@cainetao11 said:
For the first time I am replying to you without finishing reading your post bro. We have our differences but I have mostly had respect for you. But this time I cant, and will bow out of this gracefully. Everyone but a complete DRONE for a corporation agreed Sony was arrogant going into the PS3 generation. I stopped reading when you called me idiot and will not entertain you further.
What was arrogant about sony.?
Elaborate on it please instead of bailing out with crappy excuses.
@BigShotSmoov007 said:
Selling a console for $600 at the time isn't arrogant at all, but telling people that's voicing their opinion that they can't afford a $600 console that if you can't get the console then get a second job, that's arrogant and that's what Sony did. And once again a Sony fan with a personal attack on someone for voicing an anti-playstation opinion lol. Why is this guy an idiot?
Bullshit the whole get 2 jobs was an out of context shit done by troll sites like Kotaku and other.
The head of Sony games Ken Kutaragi said to Japanese economics publication Toyo Keizai today that Sony's PS3 strategy is "for consumers to think to themselves 'I will work more hours to buy one'. We want people to feel that they want it, irrespective of anything else."
This is what sony stated on 2005,in fact read the whole article on that link and you will soon see how out of context kuturagi was taken,he never stated get a second job.
In fact that news wasn't even addressing the US market is was for Japan,on some very difficult times.
So yeah people have been accusing sony of been arrogant for something sony never ever stated,it was basically Kuturagi way of saying the PS3 would be expensive.
The whole second job crap was bring by troll sites mocking sony..lol
@StormyJoe said:
W/O Xbox, the PS3 would never have come down in price and would have shitty online. W/O Xbox, the PS4 would have cost $700 and had the same shitty online.
Xbox, like any competition, made Sony better. Lemmings should be glad Playstation is here, and cows should be glad Xbox is here.
The PS1 dropped in price before the N64 even hit,the PS2 came in price with the xbox and GC,sony has always done price drop,MS wasn't here and the PS2 was $299 so was the PS1.
shitty online.? You mean with p2p with lag like xbox live has been since fu**ing 2002.? WTF man live was basically a friend list and voice chat on the original xbox and was $50 it was P2P while games like socom on 2002 before even live came out was running on dedicated servers,with voice chat to.
But wait Did the xbox 360 supported co-op with PC.? Because the PS3 did,did the xbox 360 had something like home.? Free the PS3 even supported mods,which you could download free,did you ever saw a 256 player game on xbox 360.? Or a 60 player one.? How about 8 players co-op.?
Where it count sony was even ahead of the xbox 360,gameplay core system and free,while MS was charging you even for netflix.
The only one who can't be alone on this market was MS,they didn't even win last gen,but they believe that they would win so did EA,and the planned console they have faced the biggest backlash ever saw on the console market,to the point were basically everything that defined MS vision for the xbox one was drop or aborted.
They wanted to take right away from people,block used games use 24 hour check up,and spy on you with a damn camera,it was a nightmare,imaging if they would have actually won like sony did with the PS2.
$100 dollar games pay to even hold the controller by the hour.
@BigShotSmoov007 said:
Very very true. Gamers need both of them to succeed cause if one goes, they the other has full reign to charge and put out whatever they want, which could be crap games.
Nintendo was a zero to the left on the PS1 gen the Saturn even more,and even that sony sold 100million which no other console had done before,the PS2 was great cheap and powerful with free online play and dvd out of the box.
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