I have been saying this for some time, and it has been misinterpreted over and over again. I've been called an elitist, biased, a hater, whatever....
Nintendo is hurting gaming.
Really nice title.....
Frankly, what Nintendo is doing right now is appealing to a market that's not us - the longtime gamer - but a market that is *them* - people who don't like videogames - people who play things like DDR, Guitar Hero, and Jane Fonda workout tapes. They shoved us aside with the Wii - in fact, look at Reggies' comments for the past two years - they *are no longer interested* in catering to us.
No longer interested? did you get the memo that E3 isn't a targeted for gamers to boast about how cool their games are but now and will always will be a press conference for investors? The fact that you make your first point with no indiction of you considering that they were aiming for you, non gamers, and investors/stockholders at the same time makes me consider that you angry when making this post.
At their press conference, Nintendo kept telling us "you're wrong". Over and over, in fact. They told us what to think. They told us "oh, you're wrong, this is gaming for everyone" - they essentially acted like "hehehe you're stupid, you don't get it." The reality is, they know this isn't gaming for us, they know we don't enjoy these games - but they figure, "hey, if we can tell some Nintendo diehards that we're making gaming *better*, maybe we can drag them along".
That post wasn't directly at you but for the people who foolishly thought that Nintendo was letting go of their main targets.
Everything they're doing right now is about catering to sales from a lucrative market - a market we've been calling "casuals" - but in retrospect we should have kept calling "non-gamers". Casuals *used to be* a market that pumped their chests for Madden and Halo - what we have here is a new beast entirely.
So, they're making money by exposing it self to a different demographic? excuse me but this doesn't concern you the slightest bit. Were you when the Psp, Xbox, PS1-3 were doing the same by exploiting the people who consired blood and violence as a true game? The fact that you made this post and igorned the other games makes me think that you rushed this post.
For a minute, just concede that Nintendo doesn't care. Why are they harming gaming? Because they control so many nostalgic series. I had to give this up *a long time ago*. As an early Sega fan, I had to accept that my favorite games - such as Sonic the Hedgehog - were no longer the same. I had to come to terms with the parent company Sega losing their minds - Sonic 3D Blast helped a great deal to drive that reality home, and by the time I played Sonic Shuffle and Sonic Adventure 2, it became easier to accept that Sega was going downhill.
Nintendo doesn't care? you make it seem like its one individual...when you should really think that they're other people who care thats inside the company working for them. and yet you make a post that is pretty damn ignorant to state that they are ruining the gaming industry? I'm sorry, this can considered to every gaming device out there. To the PSP that was considered ''kool'' to the Xbox that was considered awesome because it looked ''mature'' to The people doubting the Ds for being different and unique. Yet all those devices that have that image proved the audience wrong by showing them that they could do more.
Nintendo isn't dying, they were though, they were dying, losing marketshare, and they found this huge new market with the Wii... and unfortunately, much like Sega, they hold our old favorites hostage. So what do we get? Our best games come with concessions - Metroid Prime 3 will be built around "the zapper", goes back to stacked beams, and features basically a "turbo charged" mode -why? All in the interest of making the bastion of Nintendo's "hardcore" catalog still sell to some of the same people who will buy Wii Fitness.
Metroid Prime 3 had stacked beams way back in the old in days and turbo charged mode is something I bet they would put in the game even if it didn't target the non gamers.
They are trying to blend the ****c franchises into the Wii Sports / Play / Fitness market
Twilight Princess was one of the easiest Zelda games I've ever played, Super Paper Mario was time-consuming, but not exactly *challenging*, and Super Smash Brawl might not feature online gameplay.
Super Smash brothers will feature on line play, Twilight Princess was a easy gamebut it was still fun PaPERMArio WAS A GREAT GAME REAGARDLESS OF YOUR OPINION and Nintendo is still thesame company.
gameplay?" ... maybe Nintendo didn't notice that PC, Xbox 360, and PS3 have services that are lightyears ahead of what I do on a DS or Wii? I don't feel like I have "the world" in the palm of my hand when I play Mario Kart online on my DS - I feel like I might as well be playing against the AI - I can't identify if I'm really playing the same people again, there's no ranking, I can't talk to my opponents, I can't see my opponents - where is the online social interaction?
Its free you get what you pay for, and be glad that we actually have online.
I feel that Nintendo has realized that online doesn't matter to increase DS / Wii sales, so they're not doing it - that simply they said "building a service like PSN costs too much money, and look at the people buying a Wii, they don't care." I do care, however, it's important for me. I have friends and family all over the world - being able to see their face and hear their voice while I play is vital - it makes it so I'm playing a racing game with my little brother, even though he's in another city - it makes it so I can talk to the other gamers in my Halo clan, even though they're in Denmark. Nintendo's issue isn't that they "don't get it" - it's that their current salesbase says "I can go to YouTube and MySpace on my Wii - Wii does it all!"
