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[QUOTE="xscrapzx"]Nintendo is no where near what the PS3 or the 360 is at all. They shouldnt even be put in the same sentence becuase the Wii is not a next gen game system it might be nex gen interactivity with the controller but nothing else.Teh_StevzMany have asked and I'll ask one more time... Define "next-gen."
[QUOTE="Teh_Stevz"]Many have asked and I'll ask one more time... Define "next-gen."thejakel11225
Am I the only one that thinks the idea of home is bad and depressing? Why cant you just live in the real world?xXHackettXx
[QUOTE="thejakel11225"][QUOTE="Teh_Stevz"]Many have asked and I'll ask one more time... Define "next-gen."Teh_Stevz
[QUOTE="xscrapzx"]No next generation means the next generations of game system. Like for example the first Nintendo, it then was proceeded by the Super Nintendo, then the next generation is the Nintendo 64 and so forth. Just like Playstation is the proceeded by the Playstation 2 and so forth. I'm just saying as history shows and the fact of New Generation systems are supposed to be more powerful, and better gameplay then that of their predecessor. If there not going to upgrade their stuff from the other system why make one at all? Thats what is disappointing I think in that Nintendo just upgraded the controller. I think that is sad coming from a great competitor in the gaming industry such as nintendo.Wait. Isn't the Wii more powerfil than the GC, let alone twice as much?Teh_Stevz
Look I know you are trying to basically prove me wrong but the bottom line is the Wii (IMO) is a disappointement. Let me ask you a question wouldn't you be tad disappoint back in the day with highly anticipated N64 was just slightly better the SNES? Lets say instead of a 64 bit system is was a 24 bit system, basically from 16 bit to 24 bit graphically. That would be a let down. I'm saying if you are going to make a truly Nex-Gen system make the thing extremely more powerful, make the graphics double then what they were before. Thats the whole point in Nex-Gen gaming. People don't anticipate a game system five years from now being simply slighty better in graphics but not much at all and a simple controller upgrade. I think that is pathetic when a company like Nintendo has been through it all and survived all, comes out with a system that is not even in the same ball park in performance as its competitors. Thats sad in my opinion. They are supposed to be above the game not below it.
[QUOTE="Teh_Stevz"][QUOTE="thejakel11225"][QUOTE="Teh_Stevz"]Many have asked and I'll ask one more time... Define "next-gen."thejakel11225
[QUOTE="StealthSting"][QUOTE="-Spock-"][QUOTE="DSgamer64"][QUOTE="-Spock-"]The Wii will not fail because of a rival online infastructure and a platform game. I don't remember LocoRoco doing anything to affect DS sales, and this won't either. Plus the developers of LBP are fairly small scale compared to other studios.
The Wii will eventually become the casual console. Once Resident Evil and Sadness hit the market, gamers looking for horror games will be all over it. Plus the supposed title that is more violent and more mature then Manhunt will also draw a lot of casuals.
Exactly. The wide appeal of the console will ensure a huge success, no matter what quality of games are present on the console. I don't think casuals even know or care about GDC anyway. Any bad news will simply fly over them.
Bad news....... Do you mean the Wii? If a console receives good news, that does not necessarily make it in any form or shape bad news for its competition.I mean if any bad Wii news does happen to crop up at the GDC, for example a game delay or the recent Spore dev quote, it won't matter to the casuals at all. If the Wii is overshadowed by the PS3 and 360, it is -- like you say -- not necessarily bad news either.
Basically, if something disappointing is announced or shown on the Wii, it won't matter since I doubt the casual consumer even knows what GDC is, and therefore will not care. They will only be paying attention to the finished product instead of *****ing over a work in progress build or whatnot.
Jesus i'm really starting to get annoyed by all these cow threads,there's been about a million of them already.I personally have never seen so many cows on SW before.
Uhh i can't argue anymore with these cows,i wish they would dissapear,the world would be a btter place without them
Only sheep are saying HOME is pointless because they dont know how good online gaming communities is. Lemmings are on Sonys side this time, because they know. Sheep dont know, sheep am cryflamingschmoes2Dude... it's undeniable that Home is really going to appeal to the anti-social type. I'm not bashing Home and if you are excited about it, go ahead. But if you ask me, I only have time to play games, homework, school, work, and perhaps some other freetime. I surely won't be spending all of that on virtual world chatting with people I've never met and never will meet about stuff. I'd rather hang out with friends and do stuff, ya' know... the kinda thing that gets you a girl.
