I've been thinking with all this recent backpedalling...
The Xbone started of as an expensive, DRM packed, cam spying, weak hardware packing, NSA sponsored, Indie dev hating, television centric box..
HOWEVER, in the months that have passed we have seen a complete reversal of the DRM, A new commitment to Indie Devs etc.
Which now makes the X1 just an expensive, cam spying, weak hardware packing, NSA sponsored, television centric box.. with external batteries in its controllers.
The question now is.. If Microsoft is going to keep remodelling the X1 more and more to look like a Playstation 4, isn't the REAL underlying message to...
Buy a PS4?
You know, the console that got it ALL right from the start with better hardware, Indie dev support, no mandatory cam, no DRM, gaming centric, and by Kaz just darn sleak and well engineered.
I present to you, Microsoft's vision for the Xbox 1. Thank you Microsoft
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