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[QUOTE="swade"]I think it's disrespectful to call Halo 3's good.... It's horrible absolutley horrible it makes no sense what so ever... The end it stupid the alien was in the same ship with master chief when he supposebly died and it doesnt explain his death after the credits it just shows him frozen and gives us no answers How could the alien think he's dead shouldnt he know what happened. The acting was corny when me and my friend played through we laughed at the horrid acting and the mindeless story please refrain from ever saying this story is anything above being bad ppl shouldnt be aloud to review any type of story if they dare say Halo 3 had a story that made sense.silentobiWHAT!? :lol:
I'm talking about the end of the story let me edit it.
I think it's disrespectful to call Halo 3's story good.... It's horrible absolutley horrible it makes no sense what so ever... The end is stupid the alien was in the same ship with master chief when he supposebly died and it doesnt explain his death after the credits it just shows him frozen and gives us no answers How could the alien think he's dead shouldnt he know what happened. The acting was corny when me and my friend played through we laughed at the horrid acting and the mindeless story please refrain from ever saying this story is anything above being bad ppl shouldnt be aloud to review any type of story if they dare say Halo 3 had a story that made sense
[QUOTE="silentobi"][QUOTE="mingo123"][QUOTE="FunkyHeadHunter"][QUOTE="mingo123"]totally opposite for me
Anyone who puts down Halo is only trying to fit in with the SOnyboys, and Hermits. Halo is a great game no matter what people try and convince themselves otherwise.
You know I played HL2 when it came out for pc...Only played it for a few minutes and hated it. I was probably the only person in the world NOT impressed with it. Sure you can have your own opinions but sometimes you need to give things another try. IM gonna pick up the Orange Box for 360 later on and gonna enjoy it im sure.
Long story short....Sometimes we have it in our heads to NOT LIKE something before we accually give it a REAL TRY...
i thinking over 100 online matches is enough for me too judge Halo 3's multiplayer, i just hate the matchmaking, quitting penalty also sucks since once you join a game you dont wanna play thx to matchmaking if you quit you lose a point, i dont care so i quit......but too much quitting was getting annoying as well so i just gave up + there is lag and problems with bullets not registering and double melee just gets frustrating....also not much skill required to play halo 3 coz your reticle or whatever its called is always still no matter what, it just turns into a frustrating experience
I know, but just play with your friends it's a lot more fun that way.we used to have custom Halo 3 matches every weekend with full 16 friends, but it only lasted 2 weeks rofl, alot of people just stopped playing that game and now.....compared to vegas which is played by same friends every weekend since it came out :)
We got tried of custom matches to and we just made a clan. Now we use matchmaking for didnt was boring cause you would have times were youre just walking around lost(the 2nd level is a good example)Ryder004
what does that have to do with the horrible story and it was easy to get through what are you talking about I had no trouble getting through the levels I played co op on the hardest difficulty.
[QUOTE="jethrovegas"] Bioshock was a story driven experience to me. It was the atmosphere and the writing that made it a good game, and yes, the repetition in that game got quite annoying in later levels. But that has nothing to do with Halo...Bansheesdie
I only bring it up because you seem to have enjoyed BioShock, if you ignore it in BioShock but acknowledge it in H3 then you are being biased.
No, it was repetitive in the sense that there was little to no variety in the enemy types you faced, and you basically fought the same battles over and over again outside of the vehicle segments.
Same as above. Halo 3 is a sequal, Bungie couldn't just throw out the rule book and add a bunch of crazy new stuff. Even though they evolved the Flood a lot.
And that makes it better how? jethrovegas
I didn't say it made it better, its just truth. And its like what some reviewer said, backtracking seems to be in Bungie's design plan for whatever reason.
Alright, look, I don't think Halo 3 is a bad game. The multiplayer is great, 4-player co-op is great, but as a single player experience I feel that it fails to be anything more than just OK.
Now, I do like Bioshock, I really do, but I certainly woudn't award it a 10/10. It had some severe issues, especially after the twist in the middle of the game.
However, I feel like Bioshock redeems its flawed later level gameplay with a fresh setting, great atmosphere, and the best writing I have seen in a video game in a long time.