Look I know you are trying to basically prove me wrong but the bottom line is the Wii (IMO) is a disappointement. Let me ask you a question wouldn't you be tad disappoint back in the day with highly anticipated N64 was just slightly better the SNES? Lets say instead of a 64 bit system is was a 24 bit system, basically from 16 bit to 24 bit graphically. That would be a let down. I'm saying if you are going to make a truly Nex-Gen system make the thing extremely more powerful, make the graphics double then what they were before. Thats the whole point in Nex-Gen gaming. People don't anticipate a game system five years from now being simply slighty better in graphics but not much at all and a simple controller upgrade. I think that is pathetic when a company like Nintendo has been through it all and survived all, comes out with a system that is not even in the same ball park in performance as its competitors. Thats sad in my opinion. They are supposed to be above the game not below it.xscrapzxFalse. It's you who is dissapointed with the Wii. As to the N64 64 - 24 bit graphical analogy is very poor. Thats downgrading by any stretch of the imagination. Nintendo said from the start that it wasn't going to be as powerful as the other two but more than the GC... It is. Speaking of which, are you dissapointed God of War 2 isn't a PS3 game?
[QUOTE="thejakel11225"][QUOTE="Teh_Stevz"][QUOTE="thejakel11225"][QUOTE="Teh_Stevz"]Many have asked and I'll ask one more time... Define "next-gen."Teh_Stevz
Come on now Wii is basically the same thing graphically as the Game Cube. I dont know if you have played any games on 360 or PS3 but their graphics and gameplay are much more improved and better than that of the PS2 and Xbox. Yes Wii is supposed to be the next gen in gaming because it is the next generation of systems from Nintendo but the Wii is NOT in the same league as 360 OR PS3. Bottom line the facts dont lie. Performance and graphics are everything in gaming and the Wii does not compare on that level with the 360 or PS3 thats my point in saying that the Wii shouldnt be considered the next gen in gaming.
Come on now Wii is basically the same thing graphically as the Game Cube. I dont know if you have played any games on 360 or PS3 but their graphics and gameplay are much more improved and better than that of the PS2 and Xbox. Yes Wii is supposed to be the next gen in gaming because it is the next generation of systems from Nintendo but the Wii is NOT in the same league as 360 OR PS3. Bottom line the facts dont lie. Performance and graphics are everything in gaming and the Wii does not compare on that level with the 360 or PS3 thats my point in saying that the Wii shouldnt be considered the next gen in gaming.xscrapzxRead my above post. To add... What level? I thought the games did the talking. Wii Sports has already demonstrated it belongs... Graphics or not.
[QUOTE="xscrapzx"]Look I know you are trying to basically prove me wrong but the bottom line is the Wii (IMO) is a disappointement. Let me ask you a question wouldn't you be tad disappoint back in the day with highly anticipated N64 was just slightly better the SNES? Lets say instead of a 64 bit system is was a 24 bit system, basically from 16 bit to 24 bit graphically. That would be a let down. I'm saying if you are going to make a truly Nex-Gen system make the thing extremely more powerful, make the graphics double then what they were before. Thats the whole point in Nex-Gen gaming. People don't anticipate a game system five years from now being simply slighty better in graphics but not much at all and a simple controller upgrade. I think that is pathetic when a company like Nintendo has been through it all and survived all, comes out with a system that is not even in the same ball park in performance as its competitors. Thats sad in my opinion. They are supposed to be above the game not below it.Teh_StevzFalse. It's you who is dissapointed with the Wii. As to the N64 64 - 24 bit graphical analogy is very poor. Thats downgrading by any stretch of the imagination. Nintendo said from the start that it wasn't going to be as powerful as the other two but more than the GC... It is. Speaking of which, are you dissapointed God of War 2 isn't a PS3 game?
I dont have a PS3 I have a 360 and yes I am a fan of Sony because i have the PS2 and PSX. I am dissapointed in Sony in the way they did things with their system as well. But I think that Nintendo is a waste of money. You are spending 250 dollars on a system that is not improved graphically and the simple upgrade is a frigin controller that interacts with the game is pathetic. Oh big deal you can play all the older Nintendo games on the system WOOHOO and on top of it you have to buy the those games that are from Ninteen Eighty frigin Four. Give me a break, Even though I bought Mario 16 years ago, ya like I'm going to purchase it again just so I can play it on the Wii come on. Thats foolishness. You just answered my question by saying that a system going from 16 bit to 24 bit is very poor. That is basically what the Wii did from the GC.
