Too bad MOBA, MMO, RTS and simulation games are not real games.
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The IGN review is more accurate
not really. I have, play and love the game. 8 or greater seems right. Not sure what ign's deal was.
If I was to put in the time to learn and play a MOBA, it would probably be DotA2 so this doesn't really interest me
Even though Blizzard addresses a lot of my complaints about Dota 2, I find myself coming back to Dota 2 instead. It's more intense.
Meh that's boring. DoTA 2 is a 9 and League was rereviewed as a 9. What a boring competition.
At any rate I shant be playing this as I tried alpha and found it to be too simplified compared to other MOBA games, which are already pretty much modified and simplified RTS's. I enjoy a game of League or DoTA 2 from time to time and that is good enough for me.
It's a really nice game. I was playing for the last 20 hours. It's sleek, team-focused, fair, easy to pick-up and not that aggressive at all like Dota. Healer are OP LOL
I wasn't into Moba before, but this game is really good, causual and fast-paced. Matches last only 20 minutes. It's like Counter Strike of Mobas.
If I was to put in the time to learn and play a MOBA, it would probably be DotA2 so this doesn't really interest me
Even though Blizzard addresses a lot of my complaints about Dota 2, I find myself coming back to Dota 2 instead. It's more intense.
Is the community in HotS friendly/friendlier?
Are the people having fun playing the game instead of yelling at each other?
Would be cool to have a gamer-friendly MOBA.
@KungfuKitten: Relatively speaking, it is more friendly both from how the gameplay is designed and how the community is designed.
HotS's party system is somewhat similar to WoW's party system. You are heavily encouraged to play in groups (bonus XP), and it's very easy to find new people to friend for future parties. There is also no "feeding" in this game, so even very inexperienced players will have a much harder time pissing people off, and some semblance of teamwork is possible even from the newbest of the newb as long as they stick to the group. Finally, even in losing matches the game doesn't feel as frustrating as LoL/DOTA, since matches are short anyway (so you don't have to commit so much extra time to a loss), and it's quite easy to make comebacks in late game.
To give a comparison, the most "yelling" you can expect in HotS is probably similar to dungeoning in WoW. People may at most complain about low DPS, but there is nothing in HotS that would "wipe the raid".
The IGN review is more accurate
I bet you didn't even read that so-called "review".
I did read it, and I'm aware that the reviewer was spouting a bunch of misinformation about the game before his review, and that the review itself had some misinformation. But I think the points he made on the extremely restrictive, shitty payment model and a constant focus on teamfighting are relevant points. Elimination of gold, items, XP, last-hitting, jungling, or any sort of real lane phase aren't just omissions that contribute to a "different" game: they contribute to a watered-down game, one that prevents snowballing, diminishes the importance of individual skill, and will reduce the game's competitive viability in the future.
That's not to say Heroes of the Storm is a bad game for people new to MOBAs, or who hate the genre: those are basically the core audiences here. The heroes themselves are fun to play and teamfights can be enjoyable, but that's something DOTA 2 and LoL offer as well, and those games have much deeper mechanics that reward early-game success.
IGN review is an insult to blizzard.
IGN review is an insult to the industry.
I get you have opinions and stuff...but to call the game ok, only because it doesn't follow the traditional MOBA structure is terrible, not to mention he even says that in his 115 games, comebacks were rare, that's BS, there are always potential for comebacks.
Anyway, the game is really fun, it does have shortcomings but i enjoyed much more than DOTA2, i mean i would probably dropped DOTA 2 by now if it weren't for some friends that always invite me to play.
Still, my most hyped Blizzard game is Legacy of the Void.
lol Mobas, anyways its nice the pc got a AAA after getting two 4s the past week.
In the past week the PC has had a 9 and an 8, 3 6's, 3 4's and a 3. How many games has the PS4 had in the past week? Inb4questiondodge
This game is epic, much love to PC and Blizzard for having this gem. Its a fresh take on the Team Battles and i dont think there is a better team battle game right now then Hots.
Just because it's a game from blizz it should get star ratings everywhere? I heard it way to over simplified, I assume it was the main objective but I didn't like it that much, that top down camera messes with my head.
Smite ftw
Yeah Smite is great also, theyre in a league of their own with that awesome unique camera.
lol Mobas, anyways its nice the pc got a AAA after getting two 4s the past week.
In the past week the PC has had a 9 and an 8, 3 6's, 3 4's and a 3. How many games has the PS4 had in the past week? Inb4questiondodge
And let's all remember how hyped were those 6's,4's and the 3
lol Mobas, anyways its nice the pc got a AAA after getting two 4s the past week.
In the past week the PC has had a 9 and an 8, 3 6's, 3 4's and a 3. How many games has the PS4 had in the past week? Inb4questiondodge
seriously i wish consoles get that many games in a single week.
lol Mobas, anyways its nice the pc got a AAA after getting two 4s the past week.
In the past week the PC has had a 9 and an 8, 3 6's, 3 4's and a 3. How many games has the PS4 had in the past week? Inb4questiondodge
seriously i wish consoles get that many games in a single week.
It is rather unfortunate that on PC we're forced to play all those games
PC gets another quality exclusive. Blizzard has a pretty good lineup right now just by themselves. PC truly is the best place to play.
@RoboCopISJesus: You seem like someone who likes "Hatred".
You seem like someone whose damage controlling PC's far AAA/AA lead.
@RoboCopISJesus: The fact that it's exclusives come from 3 genres wasn't an opinion. If you like those genres chances are you have been a PC gamer for a long time.
The PC has more shitty games then any console as well. It has more games period because it's an open platform.
But AAA games in Moba, MMO and RTS isn't going to win anyone over who isn't already a PC gamer.
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