I'm not really sure what you expect here. Games like Thief and Deus Ex just can't be made any more, hell it ultimately proved to be a bad idea to even make the games then. Looking Glass made fantastic games that lacked the appeal to even keep the company afloat and Ion Storm was crushed under the expectations of them after Deus Ex. With the way the industry works right now, you're not going to see games with Deus Ex's level of depth simply due to the time and monetary costs involved. You will not make back your investment, and this is still a business after all. Human Revolution isn't nearly as deep and complex as Deus Ex but it can't be with how much more work is involved in programming games now. It'd take forever and be exorbitantly expensive to fund besides. These are just the realities right now. So really, games that genuinely expand on Thief and Deus Ex will not happen any time soon.
Firstly, how do you know? A lot of developers seem content with releasing the same games yearly, with minor additions and superifical changes. If developers spent less time thinking about the mass appeal of games they could have come up with something truly unique.
Second, that comment about it being a bad idea to make them is one of the dumbest thing I've ever read on this board. You'd rather not have played those games at all then? So what if they didn't have mass appeal? I'll sustain my memories of those longer than some of the **** being produced to from the factory like MOH and COD. You have a Dishonored picture in your signature man - just think about what that game borrows from.
Human Revolution could have been as complex as Deus Ex. Its just a failure of imagination. They thought that putting vents in every level was a way of including variety. Have you ever played Braid? Its an indie game for $10 and is as complex and imaginative as any blockbuster of the last few years.
Dishonored IS the successor to Thief and it does a fantastic job of opening up a number of choices in fairly expansive levels. In fact the ONLY thing about it I found lacking was the plot, even the world-building was done very well.
Dishonored borrows [copies] a lot of Thief's styIe and some of its levels but lacks the complexity of the stealth play. Its choices are superficial. Yes you could turn into a fish and go through the trouble of going through a drain point, but why bother when the simpler option of Blinking to places is as obvious as it is?
There are at least three levels in Dishonored that are laughably easy and make the apparent choices of the game redundant. Since you don't need most of those powers to avoid guards it weakens their impact on the game.
I also can't really comprehend how you could find the writing in Max Payne 3 to be worse than what we were given in 1 and 2. It's all ridiculously over-the-top metaphor masking a very simple and straight-forward plot in both instances. You could argue it's more fun that way, maybe even more interesting, but I really fail to see how anyone could consider the quality of Max Payne 3's writing to be worse. The metaphor is still there, along with the noir stylings, it was just made substantially less ridiculous. If anything the gameplay is the disappointing aspect with the weapon limit and requiring you to now use cover. I say this with Max Payne 2 still being my favorite game in the series despite its flaws.
Firstly, Max Payne 3 is very poor as a sequel to Part 2. It basically ignores anything that happened at the end of the previous game, like Max getting over his wife etc. Second, they stripped away a lot of the pop references and the mythology out of the game, along with anything relating to the American Dream and the Noir aspects. Those are important staples to the series. More subjectively, I didn't think that any of the new characters in MP3 were well established and particularly interesting, especially the bad guys. There's one character who shows up just so that he can explain the plot to Max! I found the plotting, with the various gangs and such, extremely confusing too. There are big plot holes, like when you learn Max's reason for travelling to Brazil in the NY flashbacks too, which make no sense when you consider the course of the first game. Some of the dialogue just sounds like someone imitating Payne rather than understanding his monologues, phrases like "I'd killed more cops than cholesterol".
You don't have to use cover to play MP3 - I objected to using a cover system since I heard about it and played the game largely without one and didn't have much difficulty. So the gunplay was the highlight for me. Its still a 7/10 game.
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