If I wanted to play the Sims or have a MySpace I would have done so. I don't need to spend time and money on an online chatroom with preteens.Â
What Sony could have offered was a unified service, they didn't. They didn't crush anything, nothing I tell ya.
I'm still appalled by the thought of people saying that Sony is going to dominate with Home. :?Kaze_no_Mirai
They need a glimmer of hope. The cows have been eating from dried grass for quite some time, when Sony actually does something right their built up frustration explodes like a Pinata of glee.
[QUOTE="Teh_Stevz"][QUOTE="thejakel11225"][QUOTE="Teh_Stevz"][QUOTE="thejakel11225"][QUOTE="Teh_Stevz"]Many have asked and I'll ask one more time... Define "next-gen."xscrapzx
Come on now Wii is basically the same thing graphically as the Game Cube. I dont know if you have played any games on 360 or PS3 but their graphics and gameplay are much more improved and better than that of the PS2 and Xbox. Yes Wii is supposed to be the next gen in gaming because it is the next generation of systems from Nintendo but the Wii is NOT in the same league as 360 OR PS3. Bottom line the facts dont lie. Performance and graphics are everything in gaming and the Wii does not compare on that level with the 360 or PS3 thats my point in saying that the Wii shouldnt be considered the next gen in gaming.
"gameplay are much more improved" Really? Because I had the feeling I was playing the same thing I have for the last ten years. In some instances even downgraded(looks at oblivion). Or Kameo showing no improvement whatsoever to Kameo's gameplay from the N64 era.
I don't want the Wii to surpass the gameplay offered on PS3 or 360 in terms of quality, I want it to do things you couldn't possibly do in a video game in the last ten years in terms of control input. Sure it has already achieved that, but I wan't more, something that no hardware power could possibly match unless it came with the right equipment.
It will take some time, I'm sure. And how could it not, when we have been gaming the way we have for such a long time.
[QUOTE="Koolsen"]So a a chat room and a platformer that is being hyped more then MGS4 Halo 3 and Mario Galaxy based on ONE trailer is know killing the wii?axt113Only in the fantasies of the Cows Apparently the cows seem to have gotten a little bit too excited about a 3D XBL and one downloadable game. Don't get me wrong, LBP is amazing, but if you're hyping it as "teh all nintendo IP killer", I'm afraid you're going to be dissappointed
[QUOTE="Teh_Stevz"]False. It's you who is dissapointed with the Wii. As to the N64 64 - 24 bit graphical analogy is very poor. Thats downgrading by any stretch of the imagination. Nintendo said from the start that it wasn't going to be as powerful as the other two but more than the GC... It is. Speaking of which, are you dissapointed God of War 2 isn't a PS3 game?xscrapzx
I dont have a PS3 I have a 360 and yes I am a fan of Sony because i have the PS2 and PSX. I am dissapointed in Sony in the way they did things with their system as well. But I think that Nintendo is a waste of money. You are spending 250 dollars on a system that is not improved graphically and the simple upgrade is a frigin controller that interacts with the game is pathetic. Oh big deal you can play all the older Nintendo games on the system WOOHOO and on top of it you have to buy the those games that are from Ninteen Eighty frigin Four. Give me a break, Even though I bought Mario 16 years ago, ya like I'm going to purchase it again just so I can play it on the Wii come on. Thats foolishness. You just answered my question by saying that a system going from 16 bit to 24 bit is very poor. That is basically what the Wii did from the GC.
