The end of the Nvidia/ATI will slow but won't end gpu research. MS and Sony will continue to invest in r&d in all areas of console development.
I could care less actually if console graphics remain at the current level for another 5 years. It isn't like the ps2 which looked jaggy and blocky compared to pc games. I played Crysis maxed and it didn't make me think about how consoles need an upgrade. It was more gee whiz that looks pretty but it is't as fun as I was expecting given the amount of hype it got.
In response to the first part, no amount of R&D on the console companies part is going to compare to the what consumer demand and funding produces. Console companies would invest what they can afford and when they need it, nothing compared to several generations justified by PC gaming.
Second part is subjective opinion.
The Nvidia/ATI war has already gotten out of hand. They're currently building video cards for games that don't exist. PC gamers don't buy enough games to justify 20 million dollar budgets that push pc hardware. It's a much safer investment to make a multiplat.dc337
No one buys enough games to justify $20 million budgets, hence why nearly all the 3rd party console games have gone cross platform as well. The only reason consoles are getting high budget exclusives right now is because the console companies need to differentiate their game selection at any cost.
Nvidia and ATI are just following the natural progress of hardware, it is the condition of the market that has resulted in little to no games to take advantage of that hardware. In the long term cross platform orientation, in other words console limitation, is going to have a knock on effect on the type of hardware available to consoles next generation. I doubt Nvidia and ATI are going to rely on cross platform games to sell these mega GPUs; so they will likely fund their own justifications (e.g. Nvidia with PhysX).
I've played pc games since I was a kid and I say good riddance to the gpu war. Too much of my money has gone to video cards that had to be dumped so I could play the latest game on decent settings. I say bring on the tech freeze, there isn't a single pc or xbox game coming out in the next year that I feel needs a graphical upgrade.
Despite your involvement in PC; you are console biased and orientated, I wouldn't expect you to have the same attitude towards upgrading as a PC gamer who actually likes the platform.
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