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Lol, what? people saying N64 doesn't belong there?
Maybe the best game ever made :OOT (10) and sequel majora's mask (8.3)
Two of the best FPS's ever: perfect dark (9.9) and goldeneye (9.8)
The best platformers ever: super mario 64 (9.4), banjo kazooie (9.5) en tooie (9.6), conkur (9.3)
I don't think it's bad. I think it's #11, that's all.
It has a relatively small library of around 300 games. I don't accept the argument that it has an unusually high ratio of good:bad like the DC, because frankly, it has many, many poor titles in that group of ~300. Unlike most Japanese consoles it isn't even redeemed by it's Japan only library, which is quite bare and only adds a couple more good games. It has distinct gaps in its library with only a couple of acceptable fighters, compared to excellant showings in that genre from 5th gen competition; only a couple decent RPGs & SRPGs, compared to excellant showings in that genre from 5th gen competition; only a couple decent scrolling shoot em ups, compared to excellant showings from 5th gen competition; only a moderate amount of non-platformer, non-shooter Action titles, compared to better showings from 5th gen competition.
Throughout the entire generation 360 has been the best console. Only in the last 1 or 2 years people can argue otherwise. Xbox Live is probably a big factor.[QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"][QUOTE="W1NGMAN-"]
So how does it become more worthy of being on that list than the PS3? It has the multiplats as well as the exclusives ... I'm basically just trying to figure out IGN's reasoning but nothing really adds up.
How can you say "Throughout the entire generation 360 has been the best console" than turn around and say "in the last 1 or 2 years people can argue otherwise" ... Let's be serious, it's not arguable that the 360 has been getting out performed the last two years, and next year looks no different.
If Live is a big factor, than what exactly is it doing that puts it so far ahead of PSN that it makes it not only a "All-time console" list but placed as high as 6th?
In my opinion the last 2 years don't suddenly make the PS3 a better console. It's IGN, IDK how they pick these things, probably just go around the office asking dudes. It's not fact, no point arguing over it.And I don't think NES should automatically get the best spot on pretty much every top console list just because it saved the industry. I've got no problem with that, but Other consoles have had better library's for their time.
i like how ign has the balls to troll uscampzor
Who says they're trolling you? They explained it pretty well on the list why they think each consoles deserves that spot.
a lot of cows are angry. look at it this way, i bet the ps3 is in the top 20.
It's at number 15.
The Wii made it on the list and not the PS3, thats a bad taste joke on IGNs part.AgentA-Mi6
The PS3 is on the list. Here.
[QUOTE="arbitor365"]true but the NES and PS1/PS2 weren't reliable either. You had to blow into NES cartridges to get them to work. (yes I remember having to do this) PS1/PS2 had quite high failure rates on the lasers. Of course RROD was in a league of its own but it has died down the last few years. it's the 2005-2008 consoles that are problematic. Actually they still have plenty of issues our reach edition is almost a year old with 2 repairs already.i wouldnt put the 360 in the top ten. i think the 360's massive failure rate (by far the highest of any of the consoles on the list) should take it down quite a few notches. hardware reliability is an important factor.
[QUOTE="AgentA-Mi6"]The Wii made it on the list and not the PS3, thats a bad taste joke on IGNs part.waltefmoney
The PS3 is on the list. Here.
Ohhhh... its THAT list. That's OOOOOOLD news. Why are we discussing this? I thought it was a new list, knowing IGN.. "Each console on the list ahead was selected for its influence on the industry and the gaming culture as a whole, with special consideration for their benchmark titles, peripherals, monetary success, and total hardware sold. But beyond sales figures and critical reception, one of the biggest contributing factors in our ranking process was our lasting impressions of each console, and how it contributed to our love for gaming and inspired us to become involved in the industry."That list is so ****ing flawed it's not even funny -__- Mine: 10. Dreamcast 9. Gamecube 8. Wii 7. SNES 6. N64 5. PSP 4. PS1 3. PS2 2. PS3 1. Xbox 360 Not shown: 103120310301230. PC1. NES
2. Atari 2600
5. Genesis
6. Xbox 360
7. PS1
8. Dreamcast
9. N64
10. Wii
What do you think, SW?
[QUOTE="samanthademeste"]That list is so ****ing flawed it's not even funny -__- Mine: 10. Dreamcast 9. Gamecube 8. Wii 7. SNES 6. N64 5. PSP 4. PS1 3. PS2 2. PS3 1. Xbox 360 Not shown: 103120310301230. PC Xbox 360 as #1 console? PS3 ahead of PS1 and PS2? Man please. Why even bother making a best console list if the NES,SNES, PS1 or PS2 aren't #1-4 (in any order) ..1. NES
2. Atari 2600
5. Genesis
6. Xbox 360
7. PS1
8. Dreamcast
9. N64
10. Wii
What do you think, SW?