:| I want a PS3 for the same reason anyone else would... It's games. Same reason for the Wii. The Wii is cheaper from coincidense with games that I'm interested in playing. Anyone can see the difference in graphics from a mile away but that shouldn't phase what great games are to come from one's shortcommings. ...And about the controller. That is the epicenter of what gaming is about... Interactions. It definately boasts more than what the standard controller could do. These older games you don't even need to buy. I remember the XBL and PSN also charging for old content... Do you? The Wii was never downdraded. It was expected to be that way. Nintendo said so. Did you even read my reply?[QUOTE="axt113"][QUOTE="Thug_Pikachu"][QUOTE="Hockey_Slayer"]Thug_Pikachu wrote:Teh_Stevz wrote: Thug_Pikachu... How does a Online virtual chat sim and a platformer managed to "Destroy" SMG, MP:3, SSBB, FFCC2, Animal Crossing, No More Heroes, Pokemon Rev, Project Hammer, Dragon Quest: Swords, Dewy's Adventure, Super Paper Mario, Trauma Center, Big Brain Academy, MySims, Wing Island and Cooking Mama not to mention what the Wii has already in Wii Sports? because that list is crap . Resistance destroy 90% of that list How did we all know you were going to say that.... In your opinion they maybe **** But ummm how is this going to destroy Nintendo? Thug_Pikachubecause Sony is playing Nintendo better than Nintendo themselves Except Nintendo has games worth playing And Sony doesnt ? God of war 2 > The Entire Wii console library but thats teh last gen!!! talking about last gen games while complaining about the wii's "last gen hardware" is idiocy at best. you lose
[QUOTE="axt113"][QUOTE="Koolsen"]So a a chat room and a platformer that is being hyped more then MGS4 Halo 3 and Mario Galaxy based on ONE trailer is know killing the wii?kiruyamaOnly in the fantasies of the Cows Apparently the cows seem to have gotten a little bit too excited about a 3D XBL and one downloadable game. Don't get me wrong, LBP is amazing, but if you're hyping it as "teh all nintendo IP killer", I'm afraid you're going to be dissappointed They're latching onto the one good new in a while, like a drowning man, they're trying to grab onto anything to keep themselves above water
So lets ignore the fact that Sony barely made any gaming announcements outside of a "Lost Vikings" remake with cute characters and an online chat program that looks like Second Life sans the property purchase feature.Agreed.
Don't get me wrong, props to Sony but I would hardly call this news "The Nintendo Killer."
[QUOTE="xscrapzx"][QUOTE="Teh_Stevz"]False. It's you who is dissapointed with the Wii. As to the N64 64 - 24 bit graphical analogy is very poor. Thats downgrading by any stretch of the imagination. Nintendo said from the start that it wasn't going to be as powerful as the other two but more than the GC... It is. Speaking of which, are you dissapointed God of War 2 isn't a PS3 game?Teh_Stevz
I dont have a PS3 I have a 360 and yes I am a fan of Sony because i have the PS2 and PSX. I am dissapointed in Sony in the way they did things with their system as well. But I think that Nintendo is a waste of money. You are spending 250 dollars on a system that is not improved graphically and the simple upgrade is a frigin controller that interacts with the game is pathetic. Oh big deal you can play all the older Nintendo games on the system WOOHOO and on top of it you have to buy the those games that are from Ninteen Eighty frigin Four. Give me a break, Even though I bought Mario 16 years ago, ya like I'm going to purchase it again just so I can play it on the Wii come on. Thats foolishness. You just answered my question by saying that a system going from 16 bit to 24 bit is very poor. That is basically what the Wii did from the GC.
:| I want a PS3 for the same reason anyone else would... It's games. Same reason for the Wii. The Wii is cheaper from coincidense with games that I'm interested in playing. Anyone can see the difference in graphics from a mile away but that shouldn't phase what great games are to come from one's shortcommings. ...And about the controller. That is the epicenter of what gaming is about... Interactions. It definately boasts more than what the standard controller could do. These older games you don't even need to buy. I remember the XBL and PSN also charging for old content... Do you? The Wii was never downdraded. It was expected to be that way. Nintendo said so. Did you even read my reply?Look I'm not saying that Wii might not be fun or might be a crappy system, I'm simply saying that I look forward to a more powerful system and high graphically system. I mean of course the games still have to be good and fun in which if the games that I have played on the 360 such as GEOW was not fun then I would say something about it. The bottom line that I'm trying to get across(Which I know that Nintendo stated they werent going to go much more powerful from that of GC) is that when a next-gen game system comes out you expect a much improved graphics as well as in power which makes the games better and that much more enjoyable. I love the older games such as 007, Mario Brothers, and Sonic. But I sure as hell would be very dissapointed if at this time in age we were still playing games with the graphics of that of the sega genesis with a simple controller modifcation that you move sonic with. Thats all I'm saying.Â
[QUOTE="xscrapzx"][QUOTE="Teh_Stevz"][QUOTE="thejakel11225"][QUOTE="Teh_Stevz"][QUOTE="thejakel11225"][QUOTE="Teh_Stevz"]Many have asked and I'll ask one more time... Define "next-gen."StealthSting
Come on now Wii is basically the same thing graphically as the Game Cube. I dont know if you have played any games on 360 or PS3 but their graphics and gameplay are much more improved and better than that of the PS2 and Xbox. Yes Wii is supposed to be the next gen in gaming because it is the next generation of systems from Nintendo but the Wii is NOT in the same league as 360 OR PS3. Bottom line the facts dont lie. Performance and graphics are everything in gaming and the Wii does not compare on that level with the 360 or PS3 thats my point in saying that the Wii shouldnt be considered the next gen in gaming.
