Hi, I'm from Singapore. Been at Gamespot here for around two years. Great site IMO, love the reviews, the news, the only game-site only that does video-reviews that well, I suppose. ( i really enjoy the video reviews) Forgive me for not being a subscriber, at 19 years of age, its hard to convince my parents to lend me their credit cards to pay for my gaming needs.
A little history
I'd like to share a bit about gaming in my county, Singapore. Singapore is located in Asia, south-east. I don't know if many Americans know where Singapore is (due to the shocking fact that 20% of Americans do not know where America is on the map, which i find disturbing...) But we're a little country with a small population of 4million and a land size 1/6000 that of the US.
Alright, lets get back to gaming.Upon reading the title of the thread, probably you would have get the impression that the 360 doesn't dominate here, while the PS3 & Wii does. To an extent, thats true. Not only does the 360 not sell here, the original xbox didn't quite make an impact as well. The Sony playstations are selling, PSPs too. While the DS are being sold of the shelves like hotcakes here. The Wii doesn't though, for price reasons.
Unlike America, Video games were widely introduce during the 1990-2000 period, where Singapore was getting towards the "developed country" stage, like US, like UK. The most popular console here then was the playstation. Well this was helped that pirated games were all over the country, which did the same for the playstation 2. But that problem is being tackled now as the country is doingquite abit to stop pirating.
This is similar in other Asia countries too, piracy has help the playstation. People do not mind spending a few hundred on a console which games are selling at 5 US dollars in the black market. Same goes for the playstation 2.
In some ways, this has all turned Asians into Cows. Yep.
The games that Asians play
I'm sure many Game-spotters have written articles about JRPG vs Western RPG. Well the fact is Asians love their culture, they love their traditions. So do I. With all due respect, Oblivon is a great game. But it does not sell here in Asia, games like Final Fantasy will sell, games like monster hunter freedom 2 havesold. Well, its like Asians would prefer casting spells, summoning Bahamut than playing a knight, defending a castle. etc. Another example, Asians would play Bleach: Heat the soul ~ over Marvel vs Capcom. They would prefer naruto. They would prefer DJ max portable over other DJ games that the US offer.
Animae (*** cartoons) have played quite a big role in influencing Asians.
Most Asians grow up without video games, thats why Pokemon can be so addictive, thats why Bleach amazes us (anyway do check out Bleach will ya? It has better graphics than Tekken even, i promise).
Thats why games, despite receiving low scores from the US games industry (e.g. monsterhunterfreedom 1), will continue to be produce and distributed to Asian countries.
Asia has 2.4 billion people. Thats a very large market you're looking at.
Why the DS sells, the psp too!
Pokemon, does it ring a bell?
The PSP has always been a first choice portable gaming console for all Asians. Games like Naruto, Monster Hunter, FinalFantasy 1 & 2 and above listed are games which have and will continue to draw Asians to the PSP. Cause we're fans of it.
The DS on the other hand, sells due to its simplicity. There's no software update, there isn't a need to add a memory stick, plug and play cartridges. Cooking mama sells doesn't it? Because girls here find the big eye lady in the game"cute". Nintendogs, it gives us Asians who missed out on the "Tamagochi"craze 10 years ago another chance at having an toy dog.
It maybe childish, but Asian girls love cute things, they love doramon, they love cooking mama. They love puzzles such as Brain age, which is not a game even. That sells the DS.
What about the 360!? Don't you guys play bioshock, gears?
The mentality of gamers here is that, we'll make do with what we have. We'll enjoy what we have. If we don't, its alright.
Americans are enjoying world of warcraft, but Asians are playing Maplestory, Gunbound, cause they're free. We're playing lots of PS2 games, still. Cause the PS2 is worthy buying because it has lots of games. The DS is worth buying? why? because it has pokemon. 1000 hours of gameplay in catchin' em' all. We like the PSP, cause it can do lots of stuff other than games.
Asians, Singaporeans in particular, are "kiasu". We want the best out of everything. We're more than happy with multiplatform games.
But the thing is, we can do without the 360.
Why? Gears & bioshock !?
Yes I know, the best selling games, gears and bioshock. Bioshock just reached 1.5million. Yes. But the thing is, they're available on the PC. As I've said, Asians want to get the best out of everything, we don't mind waiting too. The main point is ... the 360 cannot offer us a strong reason to love it.
You gotta love bioshock?
Yep, I do love it, playing it on the PC, bioshock PCis retailing at SGD 60 here. Which is around USD 38. Thats great for us folks here. Even through steam is USD 50. Its cheaper than the 360 version too.
What about gears? Common man', game of the year!
Its coming to the PC too, and I get extra levels! Yes, Asians don't mind waiting. It'll probably be better on the PC as well, in terms of graphics.
What about other games?! Exclusives? Forza?
Well, Halo, Halo2, Shadowrun is all on the PC? Oh yes, i get to play Lost planet too, in DIRECTX10 graphics. Ok, fine, 360 has forza, has saint's row. But being an Asian, I can do without those that I have a "compliment for". Its like ... I'm Asian. I have GTA, why should i play saint's row? I have GT in HD, why should I purchase Forza?