On the other hand, Halo 3's SP doesn't have an awesome story and a truly immersive and engaging world filled with well thought out and well written characters to compensate for the flaws in its basic level and gameplay structure, and that means, that as a single player experience, Halo 3 just isn't all that wonderful.
It's certainly one of the best games this year, but I just feel like the real draw comes from the multiplayer, and the 4 player co-op.
[QUOTE="mingo123"]totally opposite for me
hm really? why so
single player is great... story is great...much more action than in multiplayer
Multiplayer is very good too.
WHAT!? :lol:[QUOTE="silentobi"][QUOTE="swade"]I think it's disrespectful to call Halo 3's good.... It's horrible absolutley horrible it makes no sense what so ever... The end it stupid the alien was in the same ship with master chief when he supposebly died and it doesnt explain his death after the credits it just shows him frozen and gives us no answers How could the alien think he's dead shouldnt he know what happened. The acting was corny when me and my friend played through we laughed at the horrid acting and the mindeless story please refrain from ever saying this story is anything above being bad ppl shouldnt be aloud to review any type of story if they dare say Halo 3 had a story that made sense.swade
I'm talking about the end of the story let me edit it.
I think it's disrespectful to call Halo 3's story good.... It's horrible absolutley horrible it makes no sense what so ever... The end is stupid the alien was in the same ship with master chief when he supposebly died and it doesnt explain his death after the credits it just shows him frozen and gives us no answers How could the alien think he's dead shouldnt he know what happened. The acting was corny when me and my friend played through we laughed at the horrid acting and the mindeless story please refrain from ever saying this story is anything above being bad ppl shouldnt be aloud to review any type of story if they dare say Halo 3 had a story that made sense
I still don't understand that but i'll do my best to counter your ridiculous rant. Ok The Arbiter was in the ship with MC, but the scorpion seperated them and after halo fired the ship split apart and the arbiter side of the ship was sent back to earth's orbit and MC's side of the ship got blasted into another part of the galaxy. MC didn't die he just went into hyper sleep. Everyone thinks he's dead because no one knows where he is. The reviews said the voice acting was really well done LOL at you and your friend. The story was really well executed. It helps if you played the two previous games.Not flamebait. The TC is right, and lemmings won't address this issue because they only care about multiplayer. Just admit it lemmings. Halo 3 is about teh multiplayer and you could care less about the single player. If you REALLY CARED about the singleplayer in Halo 3, then there would be many more topics that would say "teh single player sucks!"But, those topics are few and far between...Gee, I wonder why. It isn't because lemmings are too busy only caring about the multiplayer is it? No, never....AvIdGaMeR444
trust me i loved the single player of halo 3 its the best of the series
honest to God, it's downright mediocre...the only reason to get Halo 3 is the great multiplayer..who else agrees the single player is bad and the multiplayer is much more entertaining?
i dont think the single player is bad, but games like deus ex and half life put halos single player to shame imo. and i dont game online much so i really really depend on a games single player mode.and halos single player is nothing special.
[QUOTE="DRAGONPIECEZ"]honest to God, it's downright mediocre...the only reason to get Halo 3 is the great multiplayer..who else agrees the single player is bad and the multiplayer is much more entertaining?
single player is great.
Well said dude. Multiplayer is even better though.;)
[QUOTE="Pro_wrestler"][QUOTE="Bansheesdie"][QUOTE="jethrovegas"]the story wasn't great (though I enjoyed the ending), the final "big" battle felt anti-climactic, there was no actual final boss (it was really just an interactive cutscene), the final scene (with the warthog) felt tacked on and bland, the writing felt off, the enemies were repetitive, the overall gameplay was repetitive, and alot of the level design (backtracking, task repetition, etc) just plain sucked.jethrovegas
The writing? Have you played BioShock? If you thought H3 had repetitive enemies then you probably couldn't even get through BioShock. Gameplay was repetive, in the sense that you don't have millions of weapons to use or the sense that this is a sequal? The backtracking is less then any other Halo game, so isn't that just complaining to complain?
I'm all for opinion but there is a thing called a valid opinion, in his case he either is nitpicking trying to make the game look bad and or has an attention span and patience of a 5 year old.
Task repetition? Sounds like something strung together. Thats like docking Metroid points because you had to kill a certain boss on more than one occasion despite each time being varied and refreshing.
