With all of the anti-gamer policies on this console as well as the TV TV TV TV Sports Sports Sports focus of the Xbone, can we judge anyone who considers themselves a gamer but not want to go anywhere near the XBone? Would your status as a Manticore be called into question only because a corporate entity outside of your influence happens to squirt out a machine that is, quite literally, a demon from Hell?
I'm curious, because in the specific case of the XBone, even long-time MS supporters are jumping ship on the thing. I can't even remember the last time a console was announced and you could still get a Day 1 preorder on the thing past a week. Even though Manticore status is the epitome of legends on SW, has that lofty goal just become completely unattainable outside the realm of logic and sound mind? Do our interests as gamers in a connected age with consumer rights and aspirations to be treated with dignity come first or does the relentless pursuit of games?
The mind does boggle.
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