You could have walked, as snake, to the bench. Sat down, pressed x to smoke. But to what point? It wouldn't have looked "badass," because it would be done from a gameplay perspective. It wouldn't have ethe same level of anticipation and impact. It wouldn't feel cinematic without special camera angles being employed.
There's no reason why a game has to make the player feel that they are the protagonist.
I think for some games it's appropriate to tell the story in other ways other than cutscenes; even beneficial. But I think in other cases cutscenes are best OR that the benefits of having a scene play out in game time are nil.
I wouldn't have a problem (given the plane is a small area) if they had used unique camera angles while we were in the plane. If it were done in gameplay, they could have further expanded the scene as well, they could have added lots of other interactible things (all at the player's own will), all while the exciting music and commander's dialog is playing over, thus making it still feel cinematic.
Why make the player feel like they're the protagonist? Because we can, that is what is possible with video games.
The reason why one would feel movies are the best way to tell a story in a game, is because we love movies. Most people (including myself), probably feel the film medium is the best way to tell a story, or at least the most exciting way. When I play a game though, I want to see a story told through the game medium, which is not actually done that often at all.
It seems to me like you need to have more faith in what video games can do, rather than rely on the old and proven cutscene. I think games will evolve in time, just like how movies started out with a very play/stage like presentation, with one simple camera angle capturing the set and action- this is because plays are what had worked before hand (much like our cutscenes). 90 years later, and it's safe to say film has found it's place and own identiy, filmmakers have captured what is possible to do, in both a technical, and narrative sense with film, utilizing it's possiblities to an amazing extent. I think games will evolve in a similar way.
I just don't see the point in playing out something so small in gameplay. There's no point imo.
I understand and I think it's a great thing; I just don't think all games need to do it.
I disagree. I think the reason why cutscenes are in games is the same reason why movies are basically cutscenes; our lives play out in motion. Why shouldn't games play out story events in motion?
It's not that I don't have faith in what videogames can do and I agree with you that things like archiving to discover plot are great devices. But I don't think we need to completely disregard cutscenes just because there are other ways to communicate storyline, especially when gameplay and archiving may be inadequate in depicting certain scenes. For example, in FFX you can tell a lot about what Yuna is thinking by her expressions and body language (a skill Square seems to have lost in the past 10 years). How are you supposed to communicate this with gameplay? If you have her outright speak everything, then it ruins the subtlety. On the other hand, FFXIII implemented a system where the characters can talk and interact with each other as they progress through the game's various locations. The story of the game was hardly impressive, but it was a system that could have been utilized in gameplay to deliver dialogue through locations and it was underutilized.
There is a time for gameplay and there is a time for cutscenes.
It's not that I am against cutscenes entirely, there are uses for them, but my main point is that developers seem to be neglecting the immersive and interactive possibilites by being overly dependent on cutscenes all the time for stories. There are places for "cinematics" of sorts though, look at Mass Effect for example. It's a pretty dialog-heavy game, so the cutscene-like dialog scenes are pretty important, and probably work best the way they are, but it's also important to note that even though they have a cutscene-like persepctive, you still interact with them, which is important and is what gaming is all about.
In Half-life 2, you can look at the characters faces to see their expression, there is no designated camera angle pointing it out. I don't think cutscenes are exactly a bad thing (as long as the story itself is good), but I do have a problem when they start taking up more time than they should. This is the case with Metal Gear, the length of the cutscenes are ridiculous, it becomes a case of the story not only having too much fat, but the game instead becoming an animated movie, with playable action scenes.
Someone mentioned this earlier, and I agree with it- Splinter Cell Conviction actually handled the story through actual gameplay quite well. They had scenes where Sam would be interogating a bad guy in a bathroom- normally this would be handled with a cutscene, but it was playable here, and it really added to the game by making you actually able to play out Sam's aggression, instead of spectating. Not only that, but the game made it so things that may have normally been a cutscene, were instead projected onto the actual environment, like a memory playing from Sam's mind, it was very effective and kept you in the experience. Also, there were moments were Sam would be talking or doing something (cutscene-like), but it would still be taking place within the gameplay, and you had camera control (even though Sam may have been moving by himself), thus still giving you a kind of very natural and in-game cutscene-like approach (incredibly seamless, and more natural than a cutscene would have been).
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