All too often I see people bashing on the PS3 for having a blu ray drive, saying that if they wanted to watch blu ray movies they'd just buy a blu ray player. These same people don't understand that the main purpose of including a blu ray drive in the PS3 was so the developers for PS3 exclusive games could work with a true next gen storage medium, ultimately allowing for uncompressed, higher quality audio and visuals, along with additional storage for content purposes. This a part of the reason why PS3 exclusives look and sound as great as they do.
PS3 exclusive games such as Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Resistance: Fall of Man and Heavenly Sword all benefited from the higher capacity of the blu ray storage medium in some shape or form. Multi-platform games such as Grand Theft Auto 4 and Rage are very limited in terms of options because they have to account for the Xbox 360s DVD-9 storage medium. Timed exclusive games such as Bioshock and Oblivion have seen improvements on their PS3 counterparts after being given the opportunity to utilize the blu ray.
For Grand Theft Auto 4, Rockstar Games founder, Sam Houser, talks about why the 360 is the reason why GTA4 isn't living up to its potential. "In a lengthy interview with 1UP to talk about GTA IV, Rockstar Games founder Sam Houser has commented on an issue that has already been highlighted by other developers: The Xbox 360 doesn't have a built-in hard drive as the previous Xbox and for retail games it uses DVD-9, which is starting to look outdated compared to the Blu-ray Disc solution used by the PlayStation 3.
One of the problems with the 360, and it affects games like Grand Theft Auto if you think about how much content we put in the actual machine, is the fact that they don't have a significantly larger storage medium than the previous systems. It's a slightly bigger DVD disc.
Houser said he has discussed this issue with Microsoft, hoping the software giant will come up with a solution soon:
I met with a bunch of the senior fellows from [Microsoft].
I said, that's kind of complicated.... The upshot of the technical challenges we've experienced on either the 360 or on the PS3 is [that] both companies stepped up to the plate and have supported us in a way that was beyond even my greedy expectations. They've been amazing. I think that the 360 is going to have to get 'round this issue we're talking about. I can think of various ways they can do it. Hopefully, they're going to adopt one of those in the next year or so, because it's going to become more of an issue. If we're filling up the disc right now, where are we going? It's not like our games are going to get any smaller. I think that issue's on the table with a bunch of games right now. I'm sure they'll come through with an intelligent solution."
For Rage, "The Father of FPS", John Carmack, talks about how the architecture of the PS3 is truely next gen.
Carmack talks harddrives, "The question of harddrive requirements on the 360 is something that's been stressing us out a little bit this year where Microsoft has refused to allow us to have a harddrive requirement on theirs. So now we are working hard to see how well we can make things function while streaming from the dvd. Certainly we will use the harddrive where available as a secondary backing cache, but that's gonna be one of those things that if you run without a harddrive on there we're not yet sure how high of quality the streaming experience is going to be. It'll obviously work, it's just a question of if you run around a corner and flip around to look some place completely different whether you wind up spending 2 seconds looking at blurry textures before everything comes in."
Carmack talks Blu Ray, "The most significant difference that we're looking at right now between the platforms is that on a blu ray dvd on the PS3, we actually have enough space to get the quality that we want with the compression ratios that we want on the entire game. We're really feeling the pinch a lot on the dvds. We're going to be at least a 2 dvd game on the 360. Honestly, we would like to be a 3 dvd game. That would match out the blu ray pretty well on there. It doesn't fit really well with how the game is divided, but we're going to have to wind up making some compression quality sacrifices to fit onto 2 dvds on the 360. That's one thing that I really do wish Microsoft would make some concessions on because you have to pay a really honorous licensing fee per dvd. If you look at it like cost per gigabyte on there, the PS3 has a huge advantage if you're making a large game. And that's really the main thing that I come down and say Sony has a better system for us there, where running off a blu ray there, or, I don't expect we're going to, but if you wanted to do a double layer blu ray dvd you can have incredibly massive amounts of data. The technology that we're using now really does wind up using all of that data for good, productive things. Being limited to the dvds, which Microsoft already takes a couple gigabytes off of the way that they set things up for their different security architectures is kind of unfortunate."
Even games that were timed exclusives, such as Oblivion and Bioshock utilized the additional space of the blu ray before making their debut on the PS3. The following quotes are from IGN.
For Bioshock, "2K Games went out of their way to make sure that the larger capacity of the Blu-ray was used to implement higher resolution textures across the title, as well as improve some of the in-game cutscenes. For the most part, you'll see these appear as a slightly sharper Rapture across the board, and you'll be able to pick up some features that look better than on the 360, such as pools of water or neon signage."
For Oblivion, "the PS3 version of Oblivion is a definite technical improvement over the 360 edition. Even if you have the latest Xbox patch installed, this newest port holds an advantage with its quicker loading times (which are almost twice as fast as the 360's), fewer framerate hitches, sharper textures, a better draw distance, and a brighter overall picture."
For Uncharted, Co-President of Naughty Dog, Christophe Balestra had this to say about the utilization of blu ray in the making of Uncharted. "As I said earlier, we couldn't have done Uncharted without the Blu-ray, at least at the quality we wanted to make it. To get such high-resolution textures and movies, a Blu-ray was indispensable to achieve the graphic quality of Uncharted. We fill the disc at 91 percent and it's optimized, meaning we don't duplicate any data. That includes all our game data, sounds, 7 spoken languages and 102 minutes of movie."
For Metal Gear Solid 4, the 50 gig capacity of the blu ray wasn't even good enough. Read this mini interview with Kojima:
Kojima: For us, we're not still not satisfied with the quality we can do. You know, there's not capacity space.
Interviewer: Wait, wait a sec. Saying there's not enough capacity, are you talking about Blu-ray?
Kojima: That's correct. There's not enough space at all. (laughs) ...There's not enough space. We always talked about where to cut and what to compress.
For LittleBigPlanet, don't bet on seeing this game becoming downloadable on the PSN, as it fills up the blu ray disc.
"Anybody who thought that the PSN-friendly nature of LittleBigPlanet meant the game could be offered as a downloadable title will probably dash that dream when they find out the game takes up 40GB. In an interview with, developer Alex Evans explains the game will be "filling up" the Blu-ray disc.
For Resistance 2, Ted Price ellaborates as to why blu ray storage is needed for his latest game.
"According to Insomniac CEO Ted Price, upcoming sequel Resistance 2 is larger than its predecessor but still hasn't reached full capacity of a 50GB Blu-ray disc.
"Yeah we're right up to the edge," said Price. "It's bigger than the first Resistance but we haven't reached the Blu-ray disc capacity."
From what we were told at the Resistance 2 hands-on preview event two weeks ago, Resistance 2 is over double the size of the first title, which hit around 22GB. With two complete campaign modes and a deep online game, it's no surprise that the game is in need of hefty storage."
For Killzone 2, Guerrilla managing director Herman Hulst and Killzone 2 producer Steven Ter Heide explain why the blu ray was such a determining factor in making this amazing game.
"Speaking about working on a game for a single platform instead of going down that multi-platform route, Guerrilla managing director Merman Hulst, said, "It's a huge benefit. If you're developing a game on multiple platforms there are restrictions you always have to take into consideration.
"We are taking huge advantage of the architecture of PS3. I firmly believe that what we've shown we can get out of that machine would be difficult, if not impossible, to deliver on a competing machine." If that isn't intended as a a knockout blow to the chops of 360 we don't know what is.
Killzone 2 producer Steven Ter Heide added, "I would say impossible. We literally can't do this stuff on any machine other than the PS3. If you're developing a multiplatform game, and looking at your budgets, you have to find a common denominator between the systems and say: that's what I'm developing for. Whereas someone focused on a single platform can really take advantage of everything it has to offer.
"If you're not willing to make that investment then you're going to lose out on some options. To make it simple, the Xbox 360 doesn't have SixAxis or Blu-ray. PlayStation 3 does. And for us that's a really big thing. The level you've just seen is 2GB. We really need Blu-ray to make the game. I don't know how you could fit it on Xbox 360 without taking some shortcuts."
And that's not the first time 360's DVD format has been called into question.
Hulst continued, "Blu-ray isn't important for watching movies; we need it for making games."
For Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction,
"Set to run at 60 fps, the title will support both 720p and 1080i. For all you Resistance fans, they promise that all of their upcoming PS3 titles will support 60 fps (and that means Resistance 2 as well). Back to Ratchet and Clank, the title will take up a whopping 22 GB of a 25 GB Blu-ray disc. Even without the localizations, the title couldn't fit on a DVD9."
For Resistance: Fall of Man, Schneider ellaborates:
"Schneider offered some distinguishing stats (which he called MTV News on Tuesday to further clarify). The game, he said, currently takes up 22 Gigabytes of memory on a Blu-Ray disc, the new disc format supported by the PS3 that is one-half of a VHS-vs.-Betamax format war erupting between tech companies throughout the year. While the music and vocals in "Resistance" take up only about 1 Gigabyte of disc space, graphics, level data and programming code occupy most of the remaining 21.
"We're going to fit more on a Blu-Ray disc than you could on an HD DVD," he said, referring to the competing format, which in its most basic discs can't hold more than 15 GB. More numbers: 40-player online matches at launch; 60 levels of player progression while playing online; two-player offline co-op. Phillips promised better, deeper support than any Xbox Live launch title.
For Heavenly Sword, Ninja Theory's chief of development, Nina Kristensen, talks about how the game wouldn't have been possible on another console.
"Ninja Theory's self-titled Chief Development 'Ninja', Nina Kristensen has admitted that the company's forthcoming PlayStation 3 epic Heavenly Sword would not be possible without the added storage capabilities of Sony's Blu-ray technology.
Speaking to CVG this week, Kristensen revealed that the firm had employed various compression methods in order to squeeze the game onto a 25GB Blu-ray disk, including the audio, which alone took up approximately 10GB worth of data. A single DVD, however, only holds 8.5GB worth of information.
"We have jam-packed the Blu-Ray disc absolutely full," she said. "We used compression all over the place. We had to be really judicious at the end with what was going on the disc and what wasn't."
"I think it's one of those things - if you give us the space we're going to fill it with stuff. It means the audio can be of a higher quality and stuff like that. It all adds to the quality of the package", added Kristensen."
Everytime someone on these boards says the blu ray drive in the PS3 is useless, and they should have just not included it in the system and made it cheaper, and say that the only purpose of it is watching blu ray movies which they all "don't care about", consider the fact that it is one of the reasons all of the PS3 exclusive games kick so much ass. Sit back, relax, enjoy your awesome exclusives or pop in a blu ray movie
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