Granted most die hard console or PC fanboys detest this topic but it is more and more apparent.
I've played games on my IPAD Pro that are very close in graphical performance as my PS4 or my son's Xbone.
Now although the touch screen control scheme is not the preferred controls of most gamers, they do have dual analog controllers that work with tablets, and I'll admit the sheer size of game selections in the App Store, be it for free or between $1.99 to $9.99 is mind blowing.
So I ask myself, why make return trips to the game store and toil through the shelves trying to decide which PS4 game to buy costing between $19.99 to $59.99, when I can get a nearly identical fun gaming experience for either free or a fraction of the cost ?
I couldn't really justify it, especially when there hasn't been much to choose from lately in the console section, once again I'm left waiting for upcoming console releases......whereas I just peruse the App Store and get instant satisfaction.
Well I know most PC or console boys will dismiss this as a non viable topic or utter waste of time but I always weigh pros and cons and nowadays the tablet gaming world is more graphically impressive and always more affordable.
Tablet Graphical advances search YouTube for these titles:
Afterpulse ( Call of Duty clone )
Orc Vengeance ( Diablo 3 clone )
These are not new titles but they do run at 60fps and 1080p.....and impressed the heck out of me.
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