@MBirdy88: lol when did I ever dodge you? You told me to post pictures of my theater room setup in another thread because you thought I lied about that. I did then you just STFU and disappeared.
Now what do you want exactly? My account was Hellrunner on LoL.
@MBirdy88: You don't recall? Let's refresh your memory. You called me a console peasant much like you just did. I then replied how can I be a peasant when my TV alone is worth more then your whole setup?
You then had doubts I owned the setup I claimed, I posted pictures and then you say"good for you " and dissaper. Sounds familiar?
And played LoL like a casual? I played for off and on for 4 years.
You say the fighting game scene is dying? Lol really? MKX is the best selling MK ever and we also have SFV and Tekken 7 on the way. I'd say it's stronger then ever.
I'll post pictures of my PC setup when I get home for "da proof"
It's not ablack widow. and I like chiclet keys... plus, given its a living room PC ... I would p*ss the mrs off alot with those loud mechanical keyboards. otherwise I no doubt would of.
Oh, well, a Deathstalker is a pretty decent bargain for a non-mechanical. But if you want to try mechanical keyboards I'd avoid Razer since they only use the clicky blue switches and recently ditched the standard Cherry MX brand switches in favor of some Korean knockoff (which are reportedly even louder than Cherry MX blues). That way you can choose different switch types that don't offer a click.
@MBirdy88: my tv smokes any monitor in color, PQ and black levels. It also has outstanding input with virtually no lag. Please don't bother debating me on that subject. It was one of the best 4k tv's of 2013.
Regardless a GTX 285 was one of the best cards at the time of its release. You say trolls like me talk about there great stuff to feel superior then go on to bash my GpU and gaming devices? I've always built my PC several years after a console launch to see a significant improvement. If I build again I will probably wait for the native DX12 cards.
@MBirdy88: my tv smokes any monitor in color, PQ and black levels. It also has outstanding input with virtually no lag. Please don't bother debating me on that subject. It was one of the best 4k tv's of 2013.
Regardless a GTX 285 was one of the best cards at the time of its release. You say trolls like me talk about there great stuff to feel superior then go on to bash my GpU and gaming devices? I've always built my PC several years after a console launch to see a significant improvement. If I build again I will probably wait for the native DX12 cards.
@MonsieurX: Still shitty, but I wanted something somewhat future proof. 2013 was the year I decided to start my theater room so I decided to get something that was capable of it. I keep tv's till they die so when it does come I'll be ready.
@Vaasman: I'm going to see if I can install it and take a picture when I get home. It will be worth it to shut you all up. I'm lvl 30 so I think you are full of shit.
The ranked games won't show because it resets after every season and I haven't played in a year.
@Vaasman: I'm going to see if I can install it and take a picture when I get home. It will be worth it to shut you all up. I'm lvl 30 so I think you are full of shit.
The ranked games won't show because it resets after every season and I haven't played in a year.
Edit: Hellruner is the username
try "Sipher" thats my player name.
Well according to this info, Hellruner was never higher than silver 5, not even a blip on a pro players' radar, and at no point in his career had a 61% win ratio, so I guess that's closer? In fact, Hellruner lost more ranked games than won.
I'm curious, were we just hoping that no one would look these things up?
@R10nu: It will have two tournaments in less then one month and is the best selling MK ever. Stay butthurt?
And yes perhaps I'll have to repeat myself because I know reading comprehension isn't your strong point. You miss the part of the computer rebooting and locking up during LoL? That results in long AFK time which results in a loss.
Regardless you got RekT. You told me lied I proved you wrong and now your going to grasp for staws.
In regards to my setup and the comments on my tv that was about a conversation I had with him earlier. If your going to quote me and discuss something make sure you know what we're talking about.
That results in long AFK time which results in a loss.
Who is supposed to buy that exactly? Going back to your ranked stats, if we assume you were afk enough to make up the supposed difference in your originally claimed win ratio, 61%, that's over 100 games that you were afking in in 1 1/2 years, well over the amount needed to get banned for leaving games.
