@delta3074 said:
Does shooting whilst Zip lining in Gears 3 count?
Anyway, shut, you are laughable , everyman and his dog apart from Cows would acknowledge that gears has better shooting mechanics than uncharted, and i was talking shooting mechanics, Melee doesn't even come into it but on that note, can you attach a grenade to your enemy and boot him into all his mates? can you kick people whilst wall mounting? Does Uncharted have bayonet charge.
Not that i have to bother, you are a hypocrite, we had this conversation a while ago during a graphics thread where you proved that gears had shit fire and even you acknowledged back then that gears had better shooting mechanics with the excuse that Uncharted didn't need to be as good because it was an Action adventure game with loads of Exploration and the main emphasis wasn't combat
And sorry, why would anyone trust you when you claimed the Xbone sales had declined after the holiday season when Jun, Feb and march the Xbone sales increased month on month over the previous year.
Trust me, i ain't the biggest gears fan but it has the second best shotting mechanics in the TPS genre behind Vanquish and i KNOW that mines a Majority opinion
Is not even close to be the same,not to mention shooting while hanging,the multi level design in Uncharted is superior and has more gameplay elements than Gears does.
No only lemmings will claim that last time i check Uncharted 2 was higher rated than any gears game.
Please don't talk about hypocrites dude.
What the **** that link you posted doesn't prove me wrong idiot,did the xbox one sold 1.2 million units in january,february or March..? No so the sales declined from holidays.? Yes they did unless you can prove MS sold 1.2 million units in any of those months.
Sales been higher than previous year say shit since my argument is not about sales of January vs January,is January vs December which show how totally it slowed down,the xbox one outsold the PS4 in December and in January it was outsold by the PS4 again,so yeah the xbox sales are down.
Since you took your inner lemming for a stroll,you do know that in January 2015 the xbox one sold 153k right.? You know how much the xbox 360 sold that month back in 2007 the same time frame.? 294k basically double the xbox one sales,yet the 360 was $399 and 299 core with no games,unlike the xbox one 349 with 2 free games including a hot new game.
Did you know that the xbox one in February 2015 at $349 with 2 free games,barely outsold the $500 xbox one without games on February 2014.?
258k $500 no free games February 2014.
276k $349 2 free games February 2015..
So where is the 80% MS talk about because from 258k to 276k there isn't a 80% increase...lol
February 2014 NPD..lol
That was poor damage control to try to stop people from buying more and more PS4 and stop the notion that the PS4 is killing it,look at amazon the PS4 doesn't drop from the top 20,the xbox one just yesterday started to show below the top 40,at times it wasn't even on the top 60...lol
Now is on spot 28 not even on the top 20,the PS4 spot 11..lol
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