DAMMIT, you're missing out on LIVE!
Nope, sad to say, Microsoft did a very poor job on Xbox live here. You see, lets say I do get xbox live, who am I gonna play with? There ain't much people "live" on xbox live you see. There's very little life in Xbox live in the Asian market. Why? Because it requires $$$. I know it isn't much. But its not worth, because I won't be spending all my time playing. I've gotta work and feed the kids.
You're missing out on a lot of multiplayer fun, kid...
Well, there're lots of great single player games out there. Plus, even if i do get Live. Even if I do get connected into a server, I'll probably be flamed for my lagbecause i'm connected 5000miles awayfrom Singapore ... I won't be enjoying the multiplayer, so I won't mind missing it
Well, we have recorded stats there
Ok, I'll have to miss out on that
we have videos there too...
there's always game spot.. I don't mind viewing in low res.
we have demos there too.. you can't argue can you.
Well, i'll wait for the whole game to be out? I forgot to mention, there aren'tlarge franchiseshops purely delicated to selling games here, like gamestop in the US. But we do have many small individual retailers selling games. Therefore, its a personalise service. We get to try, run the game, to ensure they're no scratches on the disks, the game works perfectly fine, before we purchase it. We get to test run the consoles before we bring them home.
What makes you think the PS3 IS GONNA SELL THERE THEN?
Erm, because it has?
ok fine. I listed why 360 doesn't sell here, games going to the PC, xbox live not attractive, the price isn't too (its more expensive than the PS3 here), microsoft's service here isn't good (you get the 3 rings you've to send it to the US yourself), its just a dvd player.
why the ps3 then?
1) Exclusives that drives us Asians crazy. We love final fantasy,we love kojima and his MGS, we love Square's list of RPGs. We love GT (because it has more asian cars than forza does)
2) Multiplat games. With the ps3, i get to enjoy gta4, re5, dmc4 just like the 360 users does too.
3) blueray. I have a blueray machine!!! I don't have to buy an extra hDdvd. Unreal Tourny 3 for me will be on a single disk. Haven you heard? 360 gonna get less maps cause its a dvd, or else it'll be multidisk. I can't imagine getting off the crouch to change disk because I selected a map which is on disk 2 !!! Oh yes, I'll be using a keyboard and mouse to play unreal 3 .. I'll be having MODS too ...the 360 can't ..
Hey bro, you forgot one thing, multiplats are better on the 360 ... you know that..
Yes i do, "skate" got a better score on 360 than ps3. But the thing is ... I don't play skate. Asians won't buy a 360 because it has a better score than the ps3 in "skate". We win some, we lose some. Oblivon came to the ps3 with extras, 360 users will get their extras too, but thats after 6 months. Everyone has to wait, don't they.
ps3 has lots of flops
we don't care about flops ... flops are merely low scores given to games that we like. Monster hunter for PSP. gamespot gave it low, but its best selling in Japan? What does this say. We just enjoy our games.
Common' .. its produced by microsoft game studios, you're telling me it won't appear on the PC?
I'm Asian and i'll wait...
I mean, whats with halo? Its really the most hyped game in history. Halo 2 on the PC looked like the original halflife to me. The graphics were, that bad. I mean it really. I'm so angry, a waste of my money. But what was i expecting, True HD graphics? halo2 was on the original xbox, i forgot...
360 still owns ps3 in America
Yes yes i know. Worldwide sales 360 still pwns ps3. But as you know, Asians are waiters. We're waiting for mgs4, ff13, and other games. We're waiting for, maybe a sllim ps3? haha. But in the end, we'll get our ps3s, don't you worry.
Every month, you look at sales from America, Canada, Australia, Uk. But what about Asia. What about 2billion + people here in Asia. I know MS doesn't give a hoot. Sony does, nintendo does, thats why *** games are still popular among asians, thats why month after month top selling games in *** are allJap-co games.
Bleh, you play 360 games on your PC, you're a hermit too..
Everyone owns a PC, don't they.
You don't need a top end PC. Heard of those $1000 gaming PC?
Watever, you just sum up.
ok fine. As usual. I'll have to take out watever flame/ice/water shield that i have.
I'm just trying to voice out that in this part of the world, in Asia, Microsoft doesn't stand a chance with the 360.
We're all victims of the molopoly that Microsoft have with windows ...
But given the 360/ps3/wii , we have a choice, and us Asians would go for the ps3 with the reasons listed as above.
Yes, maybe you've gotton the idea that we don't mind waiting. Truth is, we do mind, just that to us its more important to get our money's worth. Thats why we wait.
Wii is selling well too, in america, europe .. but not here. Its extremely expensive here. about 350 US dollars ..
But for us Asians, the best bargain is the ps3, games, online wifi, free online gaming, blueray, .. we'll play 360 games on the pc..
comments and flames ... please.
i would like to emphasis this last points again
"I'm just trying to voice out that in this part of the world, in Asia, Microsoft doesn't stand a chance with the 360.
We're all victims of the molopoly that Microsoft have with windows ...
But given the 360/ps3/wii , we have a choice, and us Asians would go for the ps3 with the reasons listed as above."
my condolences
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