I don't understand why it's so hard for you to understand that fun isn't dependent on technical limitations. You're a prime example of the type of PC gamer that makes the rest of us look bad.
The things I mention have 100% direct relationship with gameplay an 0% relationship with technical limitations. (you may say that one of those things "fps" have to do with technical limitations, but in reality have zero relationship with technical limitations, any system can have 60fps, but the overwhelming majority of developers on consoles choose inferior gameplay "30fps" in order to get better graphics)
There is a difference between between people who look at games and see things like "fps, field of view, what you use to control" and people who look at a game and see "This looks fun" not matter what you play it on.
That's what we've been arguing here.
Now for the predictable rebuttal.
The fact is that playing with "k/m, 60fps, large fov" the fun factor goes up, way up, compare to "controller, 30fps, small fov" (as i said earlier if you haven't really experiense games with "k/m, 60fps, large fov", then "controller, 30fps, small fov" is ok for you since you don't know what you are missing)
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