named FOUR Sony IP's with many sequels. lol The problem is that Gears and Halo are all they got. THAT'S the problem. Yup, if they had big new ips in between churning out the same 4 franchises every year there would be less people complaining, but this is ALL they have, it's sad.The PS4 will not have backwards compatibility with the PS3 in all likelihood because Sony is supposed to be ditching the Cell and going with a new architecture entirely. If you think that disc formats are all that's needed for backwards compatibility, then you're an idiot and I laugh at you.[QUOTE="RulerofGondor"][QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"]
Those are all just rumors. But if PS4 does launch first it will put Sony ahead of MS and they will get the most support early on, leading them to having a bigger install base similar to what 360 did by launching early.
Only thing though is Sony would have to price the PS4 smart and make it have BC with PS3. Which would be easy and not increase cost at all as Blu Ray to Blu Ray BC is simple. It's the same exact format.
Sony would have to have strong launch games to do it, like Uncharted 4, Killzone 4, LBP 3 ect..
You know this? How? Do you have a time machine?
And similar format is easy, architecture isn't that big of a deal. Wii is fully BC with GC even though the Wii has different architecture (it has to for Motion Control). It's just more difficult to go from DVD to Blu Ray formats for games, it is expensive to do that. Which is partly why PS3 launch price cost so much.
Blu Ray to Blu Ray format would be easy and have virtually no cost attached to it.
you dont know why are you talking about, the format dosent matter, thearchitecture is a big deal, is everything talking about BC.
You named FOUR Sony IP's with many sequels. lol The problem is that Gears and Halo are all they got. THAT'S the problem. Yup, if they had big new ips in between churning out the same 4 franchises every year there would be less people complaining, but this is ALL they have, it's sad. They did. Remember Crackdown, Lost Odyssey, Kameo and all those games? All got good reviews but nobody bought them so they stopped. Unlike Sony who keeps making a trillion sequels to games with no demand for it.[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"][QUOTE="olart4618"]
end ofdiscussion
You named FOUR Sony IP's with many sequels. lol The problem is that Gears and Halo are all they got. THAT'S the problem. Yup, if they had big new ips in between churning out the same 4 franchises every year there would be less people complaining, but this is ALL they have, it's sad. Damn you Sony for releasing sequels to Little Big Planet, Infamous, Killzone, Ratchet and Clank, Resistance, Uncharted, God of War, and Starhawk! DAMN YOU!!![QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"][QUOTE="olart4618"]
end ofdiscussion
[QUOTE="FIipMode"]Yup, if they had big new ips in between churning out the same 4 franchises every year there would be less people complaining, but this is ALL they have, it's sad. They did. Remember Crackdown, Lost Odyssey, Kameo and all those games? All got good reviews but nobody bought them so they stopped. Unlike Sony who keeps making a trillion sequels to games with no demand for it. No demand? Well that's ignorant. All those game sold well enough to warrant sequels.[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"] You named FOUR Sony IP's with many sequels. lol The problem is that Gears and Halo are all they got. THAT'S the problem. JohnnyCageMK
[QUOTE="-Patrick_92-"][QUOTE="khoofia_pika"] I can actually enjoy all games, I have all three consoles :P My point is, while I agree Microsoft is milking their franchises, and I often bash on them for doing so, they're handling Gears pretty well. Also, Sony is milking its franchises WAY more than is advisable. khoofia_pikaSony is no saint, but they do spread out there games, I think only Rachet and Clank may be their only game this gen to have reached over 4 games...maybe their are others I can't think right now :P And Sony is letting ND do a new IP towards the end of the PS3's life cycle. Sony does milk there franchises, but no where near the level that MS has been doing. - 7 Ratchet and Clank Games (ToD, Q4B, ACiT, A4O, Secret Agent Clank, SIze Matters and another PSN one coming up) - 4 God of War Games (God of War 3, GoS, COO and Ascension) - 4 Uncharted Games (1, 2, 3, Golden Abyss) - 3 Killzone games (2, 3, Liberation) - 4 Resistance Games (1, 2, 3, Retribution) - 3 LittleBigPlanet Games (1, 2, PSP) That's a LOT of milkage, When you consider the fact that Sony has WAY more franchises than MS, that's even more pathetic. It's pathetic that Sony has a lot franchises? I was counting the games for the 360 and PS3, considering MS doesn't have a handheld, and if they did I'd bet they would have brought Halo, Forza, and Gears to it. That's just my way of thinking though, if you want to count handhelds that's fine, I just didn't think of it like that.
