Halo 3 doesnt even need to defend itself anymore...Its reputation preceeds it. All you need to refer to is ''Reveiws, Sales, Awards, Online, lineage and 1 billion'' and the haters are stumped.
Im not kidding, think about it just explain those 6 points briefly and you've instantly eaten alive any fanboys half baked attempt at an argument againest this Amazing Game.
BTW its actually 200,000 people at ''Rush hour'' each day. On the whole Halo 3 hits between 700,000 and 1,000,000 unique players a day! :P
Gaming and what games a particular individual likes is all opinion but I do not like Halo. I have not been on these boards in a few years so I do not "hate" on Halo every chance I get. I just have a different opinion and Im guessing a lot of other individuals who do not like Halo might feel the same way.
1. My first FPS was not Halo. Halo was not my first Mature rated game. I feel a lot of younger fans grew up with this game and that is why they have such appeal towards it. Also, my first FPSs that I was addicted too were not console based. Of course, I loved Goldeneye because it was a great game to play with friends but I grew up with Doom, Unreal, Quake, Duke, etc.
2. Halo moves too slow for me. I am not saying that "omgz halos is too easys" I just feel as though I am wasting my time.I like playing Unreal were it is infact at a higher pace of play(Just My opinion). I hate gingerly walking to battle, getting in a tight quarter with 4 other players, chuck grenades, unload a clip of the assualt rifle, hope I survive, respawn, repeat. Of course, some aspects are a little more thought provoking like timing weapon spawns, overall strategy, etc but it just feels casual which brings me too my next point.
3. The casual aspect of Halo is another factor. The learning curve is definately very small compairing to other highly regarded FPSs. The controls are very simple and the premiss is very simple. If I have somewhat of a brain on my shoulders and I pick up one of the largely over-powerful weapons like the RL or Knife I can due some damage against any level of opponent. These mass killing machine weapons bring the learning curve considerably down.
4. One of my roomates plays Halo religiously, now this has nothing to do with my opinion of the game except for his opponents. Now they are all not 10-14 years of age but I just cannot help but laugh to myself when he is in an arguement with a pre-teenager over Live. Calling each other 6 grade insults is not my cup of tea. Halos fanbase average age has to be considerably less than other FPSs. Of course I can turn off my mic and mute theirs but that is taking away some of the fun of online matches. I mean to be honest, the average age of Halo players has to be less than the required age to even purchase the title. I am the average college student who goes to class, studies when forced, and goes out as often as I can butmy other portion of my life does not need to be trying to hold intelligent arguements with 12 year olds.
5. Joystick < Mouse and Keyboard. This has been brought up before as well. The arguement of "Well everyone uses the same joystick all is fair" holds no water for me because it is not a great instrument to produce the desired outcome. Of course we could allplay Soccer with a medicine ball or we could write school reports with our own blood but it is not efficient. Mouse and Keyboard is a far better instrument when it comes to First Person Shooters(with practice).
I hope this clears up some of the confusion, but I am sure it will not.
Sorry if there were many typing errors as I was forced to write this quickly.
Also, the arguement of Sales, Reviews, People, etc. does not work for me. I can use the Jonas Brothers or the Toyota Camry instead of Halo in that arguement and it would still work.
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