Nothing wrong with 360 being ahead of dreamcast... better controller.. MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH more games.... better online (despite the rip off price) and wasnt a failure. How the dreamcast is ahead of the ps3.... now that instantly makes the list a failure. Im sure they have there fanboy nostalgic reasons...Lol what? 360 ahead of Dreamcast? PS2 number 3? Wii is number 10? This list is awful.
[QUOTE="locopatho"][QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"]Lol, crappy list.SaltyMeatballsTell me yours! O and I'm eating a meatball sub right now. Coincidence!? I think not Well the consoles are good, I just don't agree on the numbering. SNES is #1 for me #4 is too far. Put in Gamecube, remove Dreamcast (not sure about Atari either). So it's crap because you don't agree?
I love how a lot of people are butthurt over a opinion.
It's a discussion forum, we discuss this sort of stuff, that's how it works here :P
Agreed. The 360, wii, and N64 shouldn't even be on the list either.SNES and Sega Dreamcast aren't in the top 3 with the PS2 -- therefore, this list is pretty damn lame.
[QUOTE="XVision84"]Nothing wrong with 360 being ahead of dreamcast... better controller.. MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH more games.... better online (despite the rip off price) and wasnt a failure. How the dreamcast is ahead of the ps3.... now that instantly makes the list a failure. Im sure they have there fanboy nostalgic reasons...Lol what? 360 ahead of Dreamcast? PS2 number 3? Wii is number 10? This list is awful.
Dreamcast was a great console IMO with a lot of great games. Dreamcast was also much more innovative at the time, so to me; Dreamcast would be ahead of the 360. Not by much though since at the top would be NES, PS2, SNES, PS1, etc.
[QUOTE="TecmoGirl"]Agreed. The 360, wii, and N64 shouldn't even be on the list either.SNES and Sega Dreamcast aren't in the top 3 with the PS2 -- therefore, this list is pretty damn lame.
Honestly there isn't much more to put in the top 10 to take those out. What exactly do you have in mind to replace them?
Can't that'd be my list. Also, I don't think you can include either of the current "HD" consoles without the other. No other consoles have ever been this similar.
[QUOTE="CwlHeddwyn"][QUOTE="arbitor365"]true but the NES and PS1/PS2 weren't reliable either. You had to blow into NES cartridges to get them to work. (yes I remember having to do this) PS1/PS2 had quite high failure rates on the lasers. Of course RROD was in a league of its own but it has died down the last few years. it's the 2005-2008 consoles that are problematic. Actually they still have plenty of issues our reach edition is almost a year old with 2 repairs reach edition is more than a year old and runs perfectly 8)i wouldnt put the 360 in the top ten. i think the 360's massive failure rate (by far the highest of any of the consoles on the list) should take it down quite a few notches. hardware reliability is an important factor.
Atari #2? This list must have been made for hits. The fact that ps3 is not on the list--the home of the defining games of this gen--proves this.
1. NES
2. Atari 2600
5. Genesis
6. Xbox 360
7. PS1
8. Dreamcast
9. N64
10. Wii
What do you think, SW?
Some are just there for the sake of it imo, like the Atari 2600. I mean how many people would actually go back, play, and enjoy any games on that system now. It may have been important for the industry but it doesn't really stand the test of time imo.
Personally I'd put the SNES top.
I really don't understand why some people are saying 09 and 10 were bad years for the 360. 09 was the year I got a 360 and it was amazing. It got Gears 2, Left 4 Dead 2, BK: N&B, and Forza 3that year as well. And 2010 was amazing for the 360. It even got console of the year at many sites. AW, Halo Reach, Super Meat Boy, and Deadly Premonition.
360 higher than PSX ?????
how is that even logically possible when the Playstation was the first ........ nvm its IGN's list.
I think Nintendo Wii should be higher on the list because with the virtual console you get access to the NES, SNES, Genesis, and N64's library of games. Meaning you can play a lot of the other consoles that made the list. The Wii sold amazingly and brought a lot of new gamers into the industry. And it had motion controls, that both Microsoft and Sony felt the need to get on their consoles as well, so they definitely changed the industry and how games are played. I think innovation counts for something.
That and they've had some amazing exclusives, as well as the least expensive console of the generation.
Xbox 360 outranking the PS1? What is this?!
I was thinking the same thing. 2600, NES, SNES, PS, PS2 should be # 1-5(in any order) without question, and even Genesis should be #6 before anything else.
Honestly, I have no problem with 360 being in the top ten (it deserves it IMO), but outranking the PS1 is making me scratch my head.
Okay ... Im fine with the 360 cracking the list, but higher than the N64 and PS1 ? 5 SPOTS AHEAD of the Wii ?
Yeah, try to play those ancient systems again and I bet 99% of the population wouldn't. nostalgianostalgianostalgianostalgianostalgianostalgia
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