Yeah, and I'd also say Batman deserves to be ahead of AC Syndicate. Batman was actually pretty good it's just a shame the PC port was mishandled so badly. Syndicate has far worse major design issues, despite the narrative being the game redeemed itself from Unity's mistakes, actually hasn't.
Yeah reports of the PC port and being chained to the Batmobile a little too much is what knocked it below City for me. Shame because there is a lot of good things happening in the game.
I thought the game paced itself fine between needing to use Batmobile and getting out for other more traditional activities. You're still perfectly capable of gliding around the map like City if you want. If you only used the Batmobile where you needed too it's not all that intrusive on the gameplay. IMO one is only going to need to get in the Batmobile more often to earn those points needed for some challenges which help unlock skills and it's not all that bad IMO, not entirely mandatory but more for the 100%'ing a game type gamers. If you were one of those players who did the Riddler challenges in the previous games no problem I don't see anybody having one here.
I find people nitpick the Batmobile being in the game. After all it could have been a lot worse and there's probably not many other ways they could have done it better. Frankly, I think reviewers are lazy and just regurgitate each others criticisms. Hell, a while ago they blew the lid off that Google group of industry journalists who basically agree beforehand to stick to key criticisms of some games and toe the line to their own narrative of the industry and the games that release rather than offering their own unique individual perspectives like they're supposed to. Frankly, Iv'e heard the Batmobile hate so much if it's not one it's the other. Knock it all you want for the shit PC port all you want, fine, that's an honest criticism at least; but be consistent there as they let Just Cause 3 sit at 18 and they dropped the ball on consoles for that.
If one wants a more brawler Batman experience that can best be served by going back and playing Arkham Asylum or even City, Asylum being my favorite in terms of best balance of stealth and fighting, as well as best paced in both gameplay and story. City did a lot of things good but one area it fell flat was on story and villains feeling like they weren't given the proper attention they deserved. At least as far as Arkham Knight goes I thought they gave the villains their fair shake here. Plus, so much attention to detail went into every nook and cranny in this game it's kind of sad to see people so dismissive.
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