Lets take a look at the big 4 for MS this gen:
Halo 3, Halo Wars, Halo ODST, Halo Reach, Halo Anniversary, Halo 4 (and they announced that Halo 4 is a start of a trilogy)
Forza 2, 3, 4, and Horizons
Gears 1, 2, 3, and now this title (4 games in one gen isn't that bad, but I feel like it's just too soon for another Gears)
Fable 2, 3, Heroes, Journey.
That's a lot of milk, all on one console. Sony does it too, but MS is worse in my opinion.
And they are going to do the same thing with Kinect, I would not be surprised if they announce Dance Central 3 at E3.
[QUOTE="JohnnyCageMK"][QUOTE="FIipMode"]Yup, if they had big new ips in between churning out the same 4 franchises every year there would be less people complaining, but this is ALL they have, it's sad.Bread_or_DecideThey did. Remember Crackdown, Lost Odyssey, Kameo and all those games? All got good reviews but nobody bought them so they stopped. Unlike Sony who keeps making a trillion sequels to games with no demand for it. No demand? Well that's ignorant. All those game sold well enough to warrant sequels. Only Crackdown did, the other two flopped.
[QUOTE="FIipMode"]Yup, if they had big new ips in between churning out the same 4 franchises every year there would be less people complaining, but this is ALL they have, it's sad. They did. Remember Crackdown, Lost Odyssey, Kameo and all those games? All got good reviews but nobody bought them so they stopped. Unlike Sony who keeps making a trillion sequels to games with no demand for it.not really, they didn't sell bad enough to completely give up on those franchises, kameo sold nearly a million.[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"] You named FOUR Sony IP's with many sequels. lol The problem is that Gears and Halo are all they got. THAT'S the problem. JohnnyCageMK
[QUOTE="189419841894"]lol u cant even swim in gears of war what a turd.BadoshYeah man, I only play games that you can swim in. add's more diversity to the level design.
I totally saw this coming. Not only did I know Microsoft wouldn't let 2013 go without at least one big title, but a prequel seemed most likely.
I am very excited for this.
Considering Max Payne 3 really perfected third person shooting, I am curious to see if Epic will learn anything from that game.
If they balance the guns in versus then this new Gears could be amazing. Unfortunately, the totally busted balancing of the guns in Gears 3 totally kept me from enjoying versus mode....
Sony is no saint, but they do spread out there games, I think only Rachet and Clank may be their only game this gen to have reached over 4 games...maybe their are others I can't think right now :P And Sony is letting ND do a new IP towards the end of the PS3's life cycle. Sony does milk there franchises, but no where near the level that MS has been doing. - 7 Ratchet and Clank Games (ToD, Q4B, ACiT, A4O, Secret Agent Clank, SIze Matters and another PSN one coming up) - 4 God of War Games (God of War 3, GoS, COO and Ascension) - 4 Uncharted Games (1, 2, 3, Golden Abyss) - 3 Killzone games (2, 3, Liberation) - 4 Resistance Games (1, 2, 3, Retribution) - 3 LittleBigPlanet Games (1, 2, PSP) That's a LOT of milkage, When you consider the fact that Sony has WAY more franchises than MS, that's even more pathetic. It's pathetic that Sony has a lot franchises? I was counting the games for the 360 and PS3, considering MS doesn't have a handheld, and if they did I'd bet they would have brought Halo, Forza, and Gears to it. That's just my way of thinking though, if you want to count handhelds that's fine, I just didn't think of it like that.[QUOTE="khoofia_pika"][QUOTE="-Patrick_92-"][QUOTE="khoofia_pika"] I can actually enjoy all games, I have all three consoles :P My point is, while I agree Microsoft is milking their franchises, and I often bash on them for doing so, they're handling Gears pretty well. Also, Sony is milking its franchises WAY more than is advisable. -Patrick_92-
Lets take a look at the big 4 for MS this gen:
Halo 3, Halo Wars, Halo ODST, Halo Reach, Halo Anniversary, Halo 4 (and they announced that Halo 4 is a start of a trilogy)
Forza 2, 3, 4, and Horizons
Gears 1, 2, 3, and now this title (4 games in one gen isn't that bad, but I feel like it's just too soon for another Gears)
Fable 2, 3, Heroes, Journey.