"gameplay are much more improved" Really? Because I had the feeling I was playing the same thing I have for the last ten years. In some instances even downgraded(looks at oblivion). Or Kameo showing no improvement whatsoever to Kameo's gameplay from the N64 era.
I don't want the Wii to surpass the gameplay offered on PS3 or 360 in terms of quality, I want it to do things you couldn't possibly do in a video game in the last ten years in terms of control input. Sure it has already achieved that, but I wan't more, something that no hardware power could possibly match unless it came with the right equipment.
It will take some time, I'm sure. And how could it not, when we have been gaming the way we have for such a long time.
Dude the controller with Wii is really not that new at all. I mean you could really compare it to the driving steering wheel that has come with race car games for the past 7-8 years. Oh I remember like 14 years ago Nintendo came out with the glove that interacted with the game you remember that. Are you also trying to say that gameplay has not changed in 10 years are you friggin serious? Please take the first DOOM and tell me what the difference in gameplay is that to a game such as another first person shooter such as Rainbow Six Las Vegas.
Look I'm not saying that Wii might not be fun or might be a crappy system, I'm simply saying that I look forward to a more powerful system and high graphically system. I mean of course the games still have to be good and fun in which if the games that I have played on the 360 such as GEOW was not fun then I would say something about it. The bottom line that I'm trying to get across(Which I know that Nintendo stated they werent going to go much more powerful from that of GC) is that when a next-gen game system comes out you expect a much improved graphics as well as in power which makes the games better and that much more enjoyable. I love the older games such as 007, Mario Brothers, and Sonic. But I sure as hell would be very dissapointed if at this time in age we were still playing games with the graphics of that of the sega genesis with a simple controller modifcation that you move sonic with. Thats all I'm saying. xscrapzxThis reply still states 'Graphics = Next-Gen.' Gears of War was a very impressive game. A little too short for my liking but warrents praise. Yet, I play my DS more. It's not even the fact I go out all the time. I'm more at home more than anything (Hobo FTW!). There are games there that I enjoy more than Gears with the lack of graphics. My expectations have spread to strive for better games than to see the improvement. Games like Tetris and Loco Roco don't get enough credit. No matter the power the game cannot improve. They're very enjoyable games which have no need for graphics to improve it.
Seriously wow color me impressed and wow I can already see Nintendo's 5 month empire crumbling cause Sony not only killed Nintendo yesterday they beat them at their own game
Sony's Home - I watched the trailer and It makes The whole "Mii" System look like a pile of crap. Now that PS3 basically has better looking, more interactive, and better designed Mii's who the hell wants to go back to Dreamcast graphics with their undealed horrible looking and badly design Miis ? Flat out Sony killed the Mii's
Big Little Word - OMFG ?!? Am I the only one who saw this ? Is this not the most innovative , charming, creative game in the recent memory ? This look not only look not only more innovative than anything the entire Wii console has shown IT FLAT OUT LOOKS MORE FUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell it looks like a game you'd expect from Miyamoto himself. And not only did the art direction look great but the graphics were superb. Sony Just beat Nintendo , with a Nintendoish Game.
Nintendo you just got owned , glad I sold my wii
what does this prove thats sony is completly unoriginal and had to copy of nintendo and xbox? ow and let me check last time i looked the ps3 dosent have a single AAA pluse the wii is outselling it across the globe nintendos back baby
[QUOTE="xscrapzx"]Look I'm not saying that Wii might not be fun or might be a crappy system, I'm simply saying that I look forward to a more powerful system and high graphically system. I mean of course the games still have to be good and fun in which if the games that I have played on the 360 such as GEOW was not fun then I would say something about it. The bottom line that I'm trying to get across(Which I know that Nintendo stated they werent going to go much more powerful from that of GC) is that when a next-gen game system comes out you expect a much improved graphics as well as in power which makes the games better and that much more enjoyable. I love the older games such as 007, Mario Brothers, and Sonic. But I sure as hell would be very dissapointed if at this time in age we were still playing games with the graphics of that of the sega genesis with a simple controller modifcation that you move sonic with. Thats all I'm saying. Teh_StevzThis reply still states 'Graphics = Next-Gen.' Gears of War was a very impressive game. A little too short for my liking but warrents praise. Yet, I play my DS more. It's not even the fact I go out all the time. I'm more at home more than anything (Hobo FTW!). There are games there that I enjoy more than Gears with the lack of graphics. My expectations have spread to strive for better games than to see the improvement. Games like Tetris and Loco Roco don't get enough credit. No matter the power the game cannot improve. They're very enjoyable games which have no need for graphics to improve it.
