1. MOBA actually has a pretty high skill cap, which is why it has the biggest tournaments for gaming ever. Period. It might not be as skilled as twitch shooters or RTS but its sure as hell higher than movie games, auto-aim kids shooters, and button mashers specifically designed for non-gamers. (Funny, I don't see any button mashers, madden rehashes, cod clones, or movie game on these lists. Hell, barely any console title period.) I honestly can't believe you're making this argument.
2. MC/GS shows 80%+ exclusives in Survival, RTS/TBS, PUZZLE, MOBA, Adventure, Shooter, CRPG, SIM the last 12 months alone. You were caught in a lie:
@AM-Gamer said:
The fact that it's exclusives come from 3 genres wasn't an opinion.
3. I never stated Fighters, Movie-Games, or Platformers were better on PC. I don't care for that kiddy throw away 1 week later shit. Please learn to respond to the correct poster, you seem hysterical and/or drunk.
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