I don't really throw around much praise to either company but I have to admit I have to give credit to MS this gen. They are improving a lot and especially through their games.
Not only do they offer you their exclusives, you get pretty much every multiplat, they have been broadening themselves with JRPGs, and they even give you a taste of the PC titles.
I mean damn it might not be the most amazing thing out their but they are making sure that their audience gets to play a very diverse catalouge of games.
Last gen you wouldn't see the Xbox getting a lot of JRPGs, you wouldn't see it getting every multiplat, you didn't see it getting this much PC titles as well. Now some may say PC multiplats are a weakness because of multiplat status but hey nobody is forcing you to buy them. Fact of the matter is though they are there.
I'll also praise Microsoft for the fact that they are going far out of their way to appeal to an audience that really wants nothing to do with them. I'm talking the JPN market and MS securing JRPGs and such.
I mean its seems they are doing everything right to get good games on their system and it is working. Quite frankly if it wasn't for RROD and maybe a $50 a year XBL service its getting tough to find things to complain about when it comes to 360.
I would have never thought MS would become such a player in the console war but it looks like they have established themselves as a force to be wreckoned with.
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