Sony, the great pretender. The stealer of ideas and destroyer of the sacred. They have brought nothing new to gaming, they tried to turn 'game' consoles into 'home entertainment' movie players, they tried and failed to emulate the PC in a 'closed' environment. Simply awful.
The fathers of gaming were (in no particular order) Atari, Microsoft, Amstrad, Sinclair, Commodore, Apple, Sega and Nintendo. They popularised gaming, they brought us the first real home consoles or produced operating systems and PC's designed with gaming in mind. Sony copied, and were successful, but brought nothing to the table that hadn't been done before, all the while using their muscle and marketing power to push others with smaller budgets to one side. They nearly succeeded in their quest for total domination and the smothering of innovation, but people saw through the lies eventually.
The classics of gaming, the highest rated and critically acclaimed titles of all time, did not come from Sony and nor will they. Ever. Oh they had a well loved console or two but I say that had they stayed out of the market someone else, someone better, would have created something more wonderous. When they bow out next gen I will be glad. Someone new, someone with real ideas, will step in and fill the gap. Exciting times :).
Don't forget, historically accurate documentation tells us that giant crabs will attack your weak spot, for massive damage, if you disagree.
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