Since when did online features are ''considered hardcore'' So you have people around the world good for you but aren't games considered to be about playing it not socializing to other players. To be honest I like the online features thats why I don't have to listen to a 12 year old boy talk about how he owns the game,
Nintendo is in a situation where, quite frankly, we, the longtime gamers, are supporting them out of nostalgia. If the actual *games* Nintendo is releasing - Metroid, Mario, Smash, et cetera - were the same games, but with new characters and titles, would we be buying them. Honestly, look in your heart and tell me you'd buy MP3 without the "M". This doesn't just apply to Nintendo - Halo 3 *looks awful* by comparisson to other FPS titles coming out this year - it hasn't *evolved* enough - the FPS genre moves and improve so quickly - yet Halo 3 looks archaic. Yet MP3 looks *even more* archaic, and we support it, why? Because it's Metroid. I'm as guilty as the next guy of doing this.
No, I support Metroid because of its games form past history. The fact that your judging the game from face value really makes me doubt you. Metroid like it or not will always be considered for fans who like from now to the day they bought the game for the Nes days. And were you dissing halo because it looks archaic? last time I checked people bought including me because it was fun.
I'm sorry, this all might not be the level of logic or cohesiveness I usually have - I have no intention of becoming a fanboy or a hater or anything else, but I'm done with Nintendo - I am washing my hands of them. For me it's about more than the games, it's also about the vision behind those games, about what you're trying to do with them. Yesterday's showcase was a disgusting display of chest-pounding arrogance and a clear showing that Nintendo does not view games as art.
View games as art? I'm sorry but these are the same guys that bought the gaming industry back to life, the same guys that made OOT legendary and made people and doubters considered game as art. The fact that you're claiming that they don't considered games as art is really an oxymoron. Arrogance is something all companies have,look at Sony when they were winning doesn't change that their systems of the PS2 and PS1 were really what they were bragging about to be true.
"Games are for everyone" doesn't mean you should stop making games for me. I always thought, as a kid when I played Gameboy, that Nintendo would grow up with me, and they haven't. Sega and Nintendo, hand-in-hand walked me down a brightly coloured path to living gaming - and now both of them are gone. Nintendo... Sega... gone. I thought they were gone last year, and I gave them one last chance here, I tried to be open-minded, but I can't do it anymore.
You're talking about yourself now? I'm sorry but your dreams of a company catering to every whim makes me skeptical that you thought this through. No company that I know of ever listens to the minority of the consumer they are targeting to when the rest is satisfied. Welcome to reality where the majority rules.
I cannot accept Nintendo's vision for gaming. I do not support the idea that titles such as Wii Fitness should be showcased as videogames.
So they offer one game and you're off the wagon. I'm sorry but that is incredibly stupid. If I did the same thing you did I wouldnt have realize the games that Xbox has other than Halo. When I first played the Xbox I thought the system was all about Halo but now I realize its a good system with good games that should be considered. But considering your off already maybe this best for you.
I'm done Nintendo. You do what you want to do, you will never get another dollar from me. Say good-bye to the tens of thousands I've spent on your products over the years. Frankly, it's my finest wish that every other longtime Nintendo fan do the same. Hardcore gamers represent a great deal of software sales - as long as we continue to support their "blended" market - where they make *just enough* of a hardcore spin on ****c franchises to tempt us, they will be able to keep being insanely profitable.
Sorry pal, I'm not going to listen to someone who considered their fondest wish is make other people come to your thinking. I've been with Nintendo since the NES days but now I have other systems too like the PS2 and Xbox but this doesn't regret my decision of buying a Wii. The fact that you're pissed off doesn't make Nintendo a sell out you're tryingtoview them as. I will play games like SSMBB, MP3, Mario Galaxy and so fourth while you still complain and try to convince others to quit. Sorry just because you left the band waggon doesn't mean you can create a new one for your intended ideas for what you consider hardcore.
I'm done. I'm sick and tired of having to hold my breath and pray - Sony this year "got it" - they were humble, they showed games, and they said "thanks for being here guys." Nintendo doesn't care. Sonic and Mario standing together in the same game should be enough of a warning sign to longtime gamers - hegehogs and plumbers running down a track together (at the same height, might I add, though Sega keeps changing how tall Sonic is every game, it's getting annoying) is, I believe, one of the signs of the apocalypse.
I'm sorry but Sony has to be more humble and caring for the last generations for what they did the last systems of bragging how their system is Superior, the fake trailers they do to make it seem like the Cell was revolutionary, the malfunction PS2s that out in the world, the fact that they claimed to make innovations that others did, the ideas they stole off from other competitors and other crazy statements. The fact that you're making Nintendo seem evil makes me consider that you're just other wii hater but make seem like you're informed.
Nintendo's world has ended, and I'm done with it. Bye, see ya. Time to get a second or third job, because the future of gaming as I enjoy it does not lie in your competively priced "plug-n-play" remote controlled gaming box.
Future of gaming? thats opinion and what whether its Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft or a mixture of all of it doesn't chang the fact that they are all future gaming. The fact that you make seem like Nintendo isn't part makes you just pissed off that reality strikedyou like lighting that Nintendo has to change and adapt to survive in the world that we call business, Its not personal but it is business.
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