[QUOTE="snyper1982"][QUOTE="trix5817"][QUOTE="TheWinds"]If you say that they are multiplatform then you must also say the plethora of games also availiable on Mobile phones are multiplatform. Technically it's true, but it just doesn't sound right and so people don't. The PC is exactly the same.Danm_999
That's totally different. Spore on a cell phone is TOTALLY different then Spore on a PC or console. PC's and consoles are much more comparable platforms. And afterall, this is SYSTEM WARS.....get over it.
Well to use your bullheaded logic, you can play games on a mobile phone, therefore it is a system. So if it is also on a mobile phone, it must be multi plat. Going by YOUR rules here. See how idiotic that is. What makes it ok for you draw the lines at PC? Oh I get it, YOU get to decide where the line is drawn. Must be nice.... LOL. If I want to use the term console exclusive, then damn it I will. I would obviously be comparing one console to another, if I were using the term, so I see no point in bringing in the PC anyways....
Because the PC has the same basic architecture as consoles, and share many of the same games.
The architecture of the mobile phone is completely different, and there are barely any games that exist as direct ports. Same deal with handhels.
Create whatever analytical constructions you want, bottom line is, if a game is on PC, that detracts from the appeal of the console it is also on. It makes the title easier to get, and more proliferate. There is no reason to exclude the PC as a factor when you compare consoles, it is a popular gaming platform that is so proliferate it's an absolute joke you should even think to minimalize it's influence.
So if I am comparing the 360 to PS3 I should not use games like Gears, or Halo, or C&C, etc. becuase they are ale out or coming out to the PC? How stupid is that? When I compare two things, I compare them directly, I don't throw some other arbitrary comparison in there just to detract from one of them. Let's use cars for instance, lets say I am comparing a RX8, to a Nissan 300Z. What good would it do for other people to start saying "PFFT, everyone knows that the Viper does that too, plus it is faster, and looks better!". You see my point? I know there are better anologys, but I hope you can understand where I am coming from.
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