So, if I raise legitimate points against a video game which I have played on numerous occasions, it means I'm either trying to make the game look bad, I'm nitpicking, or I have the attention span of a five year old? :|
What is with Halo fanboys? Do they feel as the Halo games should remain free from the normal criticism that all games receive?
Do they think that just because someone criticises the game, they are a non-thinking hater?
What are you telling me? That all of my points are wrong? Are you telling that the friendly AI isn't dumb? Are you telling me that the final "boss" isn't a letdown? Are you telling me that the level "Cortana" doesn't suck?
I mean seriously man, I just made several points against Halo 3 using logic and all you can do is sit back and mutter "Hater".
If you feel so strongly about H3, then ****ing defend it using reasoning, but don't sit there and say that I am just a hater with the attention span of a five year old.
If you can't defend H3 with logic then why even respond to my argument?
1. Don't give me that "Whats with Halo fanboys prasing it" bullsh*t man because most people don't even like Halo and are extremely biased againts it. You see every damn thread thats made someone mentions the same things you did just to annoy the few people here who enjoyed it. Take a look in nearly every Crysis thread and you'll see some fanboyish remark when the thread has nothing to do with Halo. Hell, there was a thread a few days ago asking you to state which repetative franchise you would like to see discontinued, sure enough someone says Halo. HALO! Over FF with its 28 games and Mario with its...22344 games...So no theres nothing wrong with rapid "Halo fanboys" because they are pretty much non-existant on here.
2. Its not a matter of "defending it with reason." Someones opinion on it is reason enough without question, there is however a such thing as a valid opinion on the matter.
3. I gave a non-contradicting OPINIONATED critique about the game. "though I enjoyed the ending"--"Final scene felt tacked on and bland." Sounds a tad bit confrontational.
4. Maybe you should go into greater detail about what you mean. An example how repetative and stupid the AI Is. I'm sure you can see how giving a narrow critique is sort of flamebaitish. If I quoted you saying "Bioshock has stupid character design" then you would probably wonder how I arrived at that conclusion. Not flaming you, just defending the game from unfair criticism, so if you do feel that way so be it.
I think it's awesome. The only level on the game which was any less than fantastic was Cortana.Ninja-Vox
EVERY game has that one level that is just nightmare-inducing. Half Life 2 had Sandtrap, HL:E2 had the Strider defense level, the previous Halos had the libraries, Bioshock had the park level, GRAW had Chapultapec...the list goes on.
[QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"]I think it's awesome. The only level on the game which was any less than fantastic was Cortana.Verge_6
EVERY game has that one level that is just nightmare-inducing. Half Life 2 had Sandtrap, HL:E2 had the Strider defense level, the previous Halos had the libraries, Bioshock had the park level, GRAW had Chapultapec...the list goes on.
I love how bungie even acknowledge it as well, on the podcast. "When are we next doing campaign scoring then?" "I dunno we only have cortana left..." 'Noooo, no no cortana equals fail man."
If anything, the gameplay topped the original Halo for me. The story wasn't quite as good or deep as it should have been though. MegaPigeon
yep. The story was pretty simple, but the gameplay topped Halo 1's. And its all about the gameplay, especially when you can play online co-op
9.5 too bad GS reviews count for """" nowniall077
[QUOTE="Bansheesdie"][QUOTE="jethrovegas"]though I had some pretty big issues with it...jethrovegas
what were those issues?
The friendly AI was stupid, the enemy AI was inconsistent, the story wasn't great (though I enjoyed the ending), the final "big" battle felt anti-climactic, there was no actual final boss (it was really just an interactive cutscene), the final scene (with the warthog) felt tacked on and bland, the level "Cortana" was absolute garbage, most of the characters were boring and unconvincing, the writing felt off, the enemies were repetitive, the overall gameplay was repetitive, and alot of the level design (backtracking, task repetition, etc) just plain sucked.
Other than those issues, I thought it was fine.
So in others word, it really didn't deserved that 9.5 right. Almost like every Halo game that camed out. In my opinion, it deserved at most a 8.5. 9.5 should be given to only games that have a magnificent Single player and Multiplayer, unless the Single Player independantly rocks. You shouldn't hve to go and by the comics of a game in order to understand a game......
[QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"]I think it's awesome. The only level on the game which was any less than fantastic was Cortana.Verge_6
EVERY game has that one level that is just nightmare-inducing. Half Life 2 had Sandtrap, HL:E2 had the Strider defense level, the previous Halos had the libraries, Bioshock had the park level, GRAW had Chapultapec...the list goes on.
What's wrong with the Strider defense level?
It wasn't perfect, but I thought it did a great job of giving you a lot of freedom in how to proceed in the encounter, while still providing a straightforward, well-paced experience.
Anyways, it's definitely an exaggeration to say that Halo 3's singleplayer is bad, becuase it isn't bad. It's pretty good. It's just not amazing. While the gunplay is fairly open-ended and the enemy AI is pretty strong, there is a lot of backtracking, the story presentation is pretty uneven (they assume that you know everything about what happened in the first two games, and some of the writing in the cutscenes is pretty embarassing), and while the battles themselves are strong, in the end, you're still basically fighting the same kinds of battles you were fighting through the whole game.
The multiplayer, on the other hand, is totally awesome.
[QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"]I think it's awesome. The only level on the game which was any less than fantastic was Cortana.sonicmj1
EVERY game has that one level that is just nightmare-inducing. Half Life 2 had Sandtrap, HL:E2 had the Strider defense level, the previous Halos had the libraries, Bioshock had the park level, GRAW had Chapultapec...the list goes on.
What's wrong with the Strider defense level?
It wasn't perfect, but I thought it did a great job of giving you a lot of freedom in how to proceed in the encounter, while still providing a straightforward, well-paced experience.
Those damned Hunters and their flachettes made it practically impossible for me to take out the last few Striders.
[QUOTE="sonicmj1"][QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"]I think it's awesome. The only level on the game which was any less than fantastic was Cortana.Verge_6
EVERY game has that one level that is just nightmare-inducing. Half Life 2 had Sandtrap, HL:E2 had the Strider defense level, the previous Halos had the libraries, Bioshock had the park level, GRAW had Chapultapec...the list goes on.
What's wrong with the Strider defense level?
It wasn't perfect, but I thought it did a great job of giving you a lot of freedom in how to proceed in the encounter, while still providing a straightforward, well-paced experience.
Those damned Hunters and their flachettes made it practically impossible for me to take out the last few Striders.
The Hunters are tough, but have you tried running them over? Takes 'em down right quick. Logs also do a lot of damage, apparently.
I found the battle just tough enough to be very tense and exciting, but it wasn't so hard that it felt frustrating to me.
I'm playing it through with a multitude of skulls on to get the metagame achivements. Its just as fun as it was first time through.
I'm playing it through with a multitude of skulls on to get the metagame achivements. Its just as fun as it was first time through.
I love how Bungie did that. It made the game very replayable and I think every future game on the PS3, 360, and Wii should have that feature.
I'm playing it through with a multitude of skulls on to get the metagame achivements. Its just as fun as it was first time through.
The meta games are fun to play, especially if you are competeing agains 3 other people for score.
P.S: The grunt birthday party skull is one of my favourite things ever.
P.P.S: I just want to say that I approve of your sig. Imperial Guard rules!
[QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"]I think it's awesome. The only level on the game which was any less than fantastic was Cortana.Verge_6
EVERY game has that one level that is just nightmare-inducing. Half Life 2 had Sandtrap, HL:E2 had the Strider defense level, the previous Halos had the libraries, Bioshock had the park level, GRAW had Chapultapec...the list goes on.
The Strider defense level is known for being freaking awesome - one of the best in the HL series :shock:How is it nightmare inducing??!?!?
honest to God, it's downright mediocre...the only reason to get Halo 3 is the great multiplayer..who else agrees the single player is bad and the multiplayer is much more entertaining?
u suck ;D why do i think that u even havent played it? meow :3
honest to God, it's downright mediocre...the only reason to get Halo 3 is the great multiplayer..who else agrees the single player is bad and the multiplayer is much more entertaining?
I personally thought that the pure gameplay of it was much better than 1 or 2 by far, because they had very many enemy types to fight, giving great variety, and every weapon was balanced. I think that vehicle combat might have been too major of a focus, but the controls are pretty solid, so I can deal with it. I was also somewhat disappointed with the storyline of the first half of the game, It was cool being on Earth, but nothing was really happening in that time. Fortunately the Story picked up at Floodgate.
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