@AM-Gamer said:
I honestly don't care and do you think I'm going to a internet cafe to play LoL with some kid on a forum? Let me borrow your laptop I gotta play this kid on SW! Lmao really?
When you get out of mommy's basement and get real life responsibilities you will realize how low of a priority that will become.
What an aggravated little chap you are.
*Looking at my post count/register date.
*Looking at your post count/register date.
*Looking at you raging at PC exclusives on a fucking videogame forum.
Real life responsibilities, lol.
Can you self-own more than that, i wonder.
I'll be looking forward to it.
@AM-Gamer said:
You Want a full list of pc problem?
Here i thought i was clear enough about not giving a shit.
You bragged about being able to beat LoL pros via OP champions.
I didn't force you to do it at gunpoint. No one did.
You should've though about being called out on that.
About how you gonna have to prove it.
About your broken-ass MS Office machine.
All of that adult stuff you should've thought about before running your mouth.
Now it's as simple as either you prove it, or you're full of shit.
Very simple.
@MBirdy88 said:
ah dodging as usual, what a shocker.
Same happened to both my Dota and LoL profiles, i swear.
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