Well, to be fair, it was KVO's former reviewing standards that created the expectations people have now. Sure, he tweeted he was making a change. Not everyone here is following KVO on twitter however, and it isn't like he made a big show of it in his reviews. People have to learn from experience what a reviewer's opinions and scores mean compared to their own. Most people are familiar with the manner that KVO used to score games, and now are struggling to realign their own views with KVO's "evolving" standards.
I think it's great that KVO wants to make a change that can allow him to further differentiate between games, but I also blame his earlier work for much of the confusion and disappointment that there is around here now.
^This It's disorientating when he pretty much gave out 8's and 9's like any other reviewer operating on a 7-10 scale (coughIGNcough) for years, but it's suddenly NOW that he trying to act harshExactly. KVO has a crisis of conscience in his former scoring methods, (quietly) decides to reset his criteria, and his readers are to blame for their confusion? Okay...
Kevin V has never been a bad reviewer is the thing. In fact most people would claim he's spot on in most his reviews. For every high score he gave out last year he must have given out multiple low ones, and yet across all those scores they were all deemed fair included the low ones.
He's formally announcing it now, yes, but I don't believe his reviewing process has been different at least in the last year or two.
It was ALWAYS the readers, especially here on SW, who were misunderstanding what a 10 point scale meant, and I'm sure that may have affected the GSpot review staff in some ways. When everyone here seems to find a 8.5 (or lower) review as unacceptable do you not think that may have influenced the review team to shift some of their scores up a point or so as to not receive an insane amount of backlash as they've ALWAYS gotten each time they try to break from that?
Well, unfortunately for Gamespot, that eventually came to bite them in the ass. Now everyone doesn't trust them when they rate high, or low as has been seen in this very thread.
Nobody agrees with the Kingdoms of Amalur review because it somehow conflicts with Nier (5.0), Dragon Age 2 (8.0), and Skyrim (9.0 and GOTY)? That's how bad it's gotten........... (it doesn't conflict with any of those reviews btw. The System Wars audience just has messed up expectations).
I think it's nice to see Kevin V announce that he's officlaly going to attempt to change this for the better
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