[QUOTE="Arsuz"][QUOTE="The_Dan_K"] You were trolling him. And you started out by halfway calling him a troll but saying you weren't calling him a troll. And then ended it again with calling him a troll. It was lame. And you never really made a point.
No, Uncharted wouldn't have scored less. Because Uncharted's graphics are, at least, on par with PC graphics. They may not be Crysis but what is, besides Crysis? The point is that Wii graphics are an entire generation away from what the PS3 and 360 offer in pure graphics and their native quality and size.
Read again and comprehend: "I will give you the benefit of the doubt", this means, "Hey guess what I think you're not a troll!". "This argument has been used in the past by trolls", this means "You know, this has been used as an argument by trolls in the past". It's quite simple really, the English I used is not that complicated.
As for my point: I warned the TC for what would happen: A hundred post flame fest from both sides.
Now back on topic: Has the fact that Uncharted doesn't quite look as good as Crysis made it a less enjoyable game? You see Wii owners are not trying to dispute that Wii games look worse that PS3/360 games. They are trying to dispute that Wii games are not deserving of a GOTY because of teh graphx sux!
Wow, this comparing Uncharted/Crysis and Uncharted/Wii game is getting hilarious and weak.
Let me guess, you don't even own a HDTV, do you? So, from the get-go you can't even see the horrible quality of picture the Wii is giving you. Nor can you understand the extra work and console resources it takes to run a smooth, beautiful, HD game. And this is obvious by your weak comparison.
In no way have I ever said SMG or SSBB weren't fun. Never. Gameplay is there, great.
But the fact remains that PS3 and 360 games are knocked all of the time in their review score for issues relating to the console pushing limits with graphics, A.I., and audio. All things the Wii doesn't even attempt, especially in the scale the PS3 and 360 do. And knowing that fact, you have to understand where Wii does get a handicap. Either that or the 360 and PS3 scores should be higher.
You either ignore the grapics for one or you do it for all.
the problem is that they go beyond their limits. they dock points from the score because of slowdowns, glitches, bugs.
look at Bully, the Wii version got a higher score cause the 360 version was FULL of bugs. make sense doesnt it.
like everybody said, wouldnt the 360/ps3 get a handicap cause the graphics are better on a PC? no, then why would it be like that for the Wii.
maybe cause the haters? yes
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