I'm willing to bet most people didn't know that. You'll claim you did but I doubt it. It stands as a valid point because part of my annoyance with Sony is that they never innovate in gaming, they just copy others. The fact is that even if Sony had never existed then one of those other companies would have 'popularised' it in their place. The proof? They were already producing systems based on the medium before Sony even entered the market.
I've been aware of that for years. As have many on this board.You've been here since '09, bro... The news has been reported far before then. That proof does not dictate that the medium would have been popular. It's circumstantial.
It's like the apologists for the Dualshock. Sony found something good, by copying elements of controllers that came before, and then stuck with it for a well over a decade with minimal change...even though it needed a redesign a generation ago. Sony would be nothing without the companies that came before it (their attempt at inovation...the banana..lol).
Equating one thing with another, without a base for comparison is idiotic. Of course they took what was popular with controllers... Look at the Wii-U and the Pro controller.
It's all good though, when they became the market leaders and everyone else was starved of the cash they needed to innovate, they threw away their market lead with a horrible console. They tried to make everyone swallow Bluray, they tried to make everyone suck up the huge price tage, they tried to stay the same because they didn't know what else to do when they had no one to copy. They threw their lead away by failing to produce anything new and now face probable collapse. What a shame.
Hmm, it's late for a brit, I'm off to bed so I'll pick this up in the morning.
Blu-Ray and HD-DVD were the competitors and Blu-Ray won out due to a larger userbase willing to adopt (more companies backed Blu-Ray in the end).
Yep, they could face a possible collapse for issues brought about this generation. Nobody was arguing that.
Seriously bro, get your sh*t together.
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