Most console gamers don't seem to realize how much of an important role PC gaming plays in the market.
For one if it wasn't for PC the current generation consoles wouldn't have gotten their shiny new graphics cards this generation. ATI and Nvidia brand gaming GPUs, without PC gaming there wouldn't be a need for either of these companies to research better gaming orientated hardware. There wouldn't be an audience to demand and fund the next generation of GPU, therefore gaming orientated graphics technology wouldn't have a need to improve between console generations.
Nvidia and ATI would only have to concern themselves with workstation GPUs and GPU computing. The GPUs consoles could get hold of would be missing out on half a decade or more of consumer demand encouraging advancement, the jumps each generation wouldn't be anywhere near as big.
Not forgetting that PC is responsible for many developers existing in the first place. You cannot compete in mainstreaming gaming off the bat, developers need a place to grow until they can move on to bigger and better games that would catch the mainstreams interest. Console companies cannot care less about these developers until they make a name for themselves, in the meantime they grow as a company on the only open gaming platform that wouldn't take a cut of their already limited income.
360 in particular owes many of its big games to companies that grew up on PC and Mac, Bungie and Epic Games being the two most noteworthy.
It amazes me that any console gamer can say they don't care what happens to PC gaming, surly they are speaking from ignorance.
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