Ryan Davis, not Jeff, was the one who made the blatantly wrong comment...
He complained about 1 hour installs(which is BS), constant patching(again... BS), and constantly updating drivers(yet again... BS).
Most installs are 10 minute MAYBE. Patching practically does itself these days, and if it doesn't it takes like 5 minutes to do. Same with drivers...
Thing is, Ryan also said he though Company of Heroes could be done on consoles... Thankfully, the only informed one there, Brad, said "Hell no! I still haven't even learned all the controls and gotten a grip on it on the M+KB, screw thinking about trying it on a controller."
They just seemed largely uninformed and foreign to PC gaming. Which is fine I guess..
Vs, what? Console games except for the PS3 has no install, auto patching, and auto console updates. Overall, consoles are a more streamlined experience. There are ways to get around that, and thats steam and he did mention that, but for other stuff it can be a huge hassle compared to consoles.
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