The butt hurt guy who can't play VR games because his eye's are too sensitive and that his PC has to play it on low while he claims his PC as impressive?...
So after letting my Oculus gather dust for a few years I finally decided to go through the hassle of setting it up again for Half-Life Alyx after all the hype surrounding that game to see if it was worth it. Instead, I was just reminded of why I put the Oculus away in the first place.
I simply cannot use VR for more than 30-40 min at a time. No matter how much I try to adjust the headset or fiddle around with settings, the same thing always happens: Things are fun for 20-30 min, then my eyes start becoming extremely dry to a point of literally hurting very badly (I try blinking often but it makes no difference). Then not long after I start experiencing minor headaches that quickly go away after I stop using the Rift.
This is why I gave up on using the Rift last time. It's not that there aren't any fun games, it's just that it's so uncomfortable to use that it doesn't even matter. That's not even mentioning other problems like sweating and heat.
To be fair, Alyx is a fun game. And I agree that it's the best VR game to date. But that isn't saying much. That said, while otherwise fun Half-life Alyx is a good example of how VR will always impose annoying limitations to game design that would not exist otherwise. A good example is limiting the speed of the action and slower pacing, because otherwise the game would be unplayable for most people in VR. VR games have to be slower paced to work. Period. Nobody is going to play something like Doom Eternal in VR.
Then there's all the annoying gimmicks. It appears to be an unwritten rule that every VR game must have annoying mini-games that take advantage of the motion controls. And indeed, Alyx is full of them. Want to unlock a force field? Mini-game. Want to open a computer console? Mini-game. Want to use a weapon upgrade station? Mini-game. It's just annoying and does nothing except slow down the pacing of the game.
Which brings me to the next point. As cool as I felt it was walking around inside of a Half-life level while headcrabs leaped into my face, I still feel VR is largely just a gimmick. A very, very cool and impressive gimmick. But still ultimately just a gimmick. Was it really insane and cool to have a headcrab leap into my face the first few times? Was it really cool looking at ceilings and seeing actual life-size barnacles there? Yes.
But those things were only cool the first dozen times. Then the novelty wore off.
Same with the guns. Being able to point and shoot your guns with your actual hands felt super cool at first, but after a while you realize that it's still ultimately just the same kind of point & shoot combat that you are use to having in non-VR games except your aim is worse and hitting things is harder. Which btw forces you to aim slowly and carefully, thus lowering the pacing of the game.
Truth be told, I'm already getting bored of Alyx and I'm not even half-way through the game. The initial wow factor of the VR stuff has already started to wear off, and all I'm left with is a generic half-life game with fancier graphics. Fancier graphics which I can't even properly enjoy anyway because the resolution on the rift is too low. Game easily looks 10x better on youtube playthrough than on the actual rift simply because the videos are high res and crisp compared to looking at it in-game through the actual rift.
And the best part? Despite having a very high end gaming PC (Has a 1080 and 16 GB RAM, can play Eternal at 2560 resolution at highest settings with 60+ fps) Alyx still recommends I play at the lowest settings in order to have good performance. Despite the fact I have a better gaming PC than literally 90% of people. If I bought an Index which has higher resolution than the rift my PC might not even be good enough to play it with a decent framerate...
I'm sorry but VR will never be mainstream. Even this new flagship game has not been successful in debunking the idea that VR is ultimately just about wowing you with an initial coolness factor that then quickly fades away after a while. It's still just a gimmick in the end.
Just like you he's a butt hurt person who is angry that he can't play VR games because of his own eyes... He's angry that his PC is no longer the top dog... He's angry that his Original oculus hasn't aged well.
Then he spends 1/2 confused saying that he physically can't do things and wouldn't want to do things quicker in VR... Then talks about the game being slow.
You have found a person just like you. Someone who is so insecure that because THEY cannot play it are angry so look for reasons to hate it.
Also he talks about the puzzles/hacking as a gimmick?... Right where as opening locks on non VR games is ground breaking mouth watering gameplay.
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