Maybe you're just as terrible as the statistics show and that's all there really is to it?
@Vaasman: You don't get banned for DCs if you return to the game. I would always rejoin. What ranked stats are you talking about? I'm probably at least 2 seasons behind and rank stats reset.
Maybe your just butthurt because I proved I played the game extensively and you were hoping to see otherwise?
And yes I would say I probably Dced in over 100 games.
@Vaasman: You don't get banned for DCs if you return to the game. I would always rejoin. What ranked stats are you talking about? I'm probably at least 2 seasons behind and rank stats reset.
Yes you do, especially for afking the amount of time needed to reboot a decrepit system. Back when the tribunal was a thing you wouldn't even make it 10 games, other players would have shit all over you unless you are hyperactively lucky. And that's not even accounting for the pure derangement a person must be going through to continue playing a game highly regularly over several hundred matches when there is such a risk. Guess you fucking loved the game and you're in denial, not sure.
Also lolstarz tracks stats back into season 3 and 4. You were silver 5 and lost more than you won in those 2 seasons combined.
@Vaasman: Yea, um your full of shit because I was never banned. I had a decent system in Season one and 2. The problems started happening in Season 3 and if I recall correctly I got to the point where I barely played ranked in Season 4 due to the issues. I was never banned and theres no way LoL would ban you for DCs with a reconnection attempt because sometimes DCs had nothing to do with hardware. I was never even warned. Almost Half the games had DCs at one time or the other.
Again you are trying to take facts I provided and sku them into a bullshit argument.
@Vaasman: Yea, um your full of shit because I was never banned. I had a decent system in Season one and 2. The problems started happening in Season 3 and if I recall correctly I got to the point where I barely played ranked in Season 4 due to the issues. I was never banned and theres no way LoL would ban you for DCs with a reconnection attempt because sometimes DCs had nothing to do with hardware. I was never even warned.
Again you are trying to take facts I provided and sku them into a bullshit argument.
Maybe it would be in your best interest if you just accept that you weren't any good. Just looking at your stats it's obvious a lot of your losses had nothing to do with a DC. Like you can't DC for half a game and still score a god tier 1/16 KDR. Just doesn't work that way, you wouldn't be alive that long.
I mean honestly it does explain why you're so jaded, you spent thousands of hours playing a game you must have loved, and yet you couldn't even break the 40th percentile of ranked players.
@Vaasman: Yea, um your full of shit because I was never banned. I had a decent system in Season one and 2. The problems started happening in Season 3 and if I recall correctly I got to the point where I barely played ranked in Season 4 due to the issues. I was never banned and theres no way LoL would ban you for DCs with a reconnection attempt because sometimes DCs had nothing to do with hardware. I was never even warned.
Again you are trying to take facts I provided and sku them into a bullshit argument.
Maybe it would be in your best interest if you just accept that you weren't any good. Just looking at your stats it's obvious a lot of your losses had nothing to do with a DC. Like you can't DC for half a game and still score a god tier 1/16 KDR. Just doesn't work that way, you wouldn't be alive that long.
I mean honestly it does explain why you're so jaded, you spent thousands of hours playing a game you must have loved, and yet you couldn't even break the 40th percentile of ranked players.
Maybe it would be in your best interest to admit you were wrong and stop your bullshit. Its obvious lots of my losses had nothing to do with DC based off one game? Really? And you quote KDR without the assist score? LMAO god you were probably terrible. And yes as I said before if I DCed (which would usually last 5 to 10 minutes I would always rejoin). But 10 minutes in LOL is a long time. Regardless I would still try to finish the game.
And no I didn't love the game, it had terrible balance issues and one of the worst communities of any game I played. You fit in perfectly! Id have games where id go 32/0/12 with EZ . I had games here I could fo 20/4/20 with WW and still lose because a teammate would go AFK. I had games where I went 5/10/6 with Yi and we win because I would BD the turrets. You honestly think its all about KDR? LMAO!