So then basically you are saying that next generation of gaming should stay the way it is graphically and not improve at all in technology as long as it is fun(Then if thats the case its not next gen)? We just have to agree to disagree because you are not getting my point to why I have said the things I have said. You are trying to make a point that if the next gaming system comes out is the same graphics as the first nintendo thats fine and that you are ok with that. Well then thats fine an all, but I sure as hell know that if the xbox 360 or the PS3 had the graphics of the PSX I think people would be pretty dissapointed. But I don't think you would be because thats ok with you. But see thats not my point, the whole point in a next generation in systems is that of the graphics, and the performance and the fun factor is that much more then the previous. Thats what a next generation is something means, if none of that ever improves such as the graphics or gameplay or perfomance wise then it is not next generation. Next generation in something means new and improved from the previous. When something does'nt change in graphics or performance you can't say its next generation. You could say add on for GC, which includes wireless interactive controller.
But see thats not my point, the whole point in a next generation in systems is that of the graphics, and the performance and the fun factor is that much more then the previousxscrapzxGraphics and performance can improve, but the 'fun' can't be improved with that alone. That's even evident in the Wii too with the slew of poorly dev'd games. Fun can be improved with last gen performance. It's not the perfomance that does it... It's the creativity of whom develops. In a sense, it's pretty stupid to fight over the consoles rather than what games exist. That's where the real war should be.
Exactly. The Wii has something the PS3 doesn't: a good lineup. OMG! LBW! OMG! Oblivion (like I could've played that for a year now if I wanted to). What else this year? Nothing.Because everyone is going to shell out $600 to make an avatar. :roll:
How about games.
Seriously wow color me impressed and wow I can already see Nintendo's 5 month empire crumbling cause Sony not only killed Nintendo yesterday they beat them at their own game
Sony's Home - I watched the trailer and It makes The whole "Mii" System look like a pile of crap. Now that PS3 basically has better looking, more interactive, and better designed Mii's who the hell wants to go back to Dreamcast graphics with their undealed horrible looking and badly design Miis ? Flat out Sony killed the Mii's
Big Little Word - OMFG ?!? Am I the only one who saw this ? Is this not the most innovative , charming, creative game in the recent memory ? This look not only look not only more innovative than anything the entire Wii console has shown IT FLAT OUT LOOKS MORE FUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell it looks like a game you'd expect from Miyamoto himself. And not only did the art direction look great but the graphics were superb. Sony Just beat Nintendo , with a Nintendoish Game.
Nintendo you just got owned , glad I sold my wii
The Miis and the PSHome dudes are different. The Miis are cartoons for use in games. The PSHome dudes are avatars. You fail here.
Little Big Planet: It looks okay. SMG looks more fun; I got bored a quarter of the way through the trailer.
Seriously wow color me impressed and wow I can already see Nintendo's 5 month empire crumbling cause Sony not only killed Nintendo yesterday they beat them at their own gameWow I didnt actually read all the posts in this thread but do to lack of basic starcraft knowledge I will completely ignore your opinion
Sony's Home - I watched the trailer and It makes The whole "Mii" System look like a pile of crap. Now that PS3 basically has better looking, more interactive, and better designed Mii's who the hell wants to go back to Dreamcast graphics with their undealed horrible looking and badly design Miis ? Flat out Sony killed the Mii's
Big Little Word - OMFG ?!? Am I the only one who saw this ? Is this not the most innovative , charming, creative game in the recent memory ? This look not only look not only more innovative than anything the entire Wii console has shown IT FLAT OUT LOOKS MORE FUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell it looks like a game you'd expect from Miyamoto himself. And not only did the art direction look great but the graphics were superb. Sony Just beat Nintendo , with a Nintendoish Game.
Nintendo you just got owned , glad I sold my wii
Home is not a rip of Mii as it has been in development every since 2005 maybe before.
[QUOTE="InfamousC"]Home is not a rip of Mii as it has been in development every since 2005 maybe before.
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