[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"] Who cares how technically well made a game is if it's no fun to the reviewer? For me that game is LA Noire. A game that is polished and plays exactly as it should but it bored me to tears so I'd never give it a 9.
I get this argument, but still stand by what I said. Being fun to the reviewer does not translate to being fun for everyone else. It depends on how you appraoch a review. My thoughts are the all games should be judged on there merits and flaws, in addition to the fun the re
viewer had (or didnt) playing the game.
If it is just based on that persons opinion of 'fun' then it ceases to be profesional. You may aswell write for IGN, or anyone else on this board. Its the difference between being profesional and being ammetuer.
Revewiers should look at each game for what it is, what it has done well, and what it has not, then consider personal enjoyment from the title. Just basing it on personal enjoyment destroys any reviews worth.
As I pointed out, this is why we have a 10 for UC3 on IGN. Its not because it deserves the 10, its because the person that reviewed it enjoyed the game beyond others. A review should be relevant to all, the only way to do this is to judge personal enjoyent after everything else.
Dont get me wrong though, Im not bithing or defending the KOA review, I havent even played it, so it makes no difference to me. I just think its wrong on a profesional level to review a game based solely on your own personal enjoyment of it.
Unfortunately, most people don't understand this. I agree 100%, and have been saying something to this effect for quite awhile:)
I Think its down to such a big divide in what a person expects from a review. It seems most simply want anothers opinion, regardless of who they are and what they do. Personally, I read reviews for profesional opinions of a product, not a persons view on art as has been suggested.
I expect more than someones opinion of fun when reading a profesional review of a game. By the very definition of the word, a review is an evaluation of a product. Levels of 'fun' cannot be evaluated by one person in regards to everyone. The merits and flaws of a product can be.
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