Is Nintendo looking out for hardcore gamers after a few of their franchises launch (MP3, SMG)?
(I am going to use the word hardcore a lot in this post. Please keep in mind that a hardcore game is any game that targets a more mature audience and has deeper involved gameplay. Examples include Zleda:TP, Metroid Prime 3, and Super Mario Galaxy and any game with similar depth of gameplay as those)
I don't think they are. When the only more hardcore games for the system are a few 1st party games that everybody repeats 100 times a day, is Nintendo isn't looking out for its hardcore players, they decided just to focus on the causal. Third party devs aren't pick up the slack either, they don't want to try to compete against the few hardcore games that Nintendo has. Third party support has increased with the Wii yet we see very few real hardcore games for the Wii.
Nintendo hasen't come up with a new original series for along time. They just keep falling back to their big ones (Mario, Metroid, Zelda). How long are they going to keep this up? I mean the most hyped games for the Wii are MP3, SSMB, SMG. That is it. Where are the rest of the amazing 1st party titles? Simple answer is they don't have any.
Instead of focusing on new hardcore series, they keep adding sequels to their existing ones and make games like Wii Fit. This really is upsetting me seeing how back in the day they had so many great series. All of them have run their course, yet they keep milking them. Granted these games look promising, they still are the same games we have been playing for years. Nintendo hasn't really added to much.
Compare this to Sony and M$. Sony is adding games like Lair, Heavenly Sword, Resistance, and Motorstorm. M$ is adding Gears of War, Too Human, Mass Effect, and Lost Odyssey. All of these are on top of long running series like MGS, FF, Halo, GT, Forza. Why can't Nintendo do the same? Instead they keep falling back to their old series and not come out with anything new and original.
This really upsets me that Nintendo is pretty much leaving hardcore gamers in the dust. The Wii is quickly become a secondary console to the others, which disappoints me on many levels.
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