@Vaasman: Yea, um your full of shit because I was never banned. I had a decent system in Season one and 2. The problems started happening in Season 3 and if I recall correctly I got to the point where I barely played ranked in Season 4 due to the issues. I was never banned and theres no way LoL would ban you for DCs with a reconnection attempt because sometimes DCs had nothing to do with hardware. I was never even warned.
Again you are trying to take facts I provided and sku them into a bullshit argument.
Maybe it would be in your best interest if you just accept that you weren't any good. Just looking at your stats it's obvious a lot of your losses had nothing to do with a DC. Like you can't DC for half a game and still score a god tier 1/16 KDR. Just doesn't work that way, you wouldn't be alive that long.
I mean honestly it does explain why you're so jaded, you spent thousands of hours playing a game you must have loved, and yet you couldn't even break the 40th percentile of ranked players.
Maybe it would be in your best interest to admit you were wrong and stop your bullshit. Its obvious lots of my losses had nothing to do with DC based off one game? Really? And you quote KDR without the assist score? LMAO god you were probably terrible. And yes as I said before if I DCed (which would usually last 5 to 10 minutes I would always rejoin). But 10 minutes in LOL is a long time. Regardless I would still try to finish the game.
And no I didn't love the game, it had terrible balance issues and one of the worst communities of any game I played. You fit in perfectly!
1/16/4. Sorry scrublord you're just garbage. Deal with it.
And I'm plat 3, full 50 percent of players higher ranked. The funny part is that even at that ELO, I know I have absolutely no chance against a pro player, so all the bullshit you've been spewing about the low skill cap is just that: hot steaming shit.
And you don't play a game for over 2000 hours, through constant disconnects might I add, if you don't love it. That's like 100 times the length of most single player games. Sorry, you're just a bad-at-LoL pathological liar with a secret boner for it.
Let's see where your at. A sorry loser which does well in an extremely simple game and somehow thinks he's fucking LeBron James at life.
Pathological liar? That's funny coming from someone who said I never played Moba got proved wrong and before that talked shit about the skillcap of console games including fighting games while you have never played one. LoL takes very little skill try to something that does and you will know the difference. LoL takes patience, team work, communication and knowledge of champs and items for the best build. But the skill lvl? It's next to none!
Let's see where your at. A sorry loser which does well in an extremely simple game and somehow thinks he's fucking LeBron James at life.
Pathological liar? That's funny coming from someone who said I never played Moba got proved wrong and before that talked shit about the skillcap of console games including fighting games while you have never played one. LoL takes very little skill try to something that does and you will know the difference. LoL takes patience, team work, communication and knowledge of champs and items for the best build. But the skill lvl? It's next to none!
"That's funny coming from someone who said I never played Moba got proved wrong" I never said that.
"and before that talked shit about the skillcap of console games including fighting games" Never said that.
"while you have never played one." Definitely not true.
Maybe it's just lying because you're getting shit on so hard from so many angles that you've confused yourself, but nonetheless you can't attribute a single one of those quotes to me. you've gone way off the deep end.
And if it takes so little skill you'd have at least broken gold in 1000+ hours of gameplay that you clearly were addicted to no matter how much you deny it. The only possible way you could deny that you played a game you absolutely loved is if you change your mind and deny that it's your profile.
You're just garbage as a supposedly skilless game. It's painfully obvious why you're butthurt about the skillcaps. You will never be more than Silver.
At this point and you really should just stop posting because if you weren't already embarrassing yourself before, you certainly are now.
@Vaasman: You said it had a far higher skill cap then anything on consoles.
I was already higher then Silver
And yes it was skilless, try another hobby that requires more then 4 basic hotkeys. At least provide your vast knowledge of recent fighting games you have played to make the assumption that it has a higher skill cap then anything on consoles or stfu.
