[QUOTE="HAZE-Unit"][QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]Ouch they think the PS3 is better than the Gamecube but not as good as the XBOX 1jg4xchamp
PS3 is better than both.
What say you?
Tough sellon one hand lets just talk gamecube
-Metroid Prime
-Metroid Prime 2
-Eternal Darkness
-Resident Evil 4
-Killer 7
-Super Smash Bros. Melee
-Legend of Zelda Wind Waker
-Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
-Vietufl Joe
stuff like that was really good....like really good. The gamecube kind of atleast stuck out in its gen with its games....all be it with far more droughts because of the lack of other major multiplats. The PS3 on the other hand I've enjoyed alot of its exclusives though. MGS 4, Killzone 2, LBP, inFAMOUS all worthy of there AAA success, but other games like Uncharted, Resistance 1 and 2, Ratchet and Clank, Heavenly Sword, etc show a ton of potential and are good games for the most part but fail to deliver that complete deal that they could have. Which is honestly a flaw with alot of the 360s exclusives as well. Hell one of its best Halo 3 is a pain in the ass to judge quite frankly. The multiplayer is just way too robust, well designed, balance, and just plain fun. But the single player campaign just falls apart at the end. But I tend to always like the newer consoles to the old ones. Newer games=newer mechanics, improved mechanics, improved level designs, AI, controls etc. So yeah I'd say the PS3 for me is better than the Cube or XBOX...
You know whats tougher? editing your posts just to make it a worthy read for people :x
Anyways, I've only played wind waker on the GC and it was my first Zelda game ever, the game was a blast, other than that I didn't play any game on that list thats why I see the GC like this, I loved the wrestling games on the gamecube, thats all I played last gen on the gc heheh.
I disagree with you on uncharted that game was fire, I ignored Assassins Creed when uncharted came out, thats how much I was hooked into the game.
But its good to see you enjoy the PS3 more than the xbox or Gamecube for its exclusives only.
Add multiplats to the whole point and you could see where Im coming from.
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