That's a lot of milk, all on one console. Sony does it too, but MS is worse in my opinion.
And they are going to do the same thing with Kinect, I would not be surprised if they announce Dance Central 3 at E3.
It's pathetic that Sony has a lot of franchises and still milks all of them rather than spreading them out. Microsoft does that because they dont have any franchises. Sony has a choice.
Another one? This HaloGearsForza thing is bordering on self-parody at this point.
lems say that PS3 owners are hypocrites when we clearly have more than 4 big franchises. so what if we have trilogies? at least we don't have trilogies of the same 4 franchises for 7 years now (and counting).
lems fail to understand the concept of exclusive diversity. since for them diversity = multiplats. pathetic.
Another one? This HaloGearsForza thing is bordering on self-parody at this point.
lems say that PS3 owners are hypocrites when we clearly have more than 4 big franchises. so what if we have trilogies? at least we don't have trilogies of the same 4 franchises for 7 years now (and counting).
lems fail to understand the concept of exclusive diversity. since for them diversity = multiplats. pathetic.
ps3 has big franchises??? lol like what?It's pathetic that Sony has a lot franchises? I was counting the games for the 360 and PS3, considering MS doesn't have a handheld, and if they did I'd bet they would have brought Halo, Forza, and Gears to it. That's just my way of thinking though, if you want to count handhelds that's fine, I just didn't think of it like that.[QUOTE="-Patrick_92-"]
[QUOTE="khoofia_pika"] - 7 Ratchet and Clank Games (ToD, Q4B, ACiT, A4O, Secret Agent Clank, SIze Matters and another PSN one coming up) - 4 God of War Games (God of War 3, GoS, COO and Ascension) - 4 Uncharted Games (1, 2, 3, Golden Abyss) - 3 Killzone games (2, 3, Liberation) - 4 Resistance Games (1, 2, 3, Retribution) - 3 LittleBigPlanet Games (1, 2, PSP) That's a LOT of milkage, When you consider the fact that Sony has WAY more franchises than MS, that's even more pathetic. khoofia_pika
Lets take a look at the big 4 for MS this gen:
Halo 3, Halo Wars, Halo ODST, Halo Reach, Halo Anniversary, Halo 4 (and they announced that Halo 4 is a start of a trilogy)
Forza 2, 3, 4, and Horizons
Gears 1, 2, 3, and now this title (4 games in one gen isn't that bad, but I feel like it's just too soon for another Gears)
Fable 2, 3, Heroes, Journey.
That's a lot of milk, all on one console. Sony does it too, but MS is worse in my opinion.
And they are going to do the same thing with Kinect, I would not be surprised if they announce Dance Central 3 at E3.
It's pathetic that Sony has a lot of franchises and still milks all of them rather than spreading them out. Microsoft does that because they dont have any franchises. Sony has a choice.
They do spread them out :?Oh and Insomniac is now 3rd party, so the next entry isn't Sony milking the franchise... but the previous games was Sony milking the franchise :lol:
Possibly milkage? idk but After Gears 3 there should be a resting point. Hopefully this is just add on content because if this is a full game then wtf.
[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"][QUOTE="khoofia_pika"] Microsoft can't just tell Epic what to do, Epic is an independent developer. They develop the games they want to, not what MS wants. As far as the new IPs thingie is concerned, Microsoft has got Rare working on new one shooter IP and one action adventure IP, Lionhead on an MMO-like IP and three new IPs at three other studios, all for the Xbox 720. khoofia_pikaBut doesn't MS have a contract on the gears games? Only for publishing and distributing, Epic still owns the franchise. In fact, they can release all Gears games on the PS3 whenever they want.
uh idk about that...that is a grey area.
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