I enjoyed the game because I had RL friends that played it. That was the most enjoying part.
@Vaasman: You said it had a far higher skill cap then anything on consoles.
I was already higher then Silver
And yes it was skilless, try another hobby that requires more then 4 basic hotkeys. At least provide your vast knowledge of recent fighting games you have played to make the assumption that it has a higher skill cap then anything on consoles or stfu.
No, I said it's higher that "nearly" any other type of game. That's a pretty key difference. I won't even argue for or against it being higher skill requiring than the better fighting games out there because that argument is based on far too many factors. But arguing that it's a low skill ceiling genre is utter bullshit and you damn well know it even if you are too stubborn to actually say it.
And sorry there's just no proof that you were anything but a complete and utter ELO hell titan. You've sucked for 2 straight years of playing the game that's all there is to it really.
@Vaasman: Which is utter BS. RTS I'll give you but MobA? No fucking way. You can blabber about the evidence all you want. In season 1 I was Gold in Season 2 I was Platinum in Season 3 computer problems fucked me and LoL has a brilliant way of dealing with it. By matching you up with players that will go AFK and continue to keep you in a pit. You don't seem to know the definition of skill. Could any person come in there and dominate? No... The game requires good team setup, team work, communication, knowledge of build orders , knowledge of champs that counter other champs etc.... But none of those are skills.
I played it for over 4 years so cherry pick shit all you want.
@Vaasman: No... The game requires good team setup, team work, communication, knowledge of build orders , knowledge of champs that counter other champs etc.... But none of those are skills.
Are you an idiot? ALL of those are skills. And that doesn't even scratch the surface of the skill requirements, because you also need to have the timing and precision to land attacks, abilities, personal combos, team combos, use summoner spells, maintain map control and vision, efficiently farm gold, and on top of all that is understanding many of the statistical mechanics such as how much damage you will take from a minion or turret.
The shit you're posting is like me arguing that no skill is required in a fighting game, you just need to memorize the combos of each character and that's it. Like, not only is that indeed a skill, but it barely even touches what is actually part of the game.
Stop posting, seriously, you're a trash tier butthurt player crying about the skill requirement and quality of a game you've played thousands of hours of. It's beyond stupid at this point.
@Vaasman: Let me explain this to you one more time. You knowing how to do the combos in a fighting game is not a skill. The ability to pull them off in actual gameplay is a skill. Timing and precision on LoL? LMAO......... are you fucking serious now? With all the bullshit AoE stuns , mass slows the shit is so imbalanced it's ridiculous. It takes no skill to land anything if your teammates have a shit ton of disablers. You find it hard to land a skillshot when a character can't move?
It would be almost impossible for certain teamsetups to beat others.
I wasn't always shit tier as you say. And the fact you even mention 1v1 in LoL shows what kind of trash you are. Ever people among the MobA community considered it trash after awhile because it was terribly imbalanced. I went from gold to platinum to bronze to Silver over 4 years. Computer problems set aside the game has so much random bullshit out of your control that to say it's high skill is laughable.
@R10nu: It will have two tournaments in less then one month and is the best selling MK ever. Stay butthurt?
2 tournaments in a month? That's cute. Hots already had 53, with 11 running right now and 4 upcoming.
Butthurt? You sure use some kiddy words for a supposed grown-up.
@AM-Gamer said:
Regardless you got RekT. You told me lied I proved you wrong and now your going to grasp for staws.
You proved nothing, i'm still waiting for the quote of me calling you a peasant.
@AM-Gamer said:
In regards to my setup and the comments on my tv that was about a conversation I had with him earlier. If your going to quote me and discuss something make sure you know what we're talking about.
You were referring me and no one else in that post, so obviously it was me you were adressing:
@AM-Gamer said:
@R10nu: Am I arguing with a 12 year old?
I posted my profile already "Hellrunner" if you weren't blinded by rage you would have saw that.
Stop calling people peasants when they have more expensive setups then you.. it's simple really.
MKX had one Tournament and will also be at EVO it's been out for about a month. Wtf relevance does that have?
It looks like you fucked yourself over just a bit.
@R10nu: I'm replying from a mobile device when I'm at work. I can't quote more then one person due to gamespots stellar mobile support. You quoted me about what I said about a tv which had nothing to do with you. That was a discussion with MrBirdy in which you just replied to with no knowledge. He was calling people peasants and I simply asked how can I be a peasant if my setup cost more? Stay on topic!
And what is your definition of tournament? I'm talking about officially sponsored with prize money. I don't know how many small bullshit tournament's MKX as had. Are you telling me HoTS has had 54 sponsored tournaments?
@Vaasman: Let me explain this to you one more time. You knowing how to do the combos in a fighting game is not a skill. The ability to pull them off in actual gameplay is a skill. Timing and precision on LoL? LMAO......... are you fucking serious now? With all the bullshit AoE stuns , mass slows the shit is so imbalanced it's ridiculous. It takes no skill to land anything if your teammates have a shit ton of disablers. You find it hard to land a skillshot when a character can't move?
It would be almost impossible for certain teamsetups to beat others.
I wasn't always shit tier as you say. And the fact you even mention 1v1 in LoL shows what kind of trash you are. Ever people among the MobA community considered it trash after awhile because it was terribly imbalanced. I went from gold to platinum to bronze to Silver over 4 years. Computer problems set aside the game has so much random bullshit out of your control that to say it's high skill is laughable.
The game has a plethora of counters to chain CC, between resistant champs and items you can easily avoid lockdowns if you aren't awful, even if they land all of them. And yea, it's tough to aim a spell from the full length of the map when the enemy can move where they want, so clearly you are wrong yet again.
I'm really not bothering with this past this point, there's nothing left but going in circles when we both know I'm right. Let's just go down the list here:
-You've spent roughly 2000 hours playing a game that you say was skilless, imbalanced, of a genre you didn't like, and the game constantly crashed. Either you're a massive hypocrite or a psychopath.
-Of those 2000 hours, all available evidence of your playtime indicates that you never broke out of Silver. You say you were Platinum before but your recent and historical stats show that is highly unlikely. Nothing indicates you broke the mid range of a game that "takes no skill."
-Even if we assume that you did indeed ever make it to platinum, that is so ridiculously far from a professional player that there is no scenario that exists on earth where you would beat them head on. I really don't care that you refuse to 1v1 or attempt any ounce of proof to the contrary, because your stats show everything that is needed. Be it 1v1 or 3v3 or 5v5 them with all the players muted, I don't care, those players would eat you alive.
-The game clearly has a much larger skill ceiling than you let on because despite how long you've spent playing, you never even made it off the floor. Mr. "4 hotkeys only," using no summonerspells or items or auto attacking enemies by your own wording.
It's just over man. It's been over since page 1. You were wrong then and you're DEFINITELY wrong now. I have nothing left to say and frankly the rancid endless excuses are unhealthy and getting really annoying. Whether it's the flat out lying or the shifty dodging, it has no basis in this discussion. If you can't fire back with a single shred of objective reasoning then why not just crawl away and evaluate your life choices already? Live with the Genre, live with PC's AAA's, or account suicide already like we all wish you would.
@AM-Gamer: Wait. So, you are telling me you played 1000s of hours of a game you didn't like, thought was terrible, and was having trouble playing without getting DCed most of the time. Why? o.O
@froidnite: Well the first two years were fine. I didn't have the computer issues which helped. But much of it had to do with the updates. When I play a Moba, RTS, Fighting game or whatever I pick a character because I think they look cool or just seem fun to play. The problem with LoL is you can like a few characters and eventually they will at some point be nerfed into worthlessness. That's frustrating over time and after two years I felt I had so much time vested in it I didn't want to just stop. But I realized the same shit would keep happening.
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