[QUOTE="The_Crucible"] :lol: Funny how I see you in these discussions all of the time yet you don't even own a 360 or a PS3. My guess is, you hate Sony. So sling all the "fanboy" comments my way, if you will. Everyone here knows you are one just the same.
Wrong again. I owned both a PS2 and PS1 and I'm probably a bigger fan of both systems than you'll ever be. Unlike you though i bought them because they were awesome. I don't buy things based on labels like some fashion conscious teenage girl
And call it "simplistic" if you will. Doesn't make it false. Just about everything MS has gotten right this gen is tied to the early launch.
and the fantastic development and environment, and the incredible software sales on the 360, and the courting of japanese developers, and the low price and a bunch of other factors that you conveniantly ignored
The 2 first party titles, cancelled weren't every going to be released this year. And they have stated their reasons for the cancellation as needing to concentrate on those titles releasing this year. Yeah, that's horrible. I'm sure 2009 is totally dead for PS3 now. :lol:
they can justify it however they want. The fact is that 2 of their showcase titles that they've been whining about for years have been cancelled. It's a sign of the times
After my time here in SW, I can see that there are three main titles for the 360 that 99% of us here agree as "must have." Bioshock, Mass Effect, and Gears. Yes, there are others sprinkled in there but none to equal the widesprread acdeptance like those three. Widely accepted on the PS3 side is Uncharted. And most likely added to that list is MGS4.
You're forgetting forza 2, Ninja Gaiden 2, Dead Rising, halo 3, call of duty 2, viva pinata, eternal sonata and condemned among others. You may not consider these titles "must have" but they're still critically acclaimed titles that have sold very well
I don't think PS3 is as far off on the software as you and other Sony haters wish. But you can dream. :roll:
that's because fanboys don't think. If they did they wouldn't be fanboys
I'm about done with you.You haven't the foggiest on why I chose the PS3. So, don't go calling me names and assuming you do. Had nothing to do with trends or a label, :lol:
Then list me those 360 games 360 boys love. Great. Forza 2 is decent, not missing it. Ninja Gaiden is a good series, PS3 has Sigma to fill the need. And I could go on and on.
The fact remains, most of those aren't strong enough for most PS3 owners to feel they are missing anything. Honestly, fanboy aside, I could care less about most of those titles.
Courting of japanese devs? :lol: We'll see what the recent news does over the next year but until now japan has laughed at 360 and JRPG's haven't faired to well on the 360 either. Incredible software sales? While, yes, 360 has done very well with the quality "must have" titles on sales, the rest only shows a fanbase who still needs to learn the value of a dollar. I stopped buying every game years ago. If you play a lot of games and you don't rent most of them, you own a lot of wasted plastic. Unless you are a collector but that is a pretty rare breed